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Old 04-11-2009, 21:16   #31
God Member
Stanleymad's Avatar

Re: so posts about the truth are now being removed on here????

Its because its not fact or opinion its was an allegation that could of caused a legal issue. However should it be provern then could be discussed here hence had to be removed for that reason and yes your post didnt include any bad language of any kind


Last edited by Stanleymad; 04-11-2009 at 21:18.
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Accrington Web
Old 04-11-2009, 22:10   #32
Senior Member+
Chimer's Avatar

Re: so posts about the truth are now being removed on here????

I think it works like this - someone tells you something about somebody else that isn't true and is defamatory - that's a libel (or maybe a slander, I can never remember). You then make a post saying what you were told. You post tells the truth - i.e. it is true you were told what you say you were told, but nonetheless it repeats the false libel - which has now been published. And it's the publisher (Accyweb), not you, who is held legally responsible and can be sued - which is why Accyweb has to have people like Stanleymad doing her thankless job and getting slagged off for doing it properly.

(And the disclaimer in Macca's signature about everything he says being opinion and not necessarily fact is a good line but doesn't change the legal situation or protect Accyweb in the slightest )

Now I'll wait for someone who really understands this to put me right
Zero Tolerance of Intolerance
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Old 04-11-2009, 22:16   #33
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: so posts about the truth are now being removed on here????

ya sure as hell gotta be careful on any web site about un-substansiated claims, if ya was in the good ole USA, a law suit would be a knocking bet, let Stanleymad do her job (difficult as it is) n stop bitching.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 04-11-2009, 22:55   #34
Junior Member+

Smile Re: so posts about the truth are now being removed on here????

Originally Posted by Chimer View Post
I think it works like this - someone tells you something about somebody else that isn't true and is defamatory - that's a libel (or maybe a slander, I can never remember). You then make a post saying what you were told. You post tells the truth - i.e. it is true you were told what you say you were told, but nonetheless it repeats the false libel - which has now been published. And it's the publisher (Accyweb), not you, who is held legally responsible and can be sued - which is why Accyweb has to have people like Stanleymad doing her thankless job and getting slagged off for doing it properly.

(And the disclaimer in Macca's signature about everything he says being opinion and not necessarily fact is a good line but doesn't change the legal situation or protect Accyweb in the slightest )

Now I'll wait for someone who really understands this to put me right
i understand! just learned about defamation at uni. everything you said was right
just tryin 2 get ma degree in peace....
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Old 06-11-2009, 23:04   #35
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Re: so posts about the truth are now being removed on here????

Originally Posted by Chimer View Post
I think it works like this - someone tells you something about somebody else that isn't true and is defamatory - that's a libel (or maybe a slander, I can never remember). You then make a post saying what you were told. You post tells the truth - i.e. it is true you were told what you say you were told, but nonetheless it repeats the false libel - which has now been published. And it's the publisher (Accyweb), not you, who is held legally responsible and can be sued - which is why Accyweb has to have people like Stanleymad doing her thankless job and getting slagged off for doing it properly.
Slander is spoken, libel is written/published.

IIRC, in the case of forums both the person who posts the libel, and the forum itself can be sued for libel. In the case of the forum this would depend on whether or not the libel was moderated or not, I think (as a forum taking action to remove a libel is acting in a proper manner, whereas a forum that allows a libel to stay for days, or longer, is doing nothing to prevent it).

Libel is also a very expensive matter; legal aid is not available, and even if you win you still have to pay your costs.
All the best,

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