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Old 25-04-2011, 20:49   #121
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Shrewsbury Thread

Thought it was a very good game, both sides contributing to it, thought stanley bossed first 45, second half not a lot in it but gave the Shrews the edge, pleased to see subs utilized again, though why 2 that came on are on bench mystifies me. thought the shrews center half was a top player, really marshalled his defence well, ground was first class, stewards also, they let us in the bar outside the away turnstiles before the game, the fans in yon were great, how it should be,a day to remember.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 25-04-2011, 21:17   #122
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Re: Shrewsbury Thread

cashy i must admit i was puzzled by our bench / subs.
Why is parkinson not on the bench?,hes been there,done it and got the tee shirt,very strange
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Old 25-04-2011, 21:26   #123
Resting in Peace

Re: Shrewsbury Thread

Smudgie and Football 19 have the game in a nutshell. But we are still not starting with our best 11 and it's costing us big time.
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Old 25-04-2011, 21:48   #124
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Re: Shrewsbury Thread

Originally Posted by SamF View Post
Chesterfield level - would be good for us if they win we want Bury to be hungry next Saturday if we still have a chance of auto's.
Bit daft that SamF, Bury will be hungry regardless, they could go up as Champions,
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 26-04-2011, 07:25   #125
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Re: Shrewsbury Thread

Redraine,I personally think the team yesterday is our strongest starting eleven,its just a few players are a little inconsistent.
Its on the bench that suprises me a little and yesterday it was strange how craney was replaced by linfield and not charlie or rory.
Then again were on an unbeaten 11 match run,what do we know!!!!
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Old 26-04-2011, 08:06   #126
Resting in Peace

Re: Shrewsbury Thread

[quote=football19;901079**Then again were on an unbeaten 11 match run,what do we know!!!![/quote]
We know things that are better left unsaid at this critical point in the season
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Old 26-04-2011, 08:31   #127
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Re: Shrewsbury Thread

I certainly think stanley are starting wi strongest xi, there are some good uns that are/could be, on the bench no question, but i cannot complain about yesterdays display, to me all played a part of those who started.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 26-04-2011, 09:10   #128
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Re: Shrewsbury Thread

There are a number of threads about the game and our fans on the Shrews' forum at blue-and-amber - B&A Shrewsbury Town Messageboard, mostly complimentary, especially about the Ultras. And at least one Shrews fan thought McConville should have had a penalty!
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Old 26-04-2011, 09:10   #129
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Re: Shrewsbury Thread

As on of the travelling fans yesterday, can I say, what an amazing sight and sound you all were. Me and Mrs Oz really enjoyed our time, not often I can get away, but Shrewsbury was one of them. Enjoyed the game, but for me, as others have said, Ian Craney did not play well, tried one or two tricks that did not come off and then looked uninterested, maybe he is just tired, because I know he can play well on his day. How that double strik at goal did not go in in the first half is beyond me. The goalie saved well, but to be fair, at the start of the game, I too would have taken a point even though I predicted a loss! Think the autos may just be too far away now, but still not impossible.Lets hope for another 3 points against Barnet (which will not be easy) and one of the others to slip up, so we are definitely in the play offs. Preston away next year anyone?

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 26-04-2011, 09:23   #130
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Re: Shrewsbury Thread

Was a good day yesterday, thought we played brilliantly in first half & in second Shrews came at us more, think draw was a fair result in the end.
Unfortunately, wasn't such a good day for my mum who was hit by the ball at the game, she ended up having to go to Blackburn hospital when we got back & she now has her hand in plaster - massive thanks to Diane for taking her, shame we weren't back in time to catch Accy Vic before it closed but their coach had a 40 minute delay before they could set off
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Old 26-04-2011, 09:44   #131
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Re: Shrewsbury Thread

Ozzy,agree that craney was below par yesterday,this maybe due to the fact they have some very good defenders,but the type of player he is,he will get the winner on saturday to take us in the play-offs,who would have thought that at the start of the season?,
When you get talented players like him you sometimes just have to bite your lip lol
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Old 26-04-2011, 17:28   #132
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Re: Shrewsbury Thread

Originally Posted by AccyMad View Post
Unfortunately, wasn't such a good day for my mum who was hit by the ball at the game, she ended up having to go to Blackburn hospital when we got back & she now has her hand in plaster -

Hope she gets better soon, tell her she really should think of retiring from goalkeeping
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Old 26-04-2011, 18:28   #133
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Re: Shrewsbury Thread

Originally Posted by football19 View Post
Ozzy,agree that craney was below par yesterday,this maybe due to the fact they have some very good defenders,but the type of player he is,he will get the winner on saturday to take us in the play-offs,who would have thought that at the start of the season?,
When you get talented players like him you sometimes just have to bite your lip lol
I sincerely hope you are correct in this assumption. I would love nothing more than Ian Craney scoring the winning goal, as I said, when he is on his game he can be unstoppable, Saturday was an off game (of which he has rather a lot).

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 26-04-2011, 18:35   #134
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Thumbs up Re: Shrewsbury Thread

Another great performance to take a point AWAY at a club HIGHER up the league than us and who are also on GOOD FORM. Yes. although one or two of our boys were a bit below par we still earmed the point "a bit ugly" you might say. We should have been two goals up at half time and I too agree credit to The Shrews who played really well in the second half and in the high temperatures too. A very hard fought and hard earned point that could be vital in the final run in. Don't forget that we also reduced the Shrews points by TWO as well. Stanley fans were again magnificent and you can see how much it is appreciated by the managers and the players when they acknowledge us at the end of the matches. Also a cracking Fancy Dress turn out which went down well with the stewards and their fans too. Come on Reds, together we can get there!
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Old 26-04-2011, 21:16   #135
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Re: Shrewsbury Thread

I was told today that the pitch looked good at Shrewsbury. Unsuprisingly then the groundsman was Highly Commended in todays Groundsman Of The Year awards

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