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Old 04-03-2016, 12:19   #136
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

Originally Posted by King Kev View Post

and the best one of all................

Completely useless with computers..

Well, I have to say thats about the most factual comment you have made and you have shown to backit up as well....

Back to school for you I think....

That is a fact i am useless with computers, I dont tell lies unlike you, If you learn to read correctly i said i got someone who is qualified to check for me, selective reading or what? I now can understand why i have been told by people in clitheroe, they were glad to see the back of you.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 04-03-2016, 12:30   #137
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

Originally Posted by King Kev
debating with someone who has such a personnel insulin view
Chrisr never mentioned anything about the staff suffering from diabetes.
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Old 04-03-2016, 12:33   #138
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
If these so called clever beggars knew how the forum actually worked they could easily check things for themselves, what i said was accurate and can easily be checked, but if they are too stupid to do so, then i couldn't care less. They both use the same AOL server FACT.
As someone who understands what servers are, and what they do, I'm just curious as to the process your qualified forum ninja used to check the server location of the individual posts?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
i said i got someone who is qualified to check for me
Again, just out of curiosity, what is this person qualified in exactly? Also, does this person have a name?

I assume that this is just another Cashman trolling process used as a lure to fish for responses. I miss Malcolm.
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Old 04-03-2016, 12:45   #139
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Talking Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"


You just dont get it do you? AOL, browsers are different operating systems. thats why they appear to come from the same source.

Come on do some research, but alternatively, keep on spouting, maybe you should consider changing your username to Uninformed, ha ha.

I guess the Circus must be in town, and a Clown has gone missing...
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Old 04-03-2016, 12:51   #140
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

Originally Posted by Red-Osbornello View Post
As someone who understands what servers are, and what they do, I'm just curious as to the process your qualified forum ninja used to check the server location of the individual posts?

Again, just out of curiosity, what is this person qualified in exactly? Also, does this person have a name?

I assume that this is just another Cashman trolling process used as a lure to fish for responses. I miss Malcolm.
Read the site rules thicko, yeh will see who it was and why i aint posting the name, or is that too difficult?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 04-03-2016, 13:09   #141
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Read the site rules thicko, yeh will see who it was and why i aint posting the name, or is that too difficult?
Just read the rules my good man (no need to resort to name calling). I've checked both rules threads I could find, as well as the privacy policy and there's nothing in there about servers - probably because what you're talking about is nonsense as people don't "post from servers".

Though there is something about IP addresses and AW collecting location data, browser type etc. which is interesting. That would suggest that, if this is true, your friend is a high ranking member of the forum? If that's the case, and they've shared some location info with you - that could be seen as a pretty serious breach of the data protection act! That's the sort of thing that sees websites shut down. Is that the case?
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Old 04-03-2016, 13:26   #142
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

Originally Posted by Red-Osbornello View Post
Just read the rules my good man (no need to resort to name calling). I've checked both rules threads I could find, as well as the privacy policy and there's nothing in there about servers - probably because what you're talking about is nonsense as people don't "post from servers".

Though there is something about IP addresses and AW collecting location data, browser type etc. which is interesting. That would suggest that, if this is true, your friend is a high ranking member of the forum? If that's the case, and they've shared some location info with you - that could be seen as a pretty serious breach of the data protection act! That's the sort of thing that sees websites shut down. Is that the case?
So calling me a troll aint name calling?in my book it is so i will call yeh whatever i wish as i never did particularly like yeh anyway. anyway i wont call yeh again if it upsets yeh i will just ignore yeh ok.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 04-03-2016, 13:28   #143
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
So calling me a troll aint name calling?in my book it is so i will call yeh whatever i wish as i never did particularly like yeh anyway. anyway i wont call yeh again if it upsets yeh i will just ignore yeh ok.
Fair point, haha!

Don't ignore me Cashy, I'd have to get some work done.
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Old 04-03-2016, 13:39   #144
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

Originally Posted by Red-Osbornello View Post
Fair point, haha!

Don't ignore me Cashy, I'd have to get some work done.
Well cant have that.
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N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 04-03-2016, 14:37   #145
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

I would hazard a guess that it is the IP address as these are all logged with the moderators so it is perhaps unfair to disguise the fact that the poster in question and the moderator post from the same IP address if true because the person making the statement doesn't know the difference between an IP address and server.

As to data protection, it is unlikely that the act has been breached as, on the face of it, no personal data has been divulged. I could tell you that my wife and I post from the same computer therefore will have the same IP address but all that tells you is I am daft for letting the wife near my computer it does not disclose any personal data.

What it may be is a breach of ethics on this forum by a moderator. The simple solution to the argument would be for people to report it to a moderator and they can deal with the whole situation as they see fit.

I rate King Kev's opinion as highly as I do Dav0's but that doesn't mean he hasn't the right to post it as long as it isn't illegal or misleading. He can do likewise with me if he wants.
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Old 04-03-2016, 16:14   #146
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
That is a fact i am useless with computers, I dont tell lies unlike you, If you learn to read correctly i said i got someone who is qualified to check for me, selective reading or what? I now can understand why i have been told by people in clitheroe, they were glad to see the back of you.

O' cashman, Maybe you could do me the honour of explaining what Clithero has got to do with me?
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Old 04-03-2016, 16:35   #147
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

Yet again the same old names bring a thread to its knees. Close it down Mr T, and while you're at it close this section of Accy Web. Its nowt but a soapbox for certain people to feel important from.
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Old 04-03-2016, 17:01   #148
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
Yet again the same old names bring a thread to its knees. Close it down Mr T, and while you're at it close this section of Accy Web. Its nowt but a soapbox for certain people to feel important from.
Well said Russ sick of hearing em me self.
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Old 04-03-2016, 19:15   #149
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

Originally Posted by King Kev View Post

You just dont get it do you? AOL, browsers are different operating systems. thats why they appear to come from the same source.

Come on do some research, but alternatively, keep on spouting, maybe you should consider changing your username to Uninformed, ha ha.

I guess the Circus must be in town, and a Clown has gone missing...
KK... I have always understood that there is no place whatsoever on OUR Forum for posts which are designed to criticise and belittle other fans of our team, and to single out and name one of these is shameful.
It seems that both of these elements exist in this sneering post of yours. and outline qualities in your appreciation of what is expected of Forum users which leave much to be desired.
It would also suggest from it's tone of self conceit that you see yourself as being superior to
the rest of us !....which, I can assure you, is most definitely not the case !.

Must do better !!.

Maybe this thread has outlived it's usefulness and should follow many other's of its ilk into oblivion ...wonder if our esteemed Moderator feels the same ?.
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Last edited by yonmon; 04-03-2016 at 19:21.
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Old 04-03-2016, 19:41   #150
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

Well I started the thread. My original point remains unanswered so I have to agree that it should be closed.
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