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Old 25-09-2009, 11:26   #571
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
the football league payout is/should be earmarked for the general running of the club over the year and will form a substantial part of the annual budget.

However, that being said, there will be no day to day running if the club was to fold - so that money WILL HAVE TO pay the HMRC. Rightly or wrongly we should be looking to pay this entire amount in one go. I hope they don't try to get away with a lump sum and then bits and pieces because we will be paying more in interest and penalties.


but I'd rather that than be left with no club. It might be robbing Peter to Paul but in the absence of a sugar daddy, in the absence of a public bail out that will be the only option. So let's not fanny about not paying suppliers etc - do the job the right and honourable way and let's try to regain some element of dignity about this whole thing. If we end up in the Conference or worse then I personally don't give a monkeys. But let's try to be professional
there will never be dignity until trust n faith is instilled by the leaders, i too want to see a club at the end of all this mess, but i DO give a monkeys about being a league club n its daft to say otherwise.
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Old 25-09-2009, 11:49   #572
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Smile Re: "Save Our Stanley"

You are correct in saying that Mr.T, but never the less there was meaningful conversation between A.S.S.F. and Ilyas The one thing that I am absolutely confident about is that, come November there will be a football team in Accrington Furthermore I believe that over the coming years there will be a football team representing the FANtastic town of ACCRINGTON...

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Old 25-09-2009, 12:02   #573
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"

Originally Posted by VALAIRIAN View Post
You are correct in saying that Mr.T, but never the less there was meaningful conversation between A.S.S.F. and Ilyas The one thing that I am absolutely confident about is that, come November there will be a football team in Accrington Furthermore I believe that over the coming years there will be a football team representing the FANtastic town of ACCRINGTON...
in what league are ya confident about valairian?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 25-09-2009, 12:43   #574
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"

Not only will Stanley come through October unscathed, I'm pretty certain they will still be a league club come the end of the season. I cannot see them falling below teams like Macclesfield and Darlington.
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Old 25-09-2009, 13:10   #575


Re: "Save Our Stanley"

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
the football league payout is/should be earmarked for the general running of the club over the year and will form a substantial part of the annual budget.

However, that being said, there will be no day to day running if the club was to fold - so that money WILL HAVE TO pay the HMRC. Rightly or wrongly we should be looking to pay this entire amount in one go. I hope they don't try to get away with a lump sum and then bits and pieces because we will be paying more in interest and penalties.


but I'd rather that than be left with no club. It might be robbing Peter to Paul but in the absence of a sugar daddy, in the absence of a public bail out that will be the only option. So let's not fanny about not paying suppliers etc - do the job the right and honourable way and let's try to regain some element of dignity about this whole thing. If we end up in the Conference or worse then I personally don't give a monkeys. But let's try to be professional
I disagree Rob……..but I still like ya…..

I might not really know what I talking about; I sincerely hope I don’t…But, any gate money, money from the FA and any other related funding for running the club should be used for that sole purpose; there’s no point in paying off the excise man if we then can’t pay our way or our wages. Suppliers are business and business need to be paid promptly if we are to sustain working relationships in the market place.

If the club is goes tits up its over in my view, the events of 1962 will play out a lot harsher in 2009, assets will be sold off, that includes players under contact that have a value, we might even lose the ground. But at the end of the day it won’t be the Accrington Stanley FC that we know and love. That club will be dead.

Even now with at least one CCJ against the club (06 August, this may be paid if it’s not the one for the excise man) credit will be difficult to obtain. The best course of action is to clear our decks; pay our way, preserve our dignity and fight on.

If the club as an ounce of sense and any business acumen it will clear the debt by using the money donated to the SOS fund; put their collective hands in their pockets and by working closely with Mr. Khan and or others willing to be involved. It as already been said else where that the club’s current share value amounts to ****** all, pay this debt off; take Mr. Khan’s offer of assistance and work with the supporters in open and truly transparent manner and we will survive and at least then there will be the opportunity for those investing in the club to claw back their original investment and even a little bit of a dividend.

