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Old 05-01-2008, 09:26   #1
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maccawozzagod's Avatar

Shrewsbury in bid for Mullin

of £75000 apparently (Telegraph) sorry aint got time for link

that puts an entirely different perspective on things now! You've got to say well done to the board for not just snatching their hands off and even bothering offering him a contract. Ridiculously high bid for a 33 year old League 2 striker no matter how good he has been for us over the years.

Good luck Mully, I for one wish you luck and don't blame you in whatever you decide from here on in.
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Old 05-01-2008, 09:53   #2
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Re: Shrewsbury in bid for Mullin

The club should do everything in their power to ensure Mullers stays. But if he does leave it will be with the blessing of everyone at ASFC and he will cement his place as one the true legends of ASFC.
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Old 05-01-2008, 10:41   #3
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Re: Shrewsbury in bid for Mullin

Here's the link:

Shrews In 75 000 Mullin Bid (from Lancashire Telegraph)
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Old 05-01-2008, 11:19   #4
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Re: Shrewsbury in bid for Mullin

As important as Mully is to us, that's a serious offer.
If Paul decides to go or the club let him go, I for one would not blame or hold a grudge against either of the parties. In the end, I would expect, it would be Paul who decided his future.
I hope you stay Paul, but no hard feelings if you go, Good Luck.
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Old 05-01-2008, 11:33   #5
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Re: Shrewsbury in bid for Mullin

I don't see that what we've been offered makes a difference - the bottom line is we cannot afford to lose Mully right now, whatever the circumstances. Yes, I know we'll have to face losing him at some point but I really hope that when that day comes it's when he retires & has his fully deserved testimonial here at Stanley.
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Old 05-01-2008, 11:42   #6
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Re: Shrewsbury in bid for Mullin

I'm in the don't wanna lose him camp and offer of £75k doesn't change that! It's not like any money we have received in the past for players seems to be used to buy any new players!! (my opinion alone)

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 05-01-2008, 12:11   #7
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Re: Shrewsbury in bid for Mullin

the money we got for craney might have paid for craney!
Its da beast!!!
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Old 05-01-2008, 12:25   #8
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Re: Shrewsbury in bid for Mullin

If Mullin wants to leave then we will just have to accept it. He has been a great servant to the club but £75k is a good price. I really want him to stay though. He is a great player and that is why the club must do all it can to keep him. If he wants to go then we have a good offer but the club needs to keep its best players as well as spending big money on players like Craney if they want to move up the league.
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Old 05-01-2008, 12:29   #9
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Re: Shrewsbury in bid for Mullin

Whilst i'd agree that £75k is a fair amount for a player of Paul's age,temper that with having to find a suitable replacement. We've shown the ambition with signing Craney, so if the sticking point in the contract negotiations is supposedly the length of the contract (i.e. the extra year) I hope that Eric recognises what a brilliant and influential player Paul has and will hopefully continue to be, reward his loyal service with a good pay rise,grant him the two year contract he wants and reward his loyalty with a testimonial season.

Money talks in these situations and i'd echo the sentiments of other's, if Muller's is offered a better deal than we can offer, then like others have said,he'd go with the blessing of the majority of all connected with the club. But before the club makes the decision to sell what could be considered as one of our main assets, I only hope that serious consideration goes towards how we'd replace a True Stanley legend.
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Old 05-01-2008, 12:30   #10
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Re: Shrewsbury in bid for Mullin

75k doesn't make one bit of difference. Our entire playing structure is founded with Mullin at the cornerstone. Where would we get a replacement for that amount, that would realistically join us? Especially seeing as we can only sign players within a 50 mile radius or southern players from several leagues below. Oh and on top of that we pay peanuts in wages, have crap facilities and a battle against the manager's favourites to get in the side - regardless of ability.
Yeh - sure we can get a quality replacement with 75k.

The only stumbling point is a 2 year contract - f$(%*@$ give it him! We'll get much more than 75k out of him if he plays out his days here through staying in the league. On FACE VALUE - 75k is a good offer, ie for a 33yr old League 2 striker. But he's not just a 33yr old League 2 striker is he? He's a striker, a midfielder, a defender, a model professional, and a beacon for all things good about football still left in the game. He is the perfect player. 75k would be daylight robbery.

Last edited by shakermaker; 05-01-2008 at 12:34.
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Old 05-01-2008, 12:36   #11
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Re: Shrewsbury in bid for Mullin

The board seem to be in the rather keep him bracket which is why there is an offer on the table. Nobody wants to see him go, but 75k is a fantastic amount and personally I'd rather see them take an offer while its there than lose him in a few months for nowt. £75k is the equivalent of nearly half a seasons worth of home gate receipts and could be the money that keeps us afloat for a bit longer. When the news/rumours originally broke that somebody had put in a bid I was expecting it to be around £20k and that would quite rightly have been blasted outta the water.
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Old 05-01-2008, 12:55   #12
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Re: Shrewsbury in bid for Mullin

If Paul Mullin leaves Stanley will quickly rue not giving him a two contract extension on improved terms. Moreover we are not winning our home games and a 13 point cushion can soon evaporate.

From all my experience of league football £75,000 for a striker who can guarantee Paul's level of return is peanuts.

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Old 05-01-2008, 14:36   #13
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Re: Shrewsbury in bid for Mullin

Will mullin play today though?

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Old 05-01-2008, 15:02   #14
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Re: Shrewsbury in bid for Mullin

Originally Posted by fc:stanley View Post
Will mullin play today though?
He's on the team sheet.
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Old 05-01-2008, 17:33   #15
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Re: Shrewsbury in bid for Mullin

He played.
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