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Old 21-01-2007, 18:15   #1
Junior Member+


Evening all.

I know this isn't a footie related topic but as a fellow lge 2 fan I've put the post on here instead of any 'off topic' areas in the hope that more people will get to view the following.

Just a quick post to say that a good friend of mine is running this years' London marathon in aid of the British Heart Foundation.

Every 2 minutes someone in this country suffers a heart attack,
half of which are fatal so every penny could help to save someones' life.

Liz is also running in memory of her dad who died very suddenly from an attack three years ago this month and as someone that doesn't really run/jog much on a weekly basis it's one hell of an undertaking I'm sure you'd agree.

I know it's not long after Christmas (and most of us non Russian billionaires are skint) but please dig deep and give generously as £2000 is needed in order to participate and so far the online donations are fairly small although the donation site hasn't been up and running for long.

You can donate money on the following site

Thanks for taking the time to read this and here's hoping for a few more quid to find its way to the BHF come april.


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Accrington Web
Old 21-01-2007, 20:38   #2
nadsw2002's Avatar

Re: Sponsorship......

Count me in! I do the great north run every year for charity so i appreciate how difficult it is to get sponsors! Your friend is Very brave doing the London - 13 miles is bad enough! Good luck and all the beast to her.........
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Old 21-01-2007, 22:10   #3
AccyLady's Avatar

Re: Sponsorship......

Count me in too!!! nadsw2002 being my sister i do go along with her to Newcastle every year and have to admit i find it difficult just to watch never mind run the 13 miles!!!! Your friend is very brave and I wish her lots of luck and all the best!!!!!!
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