I think most of us would agree that season ticket arrangements have left much to be desired for the last couple of seasons and as such have
possibly resulted in poorer. Any suggestions that you think should be taken into consideration?
I have always thought that the few who do buy season tickets aren't the problem and more thought should be given to walk on prices, do we really need the money up front (I realise that its there to prop up the summer months when there is no income) to the extent that we are willing to sacrifice correcting the problem? £10 walk on please!
This season the pricing success was the student ticket for £60. How successful was this and could we do it again but really push it? These are the age group we really, really need and they like a drink! Let's get the Clayton End brimming with youth again (no offence meant to the oldies!)
Please, please, please be at the front of the local queue to announce prices!!! I know that we need to know which league we will be playing in next year before we set the prices in concrete but would we drop the prices considerably if the worst was to happen? Announce in february to give us more time to advertise the deals
Link some deals in to season tickets. Buy your ticket and get a tenner off replica shirts (and that's another point entirely), get a scarf for half price. This might just give us a head start on the order for these items for next year if we know we have pre-sold 100 and give us some more of the fables 'money up-front'
Get the tickets out on time or have them ready to give straight away. We know we will sell at least x amount of tickets so have them pre-printed for straight exchange. With a bit of luck a few will lose them in the three or four months they aren't being used and we can charge the £20 extra print fee

. Hours before the first game (at best) isn't good enough and everybody knows it.
Installments can't be that hard to arrange. Can they?
Half season tickets. Probably wouldn't work alongside full tickets, but I reckon an absolute shed load of people would buy a half ticket @ £100. Most would probably renew in December regardless of our league position at the time, but out of those that don't they'd still come to most of the home games anyway. £50 between now and May and £50 in June when you collect it. Bold prediction time?
500 tickets would be sold.
Now then, nuther point entirely. Replica shirts. We're giving you four months notice. GET TEHM ON SALE BY THE LAST HOME GAME OF THE SEASON. You will have record sales. We all want to wear the latest shirt on our holidays and through the summer when this crappy British weather just about allows us to wear short sleeves. Please, please, please give the long suffering Accy fans the opportunity to show their colours around town. Please prove me wrong and show that this can be done.
The OSC were approached last season with a view to making a donation towards marketing ASFC around the borough. A leaflet was the suggestion and putting it through every letterbox in Hyndburn was the aim. It never happened because by the time it the idea was made it was more than likely too late to capitalise on the early bird scheme. Get the idea sorted, get the posters printed up and no doubt the OSC will again agree to fund it (costed at around £800). Larger posters could also be made available for fans to try to distribute in all their local shops (maybe we could even buy them for a 50p nominal cost?)
Any extra suggestions? and please don't post your comments that this that and t'other has been crap - let's be constructive and let Mr Whalley and his band of merry men know what we want for next season.