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Old 29-08-2009, 23:28   #31
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Re: Shrewsbury Town match thread

You have to remember its not a sprint, come mid april 2010 we will be safe from the drop maybe play-offs, looking back at another really good season with some really good wins, goals, more of jimmy ryans magic free-kicks, grant's volley's and cups games like QPR anyone who went there was quality. Coley and jimmy will have worked there magic again, the crown ground will be getting revamped, sponsers be coming left, right and centre, Symes would of smashed 20 goals in. Turner scored his first league goal, more of phil edwards nonsense defending. Martin on loan for the full season and pulling of some quality saves. We will al be even more proud of being a stanley fan.

In Coley we trust!
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Old 30-08-2009, 09:15   #32
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Re: Shrewsbury Town match thread

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
this will P. a few off but fer me whilst i admire the signings coleman makes n how he gets em given resources is beyond me, the guy is "Tactically Bankrupt" players should be in there best positions, timing of substitutions overall are pathetic.
I'm with you Cashy, until the players learn how to play on the deck then we will carry on getting beaten badly home and away. Sorry to say but I heard quite a few mutterings of time to go Mr C. Proccy was truly awful and certainly not captain material, for me better to have someone like Luke Joyce or Phil Edwards as captain. Yesterday hurt. After all the rave reviews of QPR, we were utterly rubbish apart from Symes, who I think was the best player on the park along with Joyce. As for distribution, he is a better threat with Billy Kee. I like McConville as a player, but as others have said, he is young and too lightweight, he needs to strengthen up and he will be more than a useful player. Change the system back to 4-4-2 please with players in their rightful positions not the 3-5-2 rubbish that obviously does not work. Why only one sub yesterday? Why not throw 2 more on with 8 minutes to go and 3-1 down, we had lost the match but could have salvaged some more pride.New regime in the boardroom, time for a new regime at the team helm.

Maybe JC should take lessons of John Still, he gets good non-league bargains and puts them top of the league!!!

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 30-08-2009, 09:29   #33
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Re: Shrewsbury Town match thread

I too heard some bloke shouting abuse at Coleman with absolutely no chance of being heard, but I just assumed he was on a day release.

There was also some bloke behind me who shouted, at the top of his stentorian voice, instructions and the blatantly obvious all afternoon, which basically spoiled the game for me. Why do people think that their opinions are so important that everyone has to hear every inner thought? Obviously the players can't hear them and I'm sure that nobody in the crowd wanted to hear that kind of *****!
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Old 30-08-2009, 10:16   #34
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Re: Shrewsbury Town match thread

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
I too heard some bloke shouting abuse at Coleman with absolutely no chance of being heard, but I just assumed he was on a day release.

There was also some bloke behind me who shouted, at the top of his stentorian voice, instructions and the blatantly obvious all afternoon, which basically spoiled the game for me. Why do people think that their opinions are so important that everyone has to hear every inner thought? Obviously the players can't hear them and I'm sure that nobody in the crowd wanted to hear that kind of *****!
But then there's always ONE TM !...and he ( or She!) would never think of
expressing their particular views face to face with JC ...or anybody !!.

One thing is for sure, that NO Football League Manager could create and maintain anything any better than what we witnessed yesterday on the Budget which has been allocated to JC...Probably the one whom you found
so offensive has no real comprehension of our Club and it's on-going administration ...a real case of 'Ignorance breeding discontent producing more ignorance'!.

'Ah Well'...What me Worry?' cases like this, Just a little bit !

'ON STANLEY !...ON !!!'
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Old 30-08-2009, 11:52   #35
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Re: Shrewsbury Town match thread

never heard anyone shouting abuse at coleman around us, was plenty of discusssion about things,maybe thats off limits to some?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 30-08-2009, 13:34   #36
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Re: Shrewsbury Town match thread

Would you define shouting "Time to go you fat prick" at the top of your voice as 'discussion' Cashy?
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Old 30-08-2009, 13:39   #37
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Re: Shrewsbury Town match thread

Originally Posted by Outback Ozzy View Post
I'm with you Cashy, until the players learn how to play on the deck then we will carry on getting beaten badly home and away. Sorry to say but I heard quite a few mutterings of time to go Mr C. Proccy was truly awful and certainly not captain material, for me better to have someone like Luke Joyce or Phil Edwards as captain. Yesterday hurt. After all the rave reviews of QPR, we were utterly rubbish apart from Symes, who I think was the best player on the park along with Joyce. As for distribution, he is a better threat with Billy Kee. I like McConville as a player, but as others have said, he is young and too lightweight, he needs to strengthen up and he will be more than a useful player. Change the system back to 4-4-2 please with players in their rightful positions not the 3-5-2 rubbish that obviously does not work. Why only one sub yesterday? Why not throw 2 more on with 8 minutes to go and 3-1 down, we had lost the match but could have salvaged some more pride.New regime in the boardroom, time for a new regime at the team helm.

