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Old 30-12-2009, 11:54   #1
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Pendle Red's Avatar

Stanley Audio

Just reading Jimbo's thread reference lack of live coverage on Stanley games, I know our Website is one of the few that is not run by bigger companies you know the one's I mean that carry live match commentary on all games for a set monthly fee. They also carry pre and post match comments from players management etc.

I am not sure of the in's & outs of legalities reference broadcasting over the net, but it maybe worth the Club considering looking at and perhaps setting up this sort of service not just for people out of the area but for perhaps fans who don't get to all the away games.

Local companies could be featured as perhaps advertising that may bring them onboard for further sponsorship opportunities. It could feature competitions, kids sections, a wider community feel to it to help attract more fans to the Club.

I would be more than willing where possible to help out with it, if the Club and Fans feel there is any mileage in it?
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Old 30-12-2009, 12:06   #2

Re: Stanley Audio

Originally Posted by Pendle Red View Post
Just reading Jimbo's thread reference lack of live coverage on Stanley games, I know our Website is one of the few that is not run by bigger companies you know the one's I mean that carry live match commentary on all games for a set monthly fee. They also carry pre and post match comments from players management etc.

I am not sure of the in's & outs of legalities reference broadcasting over the net, but it maybe worth the Club considering looking at and perhaps setting up this sort of service not just for people out of the area but for perhaps fans who don't get to all the away games.

Local companies could be featured as perhaps advertising that may bring them onboard for further sponsorship opportunities. It could feature competitions, kids sections, a wider community feel to it to help attract more fans to the Club.

I would be more than willing where possible to help out with it, if the Club and Fans feel there is any mileage in it?
excellent thinking. You might just have something there for the benefit of us all, assuming that there are no legal spanners.
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Old 30-12-2009, 14:06   #3
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Re: Stanley Audio

it is a top idea but I suspect it would fall victim to everything else that we try to do - there aren't enough of us! At any one time there are around 25 registered members on here who are 'watching' the away games, at a fiver each a month would that pay for the upkeep? Advertising would obviously add to that but I couldn't see any more than around 50 subscribers
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Old 30-12-2009, 15:48   #4
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Re: Stanley Audio

Could be something that the club could equire about, ask the fans if they would sign up to it for a set price and see what we get in-return for the cash we pay, i'd be in for it.
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Old 30-12-2009, 17:51   #5
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Smile Re: Stanley Audio

Sounds like a good idea in principle, Google Page Ranking, but as a few have said, it will be down to ££££s It has to be worth chasing up!

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Old 02-01-2010, 00:44   #6
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Re: Stanley Audio

This has been mentioned in the past on another thread and i think the cost has a lot to do with it.
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Old 02-01-2010, 10:29   #7
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Re: Stanley Audio

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
it is a top idea but I suspect it would fall victim to everything else that we try to do - there aren't enough of us!
This is on ACCRINGTON web. I reckon there's loads of Stanley fans who for a reasonable fee would like to get 'closer' to the club. If you throw in some online club shop vouchers e.g. 25% off a new shirt when you sign up for 12 months or something we could be on to a winner.
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Old 02-01-2010, 11:34   #8
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Re: Stanley Audio

I'm sure everyone will agree, as frustrating as it may be, that 25 members isn't going to get us too far (at this stage) with commercial radio stations (yep .. they're usually looking for the bang for buck) and we appreciate that there's a loyal band of followers on the ground trying to make things happen each week , so Stanley Audio is just another task to be completed. However, here's a few thoughts for discussion to get the 'ball rolling' re: the topic...

1. The 'Forum Members' should at least research the best way to set up an internet radio station at the Club i.e. laptop, internet connection, software, etc ..
2. We could decide to either 'chip-in' to buy the solution for the Club or get the solution sponsored by local business(s), obviously with the approval of the Club;
3. We could invite local students who are currently studying at college or university (preferably in media studies or aspiring to become radio presenters) to run the home commentaries (max 2 hours) for the members under the supervision of one of the members OR we could get one of the members to run the commentaries for us if the majority decides that is the best way to go;
4. Couple of WIN:WINs here as I see it - the students (or member) gets real experience in presenting live sports commentaries via internet radio AND the Accy Stanley fans around the country, especially overseas get to experience match day 'live' on the radio (allowing for the fact it's in an amateur format).

I'm sure there are a lot of Accy ex-pats or supports around the world who would be interested in the service if they knew that it existed and if they could find the domain name easily on the net.

Over to you guys ....
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Old 02-01-2010, 11:49   #9
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Re: Stanley Audio

The media students are already in place running the Programme or as you say could bring it closer to Home in Hynburn and roll it out to one of the Local schools or Accy College as a joint venture to give students first hand experience, doing it that way funding, equipment and expertise may already be available?

The guys on the gantry who record the games dosn't one of them also do commentary, I seem to recall seeing one of them with a microphone.

The next part of the service could also be expanded to include a virtual Matchday Programme in PDF format to subscribed people delivered straight into your inbox, whether that be Stanley fans around the world or away fans who can't travel but still want to enjoy the whole matchday experience

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Last edited by Pendle Red; 02-01-2010 at 11:54.
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Old 02-01-2010, 11:54   #10
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Re: Stanley Audio

Howdy all
Hopefully I can shed a bit of light on this...

As recently as last week I had a conversation with Rob Heys about this very subject.

Let me try and give you some facts:

- Accrington Stanley FC have the sole rights to broadcast internet commentary on Accrington Stanley. Technically (and in the eyes of the law) anyone else broadcasting commentary on the net is breaching their licence (I know, we used to forget quite a lot ;-))

- All Premium TV websites give clubs the opportunity to stream commentary on their sights. At the moment the Stanley website isn't capable of this (so I'm told) but COULD be.

- As mentioned above, the problem is cost. The kind of broadcast equipment needed to make something sound vaguely professional (and it must sound like that if people are going to pay for it) costs several thousand pounds which means that a lot of the cost is up front.

However, it's not all bad news. As I say, I recently had a chat to Rob about this and there are a few possible avenues to explore. Just don't expect anything immediately!

I'm hoping to speak to the club again soon and I'll let you all know.
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Old 02-01-2010, 12:19   #11
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Re: Stanley Audio

Live streaming would be good, you wouldn't believe the grief you have over here trying to get live commentary on Match days. I've tried 5live & BBC local but it's always the same "Thank you, but due to contractual Blah de Blah" end effect no coverage. Surely there are enough bright Lads & Lasses at the local College/Uni, who could maybe as a qualification/project get something up and running? Then once in place it could be run maybe semi-professionally as it is only for a couple of hours at a time on a couple of days a week. I know Liverpool have Lfc.TV which you have to subscribe to for 40 Quid a season, I'm not suggesting the Accy faithful should have to pay so much, but for a modest fee?? I'm sure there'd be sufficient interest.
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Old 02-01-2010, 14:01   #12
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Re: Stanley Audio

Agree with Dave. Not sure we need a CapEx (Capital Expeniture Form) raised at the Club at this stage (and yes everything is subject to appropriate approvals from the Club), however, there are many simple ways to get this Audio project kick-started.

I've had a quick look on the internet and found a few options including live365 Live365 Internet Radio - Live365's Professional Broadcasting Services follow the link at the bottom to sports broadcasts - the page reads:-

Reach your fans in your city and across the world! Live365 can assist you in quickly and easily making your audio broadcasts available by a simple link on your team's website. This is a perfect solution to reach those fans who can't make the game, your player's family and friends as well as those fans who might be living elsewhere and want to keep up with the team.
Use Live365's PRO services to:
  • Set up a robust and cost-effective way to broadcast from your AM/FM radio partner's feed. Or, you can transmit directly from your home or away games. Both options are available for a flat monthly