Well thats all folks! (For another season)
The answer this week was square 46 :
I could have sworn it was under his arm!
Anyway - well done to
MikeA and
Bluebird for getting it right this week but Im afraid it was a case of close but no cigar my feathered Cumbrian freind! The Accy Web Reds whatever 'we' are called Spot the Ball 2003/04 competition winner is :
(Like the colour scheme??

Your team might not be able to win owt but you can

only kidding

hard luck t'other day but at least we get to meet up again next season and well done for everyone has breathed a small sigh of relief as you managed to keep that Barra chap off the top spot mate!

I will buy you a pint of cider or 2 at Glasto as your prize

See the league table thread for the Spot the Ball final standings for 2003/04.
Lastly Id like to thank all that played along this season and for putting up with late announcements of answers and especially those that played 38 games - you know who you are!!! And of course Kipax without whom this compy wouldnt and couldnt work - thanks mate!! Good egg!!!!
End of speech - end of competition - Im off for a well deserved 'feet up'!!
Jimbo T
