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27-09-2017, 12:35
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Re: Sports Hub!
Just looked it up says he's UKIP !! Must have just been giving him grief because he opposed the Hub then ??
27-09-2017, 12:39
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Re: Sports Hub!
Originally Posted by cashman
Labour,UKIP. Independant, says it all about that piece of crap, he changes party to what happens to suit at the time, i wasn't even aware he was back with Labour? he switches that often, in fact i will be amazed if they accepted him back.
They have not accepted him back. He has just agitated an issue for his own personal political platform. I can't understand why anyone would vote for him in any party. He has not told the whole story on the hub issue. I am not affected either way so I have no axe to grind. I do believe people need to be fully aware of all the facts before any decision can be made. I questioned whee the money was coming from and Sport England was the answer. So if it is a betterment of facilities then perhaps it needs closer examination. On the issue of the fencing I was assured that it was there to stop dog fouling in the pitch area. I can understand that, I was also told the land would not be sold off and it would be free access to people. As I say I don't live there so I won't be involved in any way shape or form. Simply tell people the whole story and then let them make the decision. I am with Cashy on this Malcom Pritchard opportunist. Ignore him and ask the people who do have the facts.
27-09-2017, 16:53
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Re: Sports Hub!
As a supporter of the hub I was overjoyed that Pritchard threw his political weight behind the Save campaign. If they had any chance of succeeding it disappeared the moment they appointed him Chairman of the group
27-09-2017, 19:24
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Re: Sports Hub!
He's probably expecting a back hander of Barrett's housing if he agreed to them building houses there. I know which I prefer.
Gremlin R.T.
27-09-2017, 20:43
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Re: Sports Hub!
With the Huncoat Housing Zone next door with a potential for 2k new houses under a maximum growth scenario I think it would be 7-10 years before housing would be built on the proposed hub site at the earliest.
There just isn't the demand for new builds in Hyndburn, hence very small new build delivery figures in the past. However as Gremlin suggests housing is likely to be there in the next generation with the Government's current 'direction of travel' and it won't matter what party is in power.
Use it or lose it.
12-10-2017, 10:05
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Re: Sports Hub!
The Trust team held their public meeting last night. This was their turn to put across THE FACTS. It was an opportunity for the opposition to clarify the points to which they have concerns. It was the time for the truth to be told and myths dispelled. Supporters of the proposal held their breath, awaiting the swathe of public hostility (2500 signatures apparently). All the valuables in the bar were carefully hidden away (the nice glasses), and all sharp objects were removed.
By kick off time the door was heaving - in the gentle breeze!
33 people bothered to turn up.
Of those 33 at least 12 were either bar staff, ASCT or media. Of the remaining 21 i personally overheard at least 6 state they had been fence sitters but having heard the FACTS were now firmly behind it.
Sorry to the savers, but you had your opportunity and your 'overwhelming' petition has been reduced to nothing more than confetti paper.
12-10-2017, 10:59
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Re: Sports Hub!
"Sorry to the savers, but you had your opportunity and your 'overwhelming' petition has been reduced to nothing more than confetti paper"
Yeah thats right Rob you can burn it as well on your Council Bonfire
Like I've always said its happening anyway no need to go on websites stirring it up Rob, just wait for it to be announced properly and people will have to accept it.
12-10-2017, 11:21
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Re: Sports Hub!
Fair enough Martin, just updating the thread and putting my opinion in.
I think we both agree it was always gonna happen but my bugbears have been with those without valid reason choosing to oppose. And the facebookers who said they knew nowt about it
12-10-2017, 11:39
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Re: Sports Hub!
I know mate, I think there is another meeting next week for the Residents but I think the decision might hinge on Fields In Trust I think that’s the only hope the Residents have really. I fully understand if you don’t live round here or your a Stanley Supporter or someone who just thinks it will benefit them or the Community your bound to want it, I want it just not across the road  . (NIMBY) 
12-10-2017, 13:05
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Re: Sports Hub!
This opposition no show don't surprise me 0ne bit, I went on a few marches to London and Edinburgh opposing the hunting ban, the turn out was in the thousands, the opposition lets say Stanley take more supporters to Yeovil. the point being it's easy to vote with your finger but when it comes to getting off your backside people ain't all that bothered.
12-10-2017, 13:49
Re: Sports Hub!
The meeting help my Councillor Pritchard was very well attended. I was there and the room was full and many standing.
I would have liked to have gone to this one but I was working.
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12-10-2017, 14:04
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Re: Sports Hub!
Thats the thing though Neil, Pritchards meeting had around 150 people. As time has gone by the 'there for a nosey' have disappeared. The 'there because my mate was' have disappeared'. The 'there because i was told this ... ' have disappeared as FACTS have come out.
When their petition first started I found myself in the newsagents on Marlborough Road. I was asked if Id like to sign the petition against Stanleys new training ground ...
12-10-2017, 15:41
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Re: Sports Hub!
Next meeting is 19th October at St Josephs Church Hall 6.30-9.30 I bet theres a few more at this one.
12-10-2017, 16:33
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Re: Sports Hub!
I wonder if the trust have been invited to Mr.Pritchard's next meeting cos they weren't asked to attend the first one?
12-10-2017, 17:25
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Re: Sports Hub!
Originally Posted by Shurm
Next meeting is 19th October at St Josephs Church Hall 6.30-9.30 I bet theres a few more at this one.
19th Martin? It'll be built by then!
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