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Old 10-06-2009, 05:25   #76
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
as the guy knows a damn site more about money matters than you or i, i do not regard it as speculation, but if you want to kiss E.W.s ass carry on.
So asking Ilyas to comment on a 'what if' situation isn't speculation?

As soon as somebody says something against the status-quo, they are immediately labelled as wrong. This situation isn't all black and white and although scape-goating people may simplify the situation for many people, it doesn't always mean that's right.
I've been saying for years that the club hasn't handled itself very well in lots of ways and it was me that coined the phrase "League team, Unibond club". Therefore I'm under no illusions at all, even though I was one of a few dissenting voices for quite some time.
We all know that things haven't been right for a long time, but as long as we kept going forwards, people were happy to roll with it and laugh along with Eric and his ' special ways'. Maybe it was a case of ignorance being bliss, but whatever it was, it annoys me now that people have turned on individuals because the truth has come out.

And finally, I didn't even know that Eric had a donkey.
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Old 10-06-2009, 07:57   #77
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
So asking Ilyas to comment on a 'what if' situation isn't speculation?

As soon as somebody says something against the status-quo, they are immediately labelled as wrong. This situation isn't all black and white and although scape-goating people may simplify the situation for many people, it doesn't always mean that's right.
I've been saying for years that the club hasn't handled itself very well in lots of ways and it was me that coined the phrase "League team, Unibond club". Therefore I'm under no illusions at all, even though I was one of a few dissenting voices for quite some time.
We all know that things haven't been right for a long time, but as long as we kept going forwards, people were happy to roll with it and laugh along with Eric and his ' special ways'. Maybe it was a case of ignorance being bliss, but whatever it was, it annoys me now that people have turned on individuals because the truth has come out.

And finally, I didn't even know that Eric had a donkey.
the question was would good players leave under those circumstances or not,as i genuinly have no idea if the money the guy was gonna put in would have made any differance, that to me is not scapegoating, unless by implication of a certain answer.n you can never accuse me of turning on that certain individual, cos i have never liked him in the first place.
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Old 10-06-2009, 10:02   #78
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

Kenny Arthur in todays Telegraph says that the uncertainty surrounding the club and the tax bill was the reason he went.

so, again I say that if only the club had been more transparent when it wasn't such a great deal we would be in a better position.
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Old 10-06-2009, 10:48   #79
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
Kenny Arthur in todays Telegraph says that the uncertainty surrounding the club and the tax bill was the reason he went.

so, again I say that if only the club had been more transparent when it wasn't such a great deal we would be in a better position.
good sense, kenny cannot be blamed in any way fer his choice.sadly i fear it could have possibly been avoided if they had.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 10-06-2009, 10:58   #80
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

Kenny Arthur in todays Telegraph says that the uncertainty surrounding the club and the tax bill was the reason he went.

so, again I say that if only the club had been more transparent when it wasn't such a great deal we would be in a better position.
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Old 10-06-2009, 15:59   #81
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

Tin Monkey IMHO Eric built up the club using his "special ways" but now he is using the same "special ways" to knock it down.

If Whalley had worked with Ilyas, Kenny would still be a Stanley player.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 10-06-2009, 16:29   #82
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Unhappy Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
Kenny Arthur in todays Telegraph says that the uncertainty surrounding the club and the tax bill was the reason he went.

so, again I say that if only the club had been more transparent when it wasn't such a great deal we would be in a better position.
Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
Tin Monkey IMHO Eric built up the club using his "special ways" but now he is using the same "special ways" to knock it down.

If Whalley had worked with Ilyas, Kenny would still be a Stanley player.

It goes without saying that the two statements above are what most of us feared, but now the club must sit up and listen to the fans/supporters and Ilyas. We cannot afford to lose players like Edwards, Ryan, Turner Etc. It has to be sorted now...

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Old 16-06-2009, 12:04   #83
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Re: Speaking up for Mr Eric Whalley

From Fishy site -
Accrington Stanley chairman Eric Whalley has today stepped down from his position, passing on the reigns to David O'Neill.

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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