this is taken from the following website and can be read in full at
What premises must be smoke-free?
Premises are covered by the legislation if they are:
(a) used as a place of work, or
(b) open to the public or any section of the public, whether or not by invitation or on payment. The ban applies
to enclosed or substantially enclosed premises.
see later on for definition of whether we are enclosed or substantially enclosed
Premises are substantially enclosed if they have a ceiling or roof and less than half of their perimeter consists of
openings in the walls (other than windows, doors or openings which can be shut). More details about the “50%
rule” are set out below at Section 4.
The Clayton End isn't, the open concourses aren't, the away terrace isn't
Smoking outside
The law does not prevent people from smoking in the open air; it will be a matter for management if a venue
wishes to declare its entire grounds smoke free
so have the management decreed it? has the Football League pressured all its members to accept the ban?
Is it lawful for coach drivers to smoke in our car park?
Yes. The law does not prevent smoking in the open air outside an enclosed venue. Whether individuals are
allowed to smoke on duty or take smoking breaks are matters of employment law rather than the new smoke
free legislation.
I put this on because on the Morecambe site they have been told that you can't smoke on the car parks
If a venue has a back wall
and side walls of 5m and the roof extends 10m then the premises are not substantially enclosed and the ban will
not apply.
further explanation of why the Clayton End isn't covered