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Old 04-03-2016, 19:51   #151
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

Originally Posted by yonmon View Post

KK... I have always understood that there is no place whatsoever on OUR Forum for posts which are designed to criticise and belittle other fans of our team, and to single out and name one of these is shameful.
It seems that both of these elements exist in this sneering post of yours. and outline qualities in your appreciation of what is expected of Forum users which leave much to be desired.
It would also suggest from it's tone of self conceit that you see yourself as being superior to
the rest of us !....which, I can assure you, is most definitely not the case !.

Must do better !!.

Maybe this thread has outlived it's usefulness and should follow many other's of its ilk into oblivion ...wonder if our esteemed Moderator feels the same ?.
Cheers yonmon, but i aint bothered in the slightest what he or anyone says, football is all about opinions unless of coarse they happen to be mine. Our esteemed moderator can easily put the matter to bed, by making a clear statement that King Kev is not him, nor is it anyone connected to the club, but i aint holding my breath wi that. it also seems to me Macca has now got some power seeing he wants this section closing down, The fact that the site belongs to a stanley supporter is of no relevance to him it seems? In fact he asks MrT to close it down, well as far as i'm aware a mod can only close a thread not close the site, but power can be a funny old thing.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 04-03-2016, 20:24   #152
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

Originally Posted by Revived Red View Post
Well I started the thread. My original point remains unanswered so I have to agree that it should be closed.
They may have answered it in their own way. It now says "2016/17 season ticket and Loyalty Membership forms will be available from Monday 15th February from the Stanley Store, supporters club shop in Accrington market and Reception. Please note we can only accept payment via cash or cheque"

No mention of online. Not how we thought it would pan out I dare say.
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Old 04-03-2016, 20:32   #153
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

Originally Posted by Revived Red View Post
Well I started the thread. My original point remains unanswered so I have to agree that it should be closed.
Ooooops !... I forgot that you were quivering in anticipation of a sensible and comprehensive response to your query RR, but am glad that you too feel that your thread is possibly not serving the purpose for which it was intended .

At times, I am overwhelmed with disappointment with much of what appears on our Forum,
and apart from the occasional times when football at our club happens to be the subject of discussion, feel that much of the nebulous 'who knows what ' and ' who knows what the future holds' and worst of all 'who knows what about whom !', is as valuable as the information shared at the the knit and natter group at our local library !.

But this is merely the opinion of one, who has always looked for good opinions, good banter, good interrelationships between we who have Accrington Stanley's best interests at heart !.
and honest and good natured exchange of views whenever I have visited our Forum.

It seems that there has been a swing away from all this to lesser things...or of course I could be entirely wrong !.

Perhaps the feelings expressed by Mecca are not far from the truth !.
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Old 04-03-2016, 20:38   #154
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

Originally Posted by deeayess View Post
They may have answered it in their own way. It now says "2016/17 season ticket and Loyalty Membership forms will be available from Monday 15th February from the Stanley Store, supporters club shop in Accrington market and Reception. Please note we can only accept payment via cash or cheque"

No mention of online. Not how we thought it would pan out I dare say.
Snap. I was just looking this evening and noticed the lack of text about online applications.

Can appreciate it must feel like a barrier to fans who live further away from the ground than a short commute. Although, there's always the option of sorting it out on matchdays.
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Old 04-03-2016, 20:52   #155
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"

Originally Posted by Tom D View Post
Snap. I was just looking this evening and noticed the lack of text about online applications.

Can appreciate it must feel like a barrier to fans who live further away from the ground than a short commute. Although, there's always the option of sorting it out on matchdays.
Yes, that's what I would do if I were getting a season ticket however you would have thought it wouldn't be hard to create and upload a PDF file.
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Old 04-03-2016, 21:08   #156
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Re: Sorry, Mr Burgess - still "tinpot"


No idea what you are on about!!

I do have a personnel AOL e-mail address which is linked to Accyweb

I have no idea who King Kev is; I don't recognise that e-mail address.

Given the fact I haven't had internet access for most of today ( the Wi-FI has been poor whilst travelling.

IF somebody wants to do the moderating job; happy to step down NOW!!!!

I'll close this thread as requested!!

It's a good job we've got 50 points and safe!! What would we me moaning about if we'd only 50 points on the board??
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