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Old 10-09-2010, 22:44   #1
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Something different - teams gone by

Don't know if anyone agrees but things have been a bit stagnant on here recently - I know the last few weeks have been a bit tough for varying reasons, but......

I've been following stanley since the Huddersfield FA cup game - so I'm a bit of a newbie compared to some on here. Just thought I'd start a thread for folks to post up their memories of teams gone by.

As a fairly new fan I often hear of names of players considered legends at stanley about whom I know very little - it would be great to get the stories behind such people - and might also prompt some good time memories for others.
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Old 11-09-2010, 00:00   #2
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Re: Something different - teams gone by

Mike boyhood hero. He was easily the best player in the Stanley team I used to watch way back when. In fact, I have fond memories of him regularly thundering down the wing and knocking 'em in...which is a bit strange because when I consult the records, I find that he only scored two goals for us. The memory can play strange tricks.

Don't know what happened to him after he left Stanley. Have a vague idea that he went on to play for some fairly obscure clubs.
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Old 11-09-2010, 06:51   #3
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Re: Something different - teams gone by

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
Don't know what happened to him after he left Stanley. Have a vague idea that he went on to play for some fairly obscure clubs.
Nice sense of irony, there! He went on to be one of the most entertaining players the Rovers have ever had. I remember one game at Villa Park where he was out of this world. Does he not still live locally?
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Old 11-09-2010, 08:01   #4
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Re: Something different - teams gone by

Fergy was one true legend, remember a bounce up between him n Billy Bremner, when rovers played leeds at ewood, ref bounced the ball, fergy kicked bremner right in the balls, then bent oer him as if it had been accidental,one of the funniest things i ever saw, ya could hear bremner screaming on the blackburn end. even funnier,fergy wasn't even booked, it conned the ref as well. have his name tattooed on me arm, as far as i'm aware he still lives oer burnley way. travelled back from watford wi him, on the train, liked a drink, so was great company.
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Old 11-09-2010, 09:17   #5
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Re: Something different - teams gone by

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Fergie was one true legend, remember a bounce up between him n Billy Bremner, when rovers played leeds at ewood, ref bounced the ball, fergie kicked bremner right in the balls, then bent oer him as if it had been accidental,one of the funniest things i ever saw, ya could hear bremner screaming on the blackburn end. even funnier,fergie wasn't even booked, it conned the ref as well. have his name tattooed on me arm, as far as i'm aware he still lives oer burnley way. travelled back from watford wi him, on the train, liked a drink, so was great company.
Ya Fergie was a great guy and was always among the fans on those long train journey home from the Smoke after matches, could you imagine prem players catching a train these days.
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Old 11-09-2010, 10:38   #6
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Re: Something different - teams gone by

i've got to say that my favourite team over the last quarter century was the mid nineties side with Grimmy and Ash pulling the strings, Paul Beck and Brian Welch knocking 'em in for fun, Lee Rogerson patrolling the midfield and Rob Mulloy's giant tractor pulling hands guarding the Stanley net etc.

Mostly local lads who loved a pint or ten after the game and who you could see in the pubs around town on the saturday night.

Maybe not the most technically gifted team we've ever had but a good set of lads who grafted for each other.
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Old 11-09-2010, 14:08   #7
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Re: Something different - teams gone by

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
Maybe not the most technically gifted team we've ever had but a good set of lads who grafted for each other.
Ain't that what it should be all about mac, a good honest set of lads playing the game then going on to enjoy themselves
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Old 11-09-2010, 18:16   #8
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Re: Something different - teams gone by

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
i've got to say that my favourite team over the last quarter century was the mid nineties side with Grimmy and Ash pulling the strings, Paul Beck and Brian Welch knocking 'em in for fun, Lee Rogerson patrolling the midfield and Rob Mulloy's giant tractor pulling hands guarding the Stanley net etc.

Mostly local lads who loved a pint or ten after the game and who you could see in the pubs around town on the saturday night.

Maybe not the most technically gifted team we've ever had but a good set of lads who grafted for each other.
I can't disagree with you there. Proper non league footy. The team slightly earlier with a spine of Eddie Johnstone, Bernie Hughes and Paul Beck was something as well...

Steve Lampkin always summed up what that side was all about. Not the most gifted of players but would tackle a bus and would get the nod at left bak in my all time team for that alone.

Special mention for the Leighton James side for making all the other look so much better in comparison...
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Old 16-09-2010, 19:11   #9
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Re: Something different - teams gone by

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Fergy was one true legend, remember a bounce up between him n Billy Bremner, when rovers played leeds at ewood, ref bounced the ball, fergy kicked bremner right in the balls, then bent oer him as if it had been accidental,one of the funniest things i ever saw, ya could hear bremner screaming on the blackburn end. even funnier,fergy wasn't even booked, it conned the ref as well. have his name tattooed on me arm, as far as i'm aware he still lives oer burnley way. travelled back from watford wi him, on the train, liked a drink, so was great company.
It was 50 years last Sunday since his debut. It was Fergie himself reminding me.
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