Just a point regarding taking a drop and playing on in the none league; The whole point of the long road back was to bring pride and dignity back to Accrington and reinstate the name of Accrington Stanley Football Club in its rightful place in the annals of the Foot Ball Leagues. A lot of people have laboured, fought and died to achieve our place in history…..Don’t waist their effort and time by accepting anything less than the ground we now stand….On Stanley On.

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Last edited by Doug; 25-09-2009 at 13:15.
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Old 25-09-2009, 13:29   #576


Re: "Save Our Stanley"

Originally Posted by VALAIRIAN View Post
You are correct in saying that Mr.T, but never the less there was meaningful conversation between A.S.S.F. and Ilyas The one thing that I am absolutely confident about is that, come November there will be a football team in Accrington Furthermore I believe that over the coming years there will be a football team representing the FANtastic town of ACCRINGTON...

I think that now would be a good time for Mr. Khan to make an appreance and make a public statement to the supporters. If the club won't open up to us maybe Mr. Khan's leadership might just boost our efforts and bring us the hope that the club is failing to deliver.

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Old 25-09-2009, 16:02   #577
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"

Everybody seems to be missing the main point here, if we use all the money to pay the taxman, leaving none for wages, then there will be no tax bill next year. Two birds one stone.

By the way has Eric returned, for the day to day stuff, in DON's absence.
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Old 25-09-2009, 16:06   #578
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"

Originally Posted by Redash View Post
Everybody seems to be missing the main point here, if we use all the money to pay the taxman, leaving none for wages, then there will be no tax bill next year. Two birds one stone.

By the way has Eric returned, for the day to day stuff, in DON's absence.
You never know Mick!! Wouldn't surprise me the least pal
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Old 25-09-2009, 16:18   #579
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"

Originally Posted by Redash View Post
Everybody seems to be missing the main point here, if we use all the money to pay the taxman, leaving none for wages, then there will be no tax bill next year. Two birds one stone.

By the way has Eric returned, for the day to day stuff, in DON's absence.
Suggesting some sort of a sinister conspiracy ??.....some have you know!!

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Old 25-09-2009, 16:19   #580
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"

I just can't get my head round why 2 people would take over a club knowing there was debt and have no intention of putting any further money in??? why would anyone do this???. Mr O'Neill has been there years and Marcelle i don't know about but must have know something about the running costs and the over due tax payments. So why the f**k buy a club n put yourself in the public eye for a good slagging off!!!!!!!!!

Please the Don & Marcelle help us understand what the plans are to save this club other than the odd tea party n the odd bucket here n there.
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Old 25-09-2009, 16:25   #581
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"

Originally Posted by Redash View Post
By the way has Eric returned, for the day to day stuff, in DON's absence.
I'm not sure he ever left. He's still signing the cheques.
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Old 25-09-2009, 16:29   #582
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
I think that now would be a good time for Mr. Khan to make an appreance and make a public statement to the supporters. If the club won't open up to us maybe Mr. Khan's leadership might just boost our efforts and bring us the hope that the club is failing to deliver.
Agreed, Khan needs to step up and tell us what his long term plans are and whether he's got the fight and the cash to back it up!
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Old 25-09-2009, 16:31   #583
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"

Originally Posted by Paul Keeble View Post
I'm not sure he ever left. He's still signing the cheques.
Now then young fella do you know this as fact or something you've heard ??
ACCRINGTON STANLEY FC We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
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Old 25-09-2009, 16:35   #584
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Re: "Save Our Stanley"

Originally Posted by mab View Post
Now then young fella do you know this as fact or something you've heard ??
On authority from a supplier. 2 weeks ago cheque had Erics signature.
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Old 25-09-2009, 16:55   #585


Re: "Save Our Stanley"

Originally Posted by Paul Keeble View Post
On authority from a supplier. 2 weeks ago cheque had Erics signature.
Could be just part of the agreement of sale that Eric pays off the odd supplier or two for goods recieved. If it is true I wouldn't read to much in to it. There's more important issues at hand.

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