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Old 04-01-2017, 20:25   #871
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Re: Sean Mc

Originally Posted by keep the faith View Post
QUOTE:One or two adore the ground he treads upon, others actively dislike him (can't think why though ?)...

QUOTE: (8/7/11) Post# 1 This thread...................I hope he​ falls flat on his face at Stockport ! Money grabber !! What happened to a footballer​s dreams of wanting to get to the highest they could go? But no , drop a league for a few extra pounds! No loyalty to the fans , the club and especially​ John and Jimmy! He was a nothing before and a nothing now! Good riddance!!

Hes really annoyed me since we gave him his break and would rather go down a league for money !! Tbh , Stockport must be delerious ! In my honest opinion he really isn't that good of a player! He got goals last season but most of time he looked like he could be assed and cost us MASSIVELY in the playoffs!!

Just to jog your memory Yonmon!
People are still quoting my attempt to post a short measure of subtle irony I see !...and this time slightly out of context ?.

Even In my dotage I can well remember the many slurs aimed in Sean's direction,, some of which you list here, and on this occasion my ageing, yet moderately efficient memory does not need to be jogged one little bit to recall these posts with which I did not concur one little bit !.

I thought that I had outlined my position, when I stated quite honestly that it is not within my makeup to 'slate' as Baldy termed it Sean, or anyone else, usually being able to moderate my thinking to avoid stooping to this negative and unproductive behaviour.

But if this forum still allows one to outline an opinion, whether for or against some topic relating to Accrington Stanley's Officials, Ground, Players, Fans, or any other facet relating to it, then like you or any other user of it's threads, I really would like to continue making my, if at times quirky, contribution to these.

KTF.... and a Happy New Year !.
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Old 04-01-2017, 20:33   #872
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Re: Sean Mc

Paul Mullin = Record appearance holder
Dave Hargreaves = Record Goalscorer
Phil Edwards = Most successive appearanxes
Sean McConvile = Record Thread on Accy Web

Love him or loathe he's in the record books!
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Old 04-01-2017, 20:50   #873
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Re: Sean Mc

No further comment. Enough said.

A happy New Year to you too!
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Old 04-01-2017, 20:54   #874
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Re: Sean Mc

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
Sean McConvile
A Freudian slip, methinks!!
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Old 04-01-2017, 21:02   #875
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Re: Sean Mc

It seems that it's not just his knockers that Sean has to worry about...
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Old 04-01-2017, 21:08   #876
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Re: Sean Mc

At the time I thought the ref was a bit card happy but looking at that pic now seems he was correct.
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Old 04-01-2017, 21:09   #877
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Re: Sean Mc

Originally Posted by Exile on Spencer St View Post
It seems that it's not just his knockers that Sean has to worry about...
And what sort of riposte do you expect from this bit of suggestive badinage ?...Thought that Mab was coming up with one, but alas sadly disappointed !.
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Last edited by yonmon; 04-01-2017 at 21:11.
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Old 04-01-2017, 21:24   #878
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Re: Sean Mc

Yonmon...I wasn't aiming anything toward you, Just football fans in general that scream abuse at the game, Seen as I don't know you I wouldn't be able to say if you do this or not!

Everyone pays their £20 so can have an opinion, I just don't think it helps screaming at a Stanley player during the game, which I've noticed a few people doing more and more lately!

Also don't understand fans slating Sean going to Stockport, Don't forget Didi Hamman was manager which probably excited Sean and sold him a pipe dream, aswell as a takeover being imminent which didnt materialise.

What happens when a footballer retires at 35 but hasn't earnt as much money is his career as he could have because he stayed at a club on less money?
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Old 04-01-2017, 21:52   #879
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Re: Sean Mc

Originally Posted by baldy View Post
Yonmon...I wasn't aiming anything toward you, Just football fans in general that scream abuse at the game, Seen as I don't know you I wouldn't be able to say if you do this or not!

Everyone pays their £20 so can have an opinion, I just don't think it helps screaming at a Stanley player during the game, which I've noticed a few people doing more and more lately!

Also don't understand fans slating Sean going to Stockport, Don't forget Didi Hamman was manager which probably excited Sean and sold him a pipe dream, aswell as a takeover being imminent which didnt materialise.

What happens when a footballer retires at 35 but hasn't earnt as much money is his career as he could have because he stayed at a club on less money?

just don't think it helps screaming at a Stanley player during the game, which I've noticed a few people doing more and more lately!

Baldy !, I have neither the inclination or the breath to scream abuse at anyone !...but if you happen to hear a few hushed murmurs of criticism emanating from Row D then this might possibly be me getting over-excited !...FA19 will confirm this if you happen to see him !.

I do understand your concern regarding the directing of abuse at players and our Manager during a game and have posted my disgust of this on several occasions, as to the off-field situations existing at Stockport County, not being au fait with all this I find it difficult to either agree or disagree with you on this point.
I could not begin to imagine what becomes of a footballer , who upon retirement at 35 years of age, finds himself through no fault of his own, struggling to make ends meet. This situation must I feel happen over and over again, and must be for them and their families a very trying situation indeed ,and one could only feel sad on their behalf.

I am going on and on again Baldy !... I value your comments and insights.

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Old 05-01-2017, 09:17   #880
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Re: Sean Mc

I could not begin to imagine what becomes of a footballer , who upon retirement at 35 years of age, finds himself through no fault of his own, struggling to make ends meet. This situation must I feel happen over and over again, and must be for them and their families a very trying situation indeed ,and one could only feel sad on their behalf

use their common sense thats what. study for a trade whilst still playing then when you reach a certain age or get a free transfer take up the trade and go part time for a few years. my old man did this and we weren,t on the breadline by any means.
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Old 05-01-2017, 09:57   #881
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Re: Sean Mc

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
I could not begin to imagine what becomes of a footballer , who upon retirement at 35 years of age, finds himself through no fault of his own, struggling to make ends meet. This situation must I feel happen over and over again, and must be for them and their families a very trying situation indeed ,and one could only feel sad on their behalf

use their common sense thats what. study for a trade whilst still playing then when you reach a certain age or get a free transfer take up the trade and go part time for a few years. my old man did this and we weren,t on the breadline by any means.
MH !...I was merely trying to give some sort of an answer to the three points in Baldy s post, perhaps if you were to refer to this then you might comprehend what, in the absence of more information, I was trying to say.

Again I take all you say on board being certain that this topic could be the source of hours and hours discussion !...if time allowed !.

Back to the thread then MH ?.

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Old 07-01-2017, 17:46   #882
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Re: Sean Mc

I promised earlier in this thread, where I really did criticise SM's performance, that if he ever played well then in fairness I would say so !.
Well, against Luton Town this afternoon his all round efforts warrant a word or two of praise.
So, well done Sean and show us all that consistency which today's play suggest you are capable of !.

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Old 07-01-2017, 18:07   #883
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Re: Sean Mc

He's been consistently good all season.
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Old 07-01-2017, 18:34   #884
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Re: Sean Mc

Well played Sean Mac!! & indeed all the team - course there were still some at half time insisting that his goal was a cross & he couldn't have meant it!! I give up!!
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Old 07-01-2017, 18:41   #885
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Re: Sean Mc

I don't rate the lad in general but I think he's had his best season.

Man of the match today with a quality goal and quality assist, then putting in a defensive shift.
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