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Old 07-04-2011, 21:28   #91
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Originally Posted by Shurm View Post
I think if you buy a season ticket you should get free entrance anyway and if you want to make it a members lounge charge say £25 thats not £1 a match including cup games. God I never go and I'd pay that like its been said earlier some other clubs charge for entrance into their clubhouses but a members lounge sounds a good idea.

The ones at Burnley are tied in to the weekly draws. become a draw member and you get free admission. You still paying £50 odd pound a year but people look at it differently because they live in hope of getting their money back at some stage

That still wouldn't stop the problems where people come for games with friends and they are stuck outside. Charge a pound on the door for one day admission to those who aren't members of anyone who doesn't already contribute to the club on a members scheme ( season ticket holders, Gold Bond members etc would get free entry. That also gets money off away fans
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Old 07-04-2011, 21:33   #92
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Originally Posted by Minister Onymfo View Post
Lancsdave, my back of the fag packet calculation was in response to Stanleymad who seems to be unaware of the costs of running a small League Two club, Illyas has basically just confirmed my guesstimate.

She knows a lot more than you think

To be fair you did say millions which conjured up images of Premier League financing rather than proper football financing
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Old 07-04-2011, 21:37   #93
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

I bet it is millions for most of the clubs in the playoff zone :-)
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Old 07-04-2011, 21:40   #94
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
Understandable considering the issues that have been surrounding the club over the last couple of years. But surely the new situation must make the club much more attractive to potential sponsors and the commercial staff should be going out into the local community and pushing that to maximum effect?
Go GLOBAL WH ,Coca-Cola my just be looking for a sponsorship deal
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Old 07-04-2011, 21:42   #95
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Originally Posted by Minister Onymfo View Post
I bet it is millions for most of the clubs in the playoff zone :-)

I've no doubt some of them will be stretching themselves and taking a risk. We'll find out when they lose 10 points for going in to adminstration next season
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Old 07-04-2011, 21:53   #96
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Having just attended another meeting meeting tonight away from football in the local community looking at budgets, sponsorship & just keeping a once a year event ticking along whilst trying to engage the public to volunteer and look at ways of getting people through through the gate on the day at an affordable price to ensure it carries on next year & the year after etc.

I have perhaps realised what a difficult and fine balancing act it is to ensure survival through revenue streams but I also heard the same points from every member of the committee who are all volunteers and from a broad sweep of proffessions is that every avenue has to be explored finacially to keep within the strict budgets set whilst not having any effect on the event itself and minimising the cost to still make it a viable affordable day out for the public whilst still making money to keep the event going year in year out.

It's a tough call so I do understand that the Club has to look at every aspect from the Top down in terms of becoming self sufficient and that prices are rising be it a loaf of bread or a ticket for a football game but the point I am trying to make is as the fiscal hand tightens so does peoples spending certainly more on their desposable income for things like footy or trips to the cinema whatever is your bag.

I really want this Club to succeed and the community to flourish with it to bring about prosperity to the town itself and what better way than through footy and Stanley itself.

I will shut up now but hopefully you get the point
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Old 07-04-2011, 21:55   #97
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

In order to get the price of season tickets down we need to resurect our fabled association with milk. I propose we get Wisemans Dairies to sponser the shirt, As a neat aside the black and white away strip could be in a freisan cow patchy pattern like their lorries.
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Old 07-04-2011, 21:57   #98
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

I've signed the cheque.

Sealed the envelope.

Licked the Stamp.

Posting in the morning.

Looking forward to next season already.

And as for the clubhouse saga . . . . theres plenty more pubs in the area.

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Old 07-04-2011, 22:06   #99
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Originally Posted by fatgaz182 View Post
I've signed the cheque.

Sealed the envelope.

Licked the Stamp.

Posting in the morning.

Looking forward to next season already.

And as for the clubhouse saga . . . . theres plenty more pubs in the area.

You're really not with it are you ?

You can get self stick stamps these days
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Old 07-04-2011, 22:13   #100
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
You're really not with it are you ?

You can get self stick stamps these days

It was a self stick.

