Finally all the pictures have been chosen and most printed.. some are A3 and sent away.. only one is bigger than A3
There are 68 Photographs by me and 9 Introductory B/W photographs by Garth Dawson from when we where last in the league. Some mounts of multiple pictures resulting in a total of 50 mounts (framed)... There is one short match report from Woking that goes more into the drama of the day than a proper match report.. is short and really tells the story... even gives the theme from minder a mention

.... Theres laminated copies of letters from clubs and individuals congratulating the club on gaining league status ..Thanks to the club and Rob Heys the Conference trophy will also be on display throughout the exhibition.
Still on target for the cost which I guessed to be 300.. then a worried rethink to as much as 500.. I am now confident it wont get to 400... All reciepts have been kept and the supporters club will pay exactly what it costs to put the show on... In return they will get 41 mounts containing 68 pics.. plus the report (also mounted with pics) and laminated letters.... they wont get frames or garths pics or the trophy... However a normal photo exhibition is NOT framed.. only at art galleries... other venues would just be mounted then atatched to boards or walls as they are.. (Mounted is the card surrounding and backing the pics.. not what you use to hang the pic)
So with luck.. within the next week all pictures will be printed and mounted and at the gallery... all thats left then is to write 68 descriptions for 68 pictures
To give a little insight.. only 24 photographs are of football action (inc celebrations) because so many other pictures tell the story... quite a lot of forum members appear on pictures and the ultras come out well on a couple... Lots from woking, civic reception and conference presentation as thats the theme.... about 20 frames from the conference season as thats the season we got into the league and 5 frames of pics showing us in the football league now..Jack barret has pride of place on an A3 pic holding the trophy as he is a special part of it all..
The rest you will ahve to come along and see for yourself... me.. well I am just gonna carry on worrying and panicking that it goes down well.....eeeeerm.....gosh its scary...