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Old 23-01-2007, 18:59   #1
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Scottish Striker

One of our recent Scottish targets according to this source:

6th March 1962 - They turned off the gas but nothing could extinguish the flame!
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Old 23-01-2007, 19:16   #2
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Re: Scottish Striker

59 in 102...sounds the right sort of stats for me. But

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Old 23-01-2007, 19:18   #3
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Re: Scottish Striker

Maybe cos the Club posted not long ago on the fishy site that Stanley players were on half the wages of their league 2 counterparts.
Panjenix -> Nuff Sed!

No-One is completely useless........
They can always serve as a bad example.
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Old 23-01-2007, 19:52   #4
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Re: Scottish Striker

They can't be on much more than we are already paying up the road Z man.
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Old 23-01-2007, 23:41   #5
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Re: Scottish Striker

well it was worth a try you never know who might turn up.........?
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Old 24-01-2007, 11:28   #6
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Re: Scottish Striker

Cmon Stanley I take it that 2.1% you referred to in response to Jiffy Bag's New Signing Thread come back to bite you and your very reliable sources on the back side

I'm sure Coley's trying to get everybody in but I said it at the time that whilst it's good for the club to try and be open about their finances it wasn't the best way to attract new signing telling the world you pay the lowest wages in the league by a good 50%.
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Old 24-01-2007, 11:45   #7
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Re: Scottish Striker

Originally Posted by spud View Post
59 in 102...sounds the right sort of stats for me. But

Maybe it's because we are not even in the Country when they sign for somebody else.
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Old 24-01-2007, 23:44   #8
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Re: Scottish Striker

Originally Posted by JEFF View Post
Maybe it's because we are not even in the Country when they sign for somebody else.
Stanley's history is truly amazing, when were they in Scotland?

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 25-01-2007, 09:53   #9
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Re: Scottish Striker

I feel that to take the team away during the transfer window, when we are obviously desperate for new signings is a blow too far. I personally think that the bid for C Donaldson was a publicity stunt, I don't think that the bid was serious, not after knowing that other more wealthy teams had bids turned down. The Club has to do something to keep the supporters happy. Non of the so called targets ever materialize, and we will probably end up with two or three young kids again. Just a word on the Roof, they now tell us that the fundings has not been agreed yet, I think we have heard this before, the tales are waring very thin, it's only been going on for about three years. I for one am becoming very warey of anything the Club says now. we might have risen up to 18th in the league but our true position will be seen after Saturdays games, when quite a few of the teams below us play, if they all win we could find ourseves 23rd. Come on Stanley lets see some new blood brought in, with experience, not potential talent, just at the moment, please!!
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Old 25-01-2007, 10:01   #10
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Re: Scottish Striker

Originally Posted by Oggy View Post
Stanley's history is truly amazing, when were they in Scotland?
What's Stanley being in Scotland got to do with it ? The lad signed for Falkirk from Newcastle.
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Old 25-01-2007, 11:44   #11
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Re: Scottish Striker

Rock on Tommy!

I agree totally with what you say. I have not only become wary of what the club says, but I find myself becoming generally disinterested. I never thought I'd say that after 28+ years, but it's true.

I'd rather the club said nothing, (which is gradually becoming the norm), than have countless stories of 'pie in the sky'.
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Old 25-01-2007, 16:08   #12
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Re: Scottish Striker

Quite right T.M. It actually makes you wonder if the Club do want to pay out monies in transfer fees, or would they like us ,the people who actually provide the monies to believe they would. I think it's about time persons with some financial clout were brought in to give the Club a much needed shot in the arm, and to add some profesionalism to a rank amateur set up. This is after I have watched Stanley since 1954. We are heading swiftly towards 1962,again. I was overjoyed when we won promotion to the League but you can only see the wost happening again if something is not done very soon. I'ts all very well to stick with the players who brought you up from the Unibond, but Coley said himself the were obviously not good enough. There have been no major signings since we won promotion, the best auguably being Sean Whalley, but even he is not the finished item,we need urgently some experienced football league players, and not just two or three, but if the right wages money is not there how do we get them? the answer is we don't, and we go down as the laughing stock, of one season wonders, never to return. Please lets see something change before it's to late.
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Old 25-01-2007, 19:13   #13
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Re: Scottish Striker

Well said Tommy! As another of the “old guard” (I reckon I started watching round about the same time as you), I too am becoming quite dispirited at the present situation. Like yourself, I was positively euphoric when we returned to the league and would be totally devastated if we were to lose that league status again so quickly.
However, the way things are looking at the moment, I’m afraid that is looking more and more likely with each passing week. As you say, the set-up at Stanley seems to be such that it has all suddenly got beyond us as a club and we seem totally out of our depth. This is apparent on several fronts:
a) Player recruitment. Do the powers not credit us with enough intelligence to see that we are being taken for a ride? “We’re going to sign two/three/ five (delete as appropriate) players tomorrow/ the day after/next week (again – delete as appropriate). For God’s sake, if we haven’t got the money to do anything at all, then TELL US, instead of stringing us along with false half-promises.
b) Ground developments. Here again, the club persists in making empty promises (roof, bars etc) that just do not materialise. If it’s not going to happen, then SAY SO instead of the “this day, next day sometime never” guff that we are fed on a regular basis.
c) The club shop. Money received and goods not sent; limited stock, failure to reply to e-mails, etc. It all looks SO amateurish and gives the impression that the club does not care.
d) The “fishy” website. If this is meant to be the main disseminator of information, particularly for those of us who live a fair way from Accy, then it is, at the moment, failing miserably. As someone said earlier, has EVERYONE gone to Spain, or to the moon, or elsewhere. A couple of weeks ago, we were promised that there might be reports on games, as a result of which Mike, who used to provide the excellent links to other reports, seems to have stopped doing so. Therefore, now we have NOTHING, except indications that reports are “pending” for the last three games. This is particularly galling for longer-distance fans, who don’t get to see the local papers. Yes, I know they have websites, but that’s not the point – surely the club would be held in higher esteem if IT kept us informed. Thank goodness for Kipax, who at least keeps us supplied with his excellent photos.
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I think I’ve ranted on for quite long enough now. I don’t have the answers and, not living in the area, am unable to offer help of a concrete nature. Honestly, though, I don’t see myself as a moaner; just as someone who cares passionately about the club I have supported for half a century. I know money is in short supply, but honesty, openness and communication are worth a lot and would, at least, keep the average fan “onside” with what the club is trying to achieve.
In the meantime, I’ll “keep the faith”, because I know that in John Coleman and Jimmy Bell we have what is probably the best management team we’ve ever had (including Walter Galbraith). At the moment, however, we’re expecting them to lead us with their hands tied behind their backs – and I fear they will only do it for so long before they too feel as dispirited as I do today and move on to greener pastures. I just hope and pray that we turn the corner before that happens!
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