Maybe JC should take lessons of John Still, he gets good non-league bargains and puts them top of the league!!!
With tactics you often learn things the hard way and yesterday was one of those occasions. Before the game I was advocating along with a few others the application of a 3-5-2 formation with Grant/Ryan on either side. This failed miserably, so we'll have to try something else. There are a lot of new faces in this season and we were all a little naive to think that it'd gel within the month of August. I can't stretch to the fantastic optimism of MCR ADIM but I've got faith in Coley to sort it out.
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Old 30-08-2009, 14:33   #38
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Re: Shrewsbury Town match thread

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
Would you define shouting "Time to go you fat prick" at the top of your voice as 'discussion' Cashy?
no i would not T.M. ya obviously stand near some *******. unless the guy was refering to the ref.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 30-08-2009, 14:38   #39
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Re: Shrewsbury Town match thread

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
With tactics you often learn things the hard way and yesterday was one of those occasions. Before the game I was advocating along with a few others the application of a 3-5-2 formation with Grant/Ryan on either side. This failed miserably, so we'll have to try something else. There are a lot of new faces in this season and we were all a little naive to think that it'd gel within the month of August. I can't stretch to the fantastic optimism of MCR ADIM but I've got faith in Coley to sort it out.
i would sure hope yer correct shaker, meself i aint so sure, "Turner" was playing very well last season IMHO. n aint had a start so far. he certainly don't need time to gel.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 30-08-2009, 19:42   #40
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Re: Shrewsbury Town match thread

Originally Posted by Oldgobbin View Post
Really not at all sure what to think about today. Starting with 3-5-2 seems a bit odd, but then moving Joyce back to full back takes some of the spark out of midfield. As someone else rightly says, why keep on playing people out of position.... to accommodate Proccy? Let's face it, if he's not good enough, he shouldn't be in the team. The penalty? Yes, I thought it was definitely a foul, but Winnard was fouled first and the ref ignored that!

I thought the Symes-Kee partnership looked promising in the second half, but we've been advocating giving that pairing a go on here since the start of the season. McConville will improve, though I'm not sure that Grant will! Surely Turner is worth a try.

Finally - and here is my likely controversial bit..... I remain unconvinced that Martin is the answer to our goalkeeping problems. He makes some super saves but, like my friend Dunsavin, he does not show positive command of his area and therefore does not inspire his defence with confidence.

Maybe time will tell .. I only hope we don't get dragged into the relegation mire before the season has even got off the ground!
Got to agree with the Martin point, he will be a very good keeper in time I think but he simply hasn't the experience or presence to be 1st choice for a League 2 Club. I hope I'm wrong, and there is no doubting his reflexes and promise, but I said at the beginning of the season that Russell from Rochdale would be abetter bet because of his presence alongside his reasonable ability, really hope that I'm proved wrong but I can't see it, think its probably a year too early for Martin at this level.
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Old 30-08-2009, 20:13   #41
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Re: Shrewsbury Town match thread

As a observer at the shrewsbury game yesterday i couldn't help wondering where the team cohesion was,i'm not sure that the manager was sure what was happening.I know there are limited resources at stanley but where has the fire gone that i normally associate with accrington stanley,from my observers point of view the performance wouldn't have done anything to give the fans any optimism.Also there is no cussion now of 20 and 30 points deducted from other teams to rely on,unless the team start playing to there potential pretty quick then the trapdoor will beckon.I know it's early days yet but time moves rather quickly these days and mid season will be upon us before we know it,no dteriment intended but one of your forum members (mcr adim) seems to think accy will be around the play off places come the end of the season,either he knows something the other accy fans don't or he's looking through rose tinted glasses.Having also observed the northampton game as well i sadly don't share his optimism,at the end of the day a manager is responsible for team performances and mr coleman sadly seems to be using players out of position and use of the substitute system has me baffled,things need to change rapidly if he's to save himself from the chop.In the words of that scots geyser at old trafford (squeaky bum time) comes round damn quick,it would be a shame to see stanley slip back into non league football but if things don't improve then that may become a stark reality.I for one hope you turn things around and progress up the table,good luck for the rest of the season,i think you may need it.
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Old 30-08-2009, 22:17   #42
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Re: Shrewsbury Town match thread

fair comment regarding the substitutions and out of position players. Coley gets the plaudits when we are playing well and will take the flak when things aren't going so well.

I still think we have the makings of a reasonably good team here but when you have three or four (out of ten) outfield players in positions they are unaccustomed to then you are going to suffer mistakes. As good as Dean Winnard may or may not be, I'd prefer to have him on the bench breathing down the necks of Edwards and Kempson. Darren seems to have struggled a little in the last game or two and it would be good to have someone putting the pressure on him.

Similarly, we were 2-1 down yesterday with ten minutes to go. We had three attacking options on the bench and could have used two of them. We were already applying the pressure to their backline and two extra pairs of fresh legs could have helped to stretch them, alternatively sub two of the defenders so that we can go gung ho and hope to outrun the inevitable break from Shrewsbury. Substitutions have always been Coleys weak point.
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Old 30-08-2009, 23:08   #43
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Re: Shrewsbury Town match thread

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
fair comment regarding the substitutions and out of position players. Coley gets the plaudits when we are playing well and will take the flak when things aren't going so well.

I still think we have the makings of a reasonably good team here but when you have three or four (out of ten) outfield players in positions they are unaccustomed to then you are going to suffer mistakes. As good as Dean Winnard may or may not be, I'd prefer to have him on the bench breathing down the necks of Edwards and Kempson. Darren seems to have struggled a little in the last game or two and it would be good to have someone putting the pressure on him.

Similarly, we were 2-1 down yesterday with ten minutes to go. We had three attacking options on the bench and could have used two of them. We were already applying the pressure to their backline and two extra pairs of fresh legs could have helped to stretch them, alternatively sub two of the defenders so that we can go gung ho and hope to outrun the inevitable break from Shrewsbury. Substitutions have always been Coleys weak point.
Yes fair constructive comment,but if your managers weak point is his use of strategic substitutions then other teams will have noted these weaknesses and will exploit them.I travel around the country to many grounds in what context i won't say,but comments from the fans should be taken notice off by the management.I heard quite a few very negative comments by accy fans about about mr colemans tactics and not many of them were favourable,fans do get fed up with the same old excuses week in week out,and then vote with their feet.I also notice that gates are the poorest in the league,it's hard to attract old and new fans through the turnstiles with so many premier teams a short drive away.But it doesn't help when the manager appears to be unable to decide which formation is best against individual teams and when to use his subs.perhaps mr coleman should listen to what the paying customers have to say,constructive critism never hurt anyone.
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Old 30-08-2009, 23:54   #44
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Re: Shrewsbury Town match thread

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
fair comment regarding the substitutions and out of position players. Coley gets the plaudits when we are playing well and will take the flak when things aren't going so well.

I still think we have the makings of a reasonably good team here but when you have three or four (out of ten) outfield players in positions they are unaccustomed to then you are going to suffer mistakes.

Similarly, we were 2-1 down yesterday with ten minutes to go. We had three attacking options on the bench and could have used two of them. We were already applying the pressure to their backline and two extra pairs of fresh legs could have helped to stretch them, alternatively sub two of the defenders so that we can go gung ho and hope to outrun the inevitable break from Shrewsbury. Substitutions have always been Coleys weak point.
can agree with every word of that, i think the potential is there to at least reach the top end of the division, but only if coley learns n learns quickly.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 31-08-2009, 08:47   #45
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Re: Shrewsbury Town match thread

Scout, are you trying to cause a bit of discontentment amongst the fans.
This will be our fourth season in the league, playing players out of position, mainly to accommodate favourites, poor use of substitutes and lack of tactics ( coley thinks they are mint favoured and come in little plastic dispensers) has been normal practice since the non league days, but like I said this will be our fourth season in the league.

You made your initial post, implying you were an official observer, in doing so, you implied that you may know more about this than others, so demanding respect. If you are an official observer then you should be impartial. If of course, you are just an observer in the literal sense, so were the 1400 others at that game on Saturday. You say you saw the Northampton game last week too, that's two games out of seven this season. We have played 7 games so far, 5 league and 2 league cup games. Stanley played excellently in 4 of those games, won 2 and narrowly lost 2.

We have the potential in our squad to be top half of the table, I have no reason to doubt that will happen at the moment. This season was always going to be hard, with all the things that are going on in the background, we as fans have accepted that. We all expect us to still be a league team next season, by then, the problems in the background will be sorted out, then we can move on.

Clubs cannot get rid of managers, after 3 bad games, this early into the season. This is no time to panic. So Scout, please stop trying to cause discontent, and be positive.
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