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Old 07-04-2009, 22:52   #106
Resting in Peace

Re: Sky news players charged bury game

Originally Posted by Redash View Post
I am absolutely gutted by this. Players from my team, betting against my team. The FA would not have released the names if they was any doubt of their guilt ( they would leave themselves open to all sorts of legal isues). I’m not bothered if it was £5 £50 or £500,000, the point is, they gambled on my team losing.
Now I think back how often has this betting against Stanley, by Stanley players, been going on.
Cavanagh is often romping forward and leaving the defence vulnerable on the counter attack, like last Saturday against Lincoln Phil had to move out to the right to cover for Cavanagh, leaving a massive hole in the centre for the Lincoln players to exploit. How many times has this happened? As the club captain he should set and lead by example. (I’m not saying the Lincoln match was dodgy, I’m just citing an example that will be fresh in the minds of others)
Williams and Harris, how many needless penalties, free kicks, and sending offs have they been involved with.
Was Mannix useless on purpose? Did Mangan keep running to the wing so he wouldn’t be in a scoring position?
I hope the FA ban them all from football stadiums for life. Never to play, never to manage and never to watch.
Exactly what all true Stanley fans must be thinking and suffering because of this terrible situation. I don't care if we have to play youth teamers and we get hammered at Grimsby, but surely Cav and Rocky must be suspended. If not I can forsee a hell of a protest at the next home game.
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Old 07-04-2009, 22:52   #107
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Re: Sky news players charged bury game

Does anybody know what the odds were at the time? I'm not a betting man but with the teams not as far apart in the league as they are this season wouldn't the odds have been something like 2/1 and 21/10 for the win? The odds would have been better for a half time/full time correct score but that would infer the match was fixed if the Bookie is right about the overall amount of money that was bet on the game.
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Old 07-04-2009, 22:56   #108
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Re: Sky news players charged bury game

the bookie that is linked to from the Bury Official site was offering around 5-1 and they would refund all bets on a draw.
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Old 07-04-2009, 22:58   #109
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Re: Sky news players charged bury game

I'm no expert on betting but as you say on a normal win or loose bet on a match between two teams in the same division you'd be very lucky to double your money BUT on spread betting I understand you can bet on anything, win, score, goals in which half, who scored them etc etc
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Old 07-04-2009, 23:00   #110
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Re: Sky news players charged bury game

Originally Posted by Redraine View Post
Exactly what all true Stanley fans must be thinking and suffering because of this terrible situation. I don't care if we have to play youth teamers and we get hammered at Grimsby, but surely Cav and Rocky must be suspended. If not I can forsee a hell of a protest at the next home game.
I agree. The club MUST take action - and quickly. The statement on the fishy site is certainly inadequate.. As I and others have said earlier in this thread, suspension of the two players is not implying guilt. It is simply the normal course of action in cases of alleged professional misconduct.
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Old 07-04-2009, 23:00   #111
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Re: Sky news players charged bury game

If the odds where 5-1 on Bury to win and they bet £4000 than the odds calcatour from betting sites makes that a return of £20,000
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Old 07-04-2009, 23:08   #112
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Re: Sky news players charged bury game

£24k my ugly friend........

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Old 07-04-2009, 23:14   #113
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Re: Sky news players charged bury game

5-1 and a refund for a draw - must be related to the same Manc Bookie who pays out on United as soon as they go top of the Premiership every season.

Spread betting is a complicated thing though isn't it - far beyond the wit of your average 4th Division footballer with £4k burning a hole in his pocket
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Old 07-04-2009, 23:16   #114
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Re: Sky news players charged bury game

Mangan scored tonight aswell!

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Old 07-04-2009, 23:55   #115
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Re: Sky news players charged bury game

Absolutely spot on Bradshaw boy. 21/10, basically treble your money and when Stanley have nothing to play for they don't play.
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Old 08-04-2009, 08:43   #116
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Re: Sky news players charged bury game

Originally Posted by Redash View Post
I am absolutely gutted by this. Players from my team, betting against my team. The FA would not have released the names if they was any doubt of their guilt ( they would leave themselves open to all sorts of legal isues). I’m not bothered if it was £5 £50 or £500,000, the point is, they gambled on my team losing.
Now I think back how often has this betting against Stanley, by Stanley players, been going on.
Cavanagh is often romping forward and leaving the defence vulnerable on the counter attack, like last Saturday against Lincoln Phil had to move out to the right to cover for Cavanagh, leaving a massive hole in the centre for the Lincoln players to exploit. How many times has this happened? As the club captain he should set and lead by example. (I’m not saying the Lincoln match was dodgy, I’m just citing an example that will be fresh in the minds of others)
Williams and Harris, how many needless penalties, free kicks, and sending offs have they been involved with.
Was Mannix useless on purpose? Did Mangan keep running to the wing so he wouldn’t be in a scoring position?
I hope the FA ban them all from football stadiums for life. Never to play, never to manage and never to watch.
Spot on, mate. totally poleaxed by this...didn't sleep much last night...previous matches and incidents keep playing over in my head...missed open goals and penalties...matches that we were winning only to lose in the last few minutes...maybe all completely innocent, but who knows now?

Also keep thinking about all the waiting in the rain at bus stops...standing on freezing station platforms...rushing up to Accy on dark, depressing Tuesday nights...Saturday afternoons spent in dismal places like Mansfield and Burslem...and for what? have this thrown in my face?

The mickey-taking has already started from other fans, but that doesn't bother me...after 49 years supporting the Stanley I've grown used to it. It didn't worry me when I was going to Peel Park in the mid-60s with a few dozen other lunatics, while anyone with any semblance of sanity had long gone. It didn't bother me when I was going on the Crown in the 70's, while anyone who wanted to watch "proper" football went elsewhere.

What does bother me is the thought that members of my own team might have been taking the mickey out of me and the rest of that hurts...that really hurts.

Last edited by Wynonie Harris; 08-04-2009 at 08:46.
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Old 08-04-2009, 09:31   #117
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Re: Sky news players charged bury game

Well said Wynonie.

But it can't be just our matches can it. I wonder how many other lower league matches have befallen the same fate. 10's, 100's, 1000's???

One thing putting my mind at ease was it was a completely meaningless match.
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Old 08-04-2009, 10:07   #118
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Re: Sky news players charged bury game

the team this weekend may well have n impact on mondays gate i reckon.
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Old 08-04-2009, 10:15   #119
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Re: Sky news players charged bury game

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
the team this weekend may well have n impact on mondays gate i reckon.
And that is just one reason why the club MUST act and suspend the two players. We know that the club is gripped by inertia in so many matters - but it cannot afford to be inert in this one.
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Old 08-04-2009, 10:33   #120


Re: Sky news players charged bury game

I’d echo most of the last few post, although I have been spared all the hassle of travelling and hanging round dodgy places. I feel let down and I feel that the club and Accrington have been let down not to mention the embarrassment.

One of my clients took the **** out of us last night and he’s an eighty odd year old West ham Supporter……I think that the Chairman and the management must be decisive and act with extreme prejudice against those still with us, nothing less than a full suspension until the next transfer window and then see them on their way……..

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