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Old 21-05-2011, 18:21   #16
Resting in Peace

Re: So, time to talk about the squad.

Originally Posted by Oldgobbin View Post
Sorry, but if Coley goes, they'll all go.
Why? How many would be better than Bury's squad, for instance?
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Accrington Web
Old 21-05-2011, 21:20   #17
Full Member+

Re: So, time to talk about the squad.

They don't play for Stanley, they play for Coley - just as his Ashton squad did before he came here and brought them all with him. The man is not only a football genius, but also inspires intense loyalty from his players. That, in simple terms is why, if he wanted them, they'd go with him! ......and, in my humble opinion, they'd be right to do so.
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Old 21-05-2011, 21:45   #18
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Re: So, time to talk about the squad.

Originally Posted by Oldgobbin View Post
They don't play for Stanley, they play for Coley - just as his Ashton squad did before he came here and brought them all with him. The man is not only a football genius, but also inspires intense loyalty from his players. That, in simple terms is why, if he wanted them, they'd go with him! ......and, in my humble opinion, they'd be right to do so.
Whilst i agree he inspires intense loyalty no question, if he moved up a couple of divisions 90% of those lads would be not much use at all, n that aint disrespecting em, its fact.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 21-05-2011, 23:53   #19
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Re: So, time to talk about the squad.

Originally Posted by smudgie View Post
Who goes?? Who Stays????

Here's my 10 pence worth,

1. Cisak........... PRIORITY to KEEP. Has been magnificent for me. KEEP
2. Bateson...... I like him but Coley doenst, so he will be gone. GONE
3. Winnard....... Another good season for Dean. KEEP
4. Hessey........ A Rock with Sunbed. KEEP
5. Long........... Good young prospect but will return to Clarets. GONE
6. Proccy........ Another solid season. KEEP
7. Ryan........... Magnificent for me, Please KEEP!!!!!
8. Barnett........ A Far better player than Craney in the middle. KEEP
9. Lindfield....... Off the pace all season, looked slow and unfit. GONE
10. Putterill....... Brilliant in the first 20 games but needs a chance. KEEP
11. Mcconville.... Great season for Sean, Let himself down this week. KEEP.
12. Edwards....... Brilliant partnership with Hessey. KEEP
13. Richardson..... Great servent, too injury prone for me. GONE
14. Joyce..... Superb season. KEEP
15. Parkinson..... Looked decent but that aint enough for me. GONE
16. Turner.Id keep him as he brings something different but Coley wont. KEEP
17. Murphy..... Brings nothing to the squad for me. GONE
19. Boulding..... I like him but hardly played. GONE
20. Burton..... Decent young prospect. KEEP
21. Riley...... Not Seen Play Yet?????
22. Owens.... Only seen a couple of times, looked abit shaky. GONE
23. Smyth...... Good young player, looked composed at Burton. KEEP
24. Gornell...... Very Good season, looked tired, needs a partner. KEEP
25. Dunbavin.... A Good backup for Alex. KEEP
26. Jacobsen..... Left Back position is his as long as he wants it! KEEP
27. Craney...... THE enigma.... Needs to improve but already has his contract.
smudgie totally agree with your resume of the squad but we need a new mullinesque forward to compliment terry up front he will def benefit and profit from knock downs and knock ons from a big man which could take him to a 20 plus a year striker. in midfield think jimmy will go but charlie and razor can more than do a good job there and the back looks pretty stable but after the satanage affair could do with abit more presence, height and weight but ultimately we have to have
and also a plan b
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