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19-02-2017, 10:39
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Re: Sean Mc
Originally Posted by cashman
Well perhaps if the arse kissers said when he had a bad un it wouldn't be as critical?
To be honest Cashy, do you and the rest of his critics really believe any player needs telling when they have made a mistake or had a bad game. And don't forget, the person that never made a mistake never made anything.
19-02-2017, 11:18
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Sean Mc
Originally Posted by ferret man
To be honest Cashy, do you and the rest of his critics really believe any player needs telling when they have made a mistake or had a bad game. And don't forget, the person that never made a mistake never made anything.
To be honest mate, the day football opinions are invalid,unless they are good is the death of football. imho.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
19-02-2017, 14:15
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Re: Sean Mc
Originally Posted by st06nc2
Deserved mom? He gave away a penalty when he had no need to tackle as Matty p had it covered
I hope if they show the penalty on TV you will appreciate that Sean barely touched the play and the player was always going to hit the ground. It was a very soft penalty given by a referee who had lost confidence and made another hasty decision. I would still have to see the actual point of contact to decide if it was in the area or just outside. However Sean has hit a decent spell of form and we should all be supporting him. Any player who pulls on our clubs shirt is going out there to do their best for the club. Anybody can have a bad game but I have noticed Sto6nc2 you are extremely quick to criticise this particular player.
19-02-2017, 16:59
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Re: Sean Mc
Originally Posted by Chrisr
I hope if they show the penalty on TV you will appreciate that Sean barely touched the play and the player was always going to hit the ground. It was a very soft penalty given by a referee who had lost confidence and made another hasty decision. I would still have to see the actual point of contact to decide if it was in the area or just outside. However Sean has hit a decent spell of form and we should all be supporting him. Any player who pulls on our clubs shirt is going out there to do their best for the club. Anybody can have a bad game but I have noticed Sto6nc2 you are extremely quick to criticise this particular player.
No matter what he does he will never be a decent player in my eyes, he weak, doesn't have the second ball, wants everything to him on a silver plate, I wouldn't pick him to play in unibond nevermind league
19-02-2017, 17:28
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Re: Sean Mc
"No matter what he does"? Really?
19-02-2017, 19:05
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Re: Sean Mc
I don't know why those who like McConville post on this thread - your just feeding the flames guys
19-02-2017, 19:29
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Re: Sean Mc
Originally Posted by cashman
Well perhaps if the arse kissers said when he had a bad un it wouldn't be as critical?
I’m not sure why defending someone against what in my opinion is exaggerated and unbalanced criticism should be classed as ar$e-kissing, or what I’m likely to gain by kissing the ar$e of someone I’ve never met and am not likely to. When I do occasionally see a game I pass comment as I see fit, but prefer to praise those who have done well rather than slate those who’ve had a stinker. I don’t recall ever saying much about Sean in my first posting after a game, other than remarking that his crossing has improved recently. But if I feel other commentators have been unfair to any player then I’ll say so – especially if the criticism is repeated or over the top. If I haven’t been to the game myself, but the criticism seems to be more in line with the poster’s oft-expressed feelings than the majority view (or as yesterday, the reported facts and stats), I may allow myself to suggest someone seems to be a bit one-eyed.
If that makes me an ar$e-kisser, I'm happier with that than I would be being a miserable, habitual, unwarranted ar$e-kicker.
Peace and love …
Zero Tolerance of Intolerance
19-02-2017, 22:45
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Re: Sean Mc
9 assists for the season so far.
4th equal best in league.
and he's played full back.
20-02-2017, 20:06
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Re: Sean Mc
Originally Posted by cashman
To be honest mate, the day football opinions are invalid,unless they are good is the death of football. imho.
So coming off King Georges Sunday morn and someone slates your Grandson / granddaughter within his/her, and your ear shot you would be ok with that. And we all know all people are entitled to an opinion, and mine is slating any player will not do, him, the team, or the club any good. Invalid opinions will not be the death of football, it will be the poor ref's & liners.
20-02-2017, 20:20
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Sean Mc
Originally Posted by ferret man
Big difference between children and adults in most peoples books i would imagine.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
21-02-2017, 13:50
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Re: Sean Mc
Originally Posted by cashman
Big difference between children and adults in most peoples books i would imagine.
yup guess your right, most kid's are smarter.
21-02-2017, 14:14
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Sean Mc
Originally Posted by ferret man
yup guess your right, most kid's are smarter.
Can't argue wi that.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
21-02-2017, 16:08
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Super Sean McConville...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19 Years in the Football League
21-02-2017, 16:10
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Super, Super Sean, Super, Super Sean, Super Sean McConville...!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19 Years in the Football League
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