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Old 03-06-2009, 22:39   #16
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
Been a few days since any of the Ultras have posted ...
Be fair Baggy, they're right in the middle of their GCSEs.

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 03-06-2009, 23:30   #17
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

Originally Posted by Oggy View Post
Be fair Baggy, they're right in the middle of their GCSEs.

PMSL, What a brilliant post


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Old 04-06-2009, 08:23   #18
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

I am confused by one thing in particular, it is said that EW would step aside if Stanley got into the league, because he didnt have the financial clout to go forward, that sounds like a love of ASFC, to then not step aside sounds like either glory hunting, or finances have improved, this is dissipated by the debt, so the reason for staying seems to me to be, infamy (shutting the club down), or to see how much can be made from the sale, either way, it certainly seems that the love of the club is a distant memory!
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 04-06-2009, 12:28   #19
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

Originally Posted by derekgas View Post
I am confused by one thing in particular, it is said that EW would step aside if Stanley got into the league, because he didnt have the financial clout to go forward, that sounds like a love of ASFC, to then not step aside sounds like either glory hunting, or finances have improved, this is dissipated by the debt, so the reason for staying seems to me to be, infamy (shutting the club down), or to see how much can be made from the sale, either way, it certainly seems that the love of the club is a distant memory!
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Old 04-06-2009, 15:11   #20
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

Eric Whalley would have stepped aside when we entered the league (or at least 1 year after that), but he can't sell the club. He's been trying for 2 years, but can't get the price he wants. He's put his money into the business, so it's only fair that he gets back the value that he thinks he deserves. If that's more than people are will to pay, then that's his problem. I don't see where the confusion arises from that. It's been explained countless times on various threads.
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Old 05-06-2009, 08:30   #21
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
Eric Whalley would have stepped aside when we entered the league (or at least 1 year after that), but he can't sell the club. He's been trying for 2 years, but can't get the price he wants. He's put his money into the business, so it's only fair that he gets back the value that he thinks he deserves. If that's more than people are will to pay, then that's his problem. I don't see where the confusion arises from that. It's been explained countless times on various threads.
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To talk about "lining pockets" is less than fair. Replacing them would be more like it.
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Old 05-06-2009, 10:22   #22
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
Eric Whalley would have stepped aside when we entered the league (or at least 1 year after that), but he can't sell the club. He's been trying for 2 years, but can't get the price he wants. He's put his money into the business, so it's only fair that he gets back the value that he thinks he deserves. If that's more than people are will to pay, then that's his problem. I don't see where the confusion arises from that. It's been explained countless times on various threads.
I agree with some of that, but, the club CAN be sold, but you have to sell at value, not necessarily at what you have put into it, the confusion is about why the price is above what anyone will pay for it, so, did EW throw money into it for the love of the club? Or, in an attempt to make the club more valuable? If it was for the love of the club, (surplus cash), then you would expect to sell for less than you put in, if it was for profit on your investment, then that is a gamble, and as such, gamblers lose sometimes, so you should expect losses in any event, I am not saying Eric isnt entitled to get some of his hard earned back, I am saying that the expected amount has to be realistic, if it was, the club would have surely been sold.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 05-06-2009, 11:58   #23
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

The last balance sheet lodged with Companies House is for the year ended 31st May 2007 and shows the net assets of the Club being £256,820 and the profit for the year 1st June 2006 to 31st May 2007 being £102,215. It is now two years later and if we owe around £400,000 the net assets of the Club will probably be nothing, so anybody buying Eric's shares will be buying 56% of nothing. How much does anybody think someone will pay for getting 56% of nothing.
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Old 05-06-2009, 12:00   #24
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

no wonder they never publish the accounts!

thanks Jeff.
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Old 05-06-2009, 12:12   #25
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

It doesn't matter what people say the club is worth, it's what Eric wants to ask for it. What right has anyone to dictate to the owner of a company how much they should sell it for? No right at all. Eric has put money into the club and therefore has the right to set the sale price. If the sale price at the moment is in excess of what it's valued at, then it is entirely his prerogative if he decides not to sell at this moment in time.
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Old 05-06-2009, 12:30   #26
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
It doesn't matter what people say the club is worth, it's what Eric wants to ask for it. What right has anyone to dictate to the owner of a company how much they should sell it for? No right at all. Eric has put money into the club and therefore has the right to set the sale price. If the sale price at the moment is in excess of what it's valued at, then it is entirely his prerogative if he decides not to sell at this moment in time.
Eric said that he wanted to sell and now he says that he is staying. I don't think that it is his decision to stay it's probably the fact that nobody will buy 56% of nothing for the price that he is asking. I don't know who is dictating to Eric how much he should sell it for, perhaps you could let us know and perhaps you could also let us know how much Eric has put into the club.
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Old 05-06-2009, 14:04   #27
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

Originally Posted by JEFF View Post
Eric said that he wanted to sell and now he says that he is staying. I don't think that it is his decision to stay it's probably the fact that nobody will buy 56% of nothing for the price that he is asking. I don't know who is dictating to Eric how much he should sell it for, perhaps you could let us know and perhaps you could also let us know how much Eric has put into the club.
Obviously I have no idea how much Eric has put in to the club, but common sense would dictate that we've not been running the club purely on gate receipts for the last few years. I realise that we've had additional money coming in from transfers, etc.

I'm not going to get into an argument over this. I'll just leave it up to the assassins to do their work.
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Old 05-06-2009, 14:17   #28
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

Having been closely involved with the club over many years ( but not now) I am saddened by what as happened recently.
The TV Programme was in my opinion a disaster
Fraser Eagle going into Adminisration (or whatever) leaving a hole in the budget.
Dropping crowds, reasons open to debate.
Gambling accusations leaving a bad taste in the mouth of anyone who as either put money into the club, supported the club or volunteered their time.
Protracted investigation by FA.
Eric is not the easiest of people to get to know, but unlike you out there who are trying to second guess him, let me tell you that he as put a tremendous amount of money into getting the club to its present position. On more than one occasion he paid the tranfers fees for incoming players
that Coleman wanted to buy because he felt that the asking price was too much and he could not "waste " the clubs money, and to back the Manager he would rather waste his own.
Never have I been up to the club without him being there or him being out on club business. A shrewd businessman for 15 years. Expected cost 15 x £50,000 work it out for yourselves.
Yes it does seem that the club as robbed Peter to pay Paul as someone said earier but in todays enviroment they are not on there own.
Does he deserve to get his money back or will he, I don't know but he sure as hell doesn't not deserve some a the smart ar-e comments on here.
Without him ASFC would be looking forward to playing in the Unibond next year
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Old 05-06-2009, 15:27   #29
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

We all know we wouldn't be were we are today without him and yes in a perfect world he should get his money back but it isn't perfect and although we thank him for what he has done the club has to look forward and my view is without him.
Are you saying the club should die because of one man, should we close the doors and make sure Eric gets some money back, no no no.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 05-06-2009, 19:44   #30


Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

I don’t want to be pushy but with the exception of an unqualified interview on Radio Lancs. by three attendees we’ve heard now’t. Yes I know it’s early and yes I know somebody is plodding away drafting a statement but; can someone come back with some feedback as regards the attendance, mood and views of tonight’s meeting.

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