Maybe I should have put 'affixed stamp' bit more professional sounding
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Old 07-04-2011, 22:18   #101
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

Originally Posted by mab View Post
Go GLOBAL WH ,Coca-Cola my just be looking for a sponsorship deal
Probably, but they don't like balding scousers with a tendency to indulge in expletive-laiden rants, so we'll have to keep Coley under wraps until the deal is done.
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Old 07-04-2011, 22:31   #102
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

now that EW and D'On are gone/going, I will be getting a season ticket again.

While the price increase is a big jump, I do sympathise with the club as the lower prices simply have not encouraged the local community to attend games.

What I dont understand is the £50 club lounge fee.
Surely they should be offering a buffet club aka a more expensive unique ticket which gets you a buffet/carvery in a private bar.

this type of ticket is the most popular with other clubs and it often leads to more revenue/sponsorship streams.

Last edited by DAV007; 07-04-2011 at 22:34.
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Old 07-04-2011, 22:46   #103
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

well what a day.

Many people appear to have calmed down somewhat after a days reflection and Ilyas's posts.

The argument seems to now be centred around the clubhouse, understandable. The clubhouse has not been the same since they tried to go corporate with it. That seemed to have failed initially but more recent times it has seemed a lot busier. For my part I tried the clubhouse last week after wide berthing it for the last 18 months or so. My wide berth was mainly because the lager had become so distasteful that even my uncultured pallete was unable to stomach it anymore. The good news was that it had lost the pungent smell (the lager) and tasted clean again. Slightly warm and I could suggest that the gas be turned up a smidgen, but it was drinkable and I had planned on trying to go in a little more often. Well that's that over and done with I guess.

But I am still very disappointed with the season tickets and no amount of posters juggling figures will convince me it is anything but a bad move. The point of it is that the hardcore to some extent will remain (still think we'll lose a goodly number though), the club will make a profit on those figures from last year. I do believe that season tickets will take a massive hit (unless loads of freebie kids season tickets are again included in the numbers) but that will be off-set later by the majority paying on the day.

But it's more disappointing because it has always been the newcomers that we have needed. A new season, new ownership, new belief and trust in the club, that is when people are at their most susceptible to getting involved. I think it was Shakermaker earlier on (can't find the post) who said something along the lines of the five pound offer hadn't really worked - well it wouldn't would it? Where was the full page advert in the Observer? where was the huge billboard ad on Burnley Road? where were the posters in all the pubs around town? Until the club has a marketing budget and strategy then no amount of offers are going to do anything other than reduce the income generated from those coming already.

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
But surely the new situation must make the club much more attractive to potential sponsors and the commercial staff should be going out into the local community and pushing that to maximum effect?
this is where the club should be concentrating their efforts. Not even just locally. Whenever I go to other grounds I look at the advertising boards, they are full of national companies and chains. We only seem to have the nationals that are FA partners and we are probably contractually obliged to advertise them. Colemans Mustard, Stanley Tools, Milk Marketing - find the links and exploit those people.

The club should now be in a position to 'milk' the name again. Rob Heys, Martin Edmundson, Dave O'Neil and Ilyas have all said that people have expressed interest in sponsorship but wouldn't do until the situation was resolved. It is resolved now go out and get their money.

Now should have been the time where we say to the town thanks for everything (not that many people did) you have done for us over the years during the bi-annual plea for money, thanks for putting up with us staining the name of the town through betting scandals and goodness knows what else, thanks for putting up with taking the mick with bodged planning permissions and ignoring the Freedom of the Borough - here you are have something back. We should be giving them the opportunity to watch football at an affordable price, we should be pledging to have a series of charity events for local causes, we should be looking at building a number of bridges through whatever avenues we can. It seems to me that this is pushing us further away from the community vision and further towards us being marooned as an expensive day out that can only be done once in a while.

All I can say is that I'm glad a married a woman who hasn't the slightest inclination to come to the game with me.
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Old 07-04-2011, 22:47   #104
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

and sorry for my second long winded affair of the week.
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Old 07-04-2011, 22:53   #105
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Re: Season Tickets - 2011/12

All I can say is that I'm glad a married a woman who hasn't the slightest inclination to come to the game with me
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