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Old 15-10-2009, 16:56   #1
Junior Member


In these troubled times, i think alot of credit needs to go to our new skipper Proccy, at a time when there has been turmoile off the pitch, the team have never been looked more together or been playing better on the pitch.

His own performances have also been much improved over the last few weeks probably as he has settled into and got used to his new role as captain and i for one would like to go on record and give him the credit i think he deserves (especially as a number of people raised questions about his appointment when it was announced), as sometimes he doesnt get as much credit as other players who may be seen to have a bigger impact such as ryan,grant,symes etc...

Personally i think its been a very sound appointment and just what the club needed after the cav betting scandal affair. My only fear is that a club will come in for him once more and try and prize him away even more worrying with the currecnt financial situation.

Well done Proccy keep it up.
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Old 15-10-2009, 17:02   #2
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Re: Skipper

Good post Guns_49.

One Crewe fan labelled Proccy, "Gerrard-esque" in his play.

He had big shoes to fill in my opinion but he's stepped up to the mark well and the captaincy has made his overall game so much better. Well done Proc, keep it up.
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Old 15-10-2009, 17:50   #3
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Re: Skipper

This thread which makes a really welcome change from all the mind-boggling Fiscal convolutions, and eccentric ramblings of a geriatric cynic which have been
festooning the branches of our 'Forum' Tree lately...causes me to confess that I haven't always been the best supporter of Andrew's efforts !...but now am more that pleased to have been proved wrong..not only by his displaying of the Footballing skills which he is ever developing as the days go by...but also by the leadership skills (From the Front ??)...which he is displaying to his Team !!.

These factors...I am afraid will undoubtedly attract the interest of Clubs higher up the League Pyramid and 'The Reds' might have to unearth another Leader sooner than later!...

Until then....My admiration for our Captain goes on !....

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Old 15-10-2009, 18:30   #4
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Re: Skipper

Would agree with all the above comments. Nice to pick up on something positive and Proccy has led by example. It's been noted on another thread that the playing side has seen some of the best football we've seen in league 2, so well done to all the players but in particular Procter who has had (and knowing Stanley fans still has) his critics but he's got on with it and deserves credit for his performances and leadership this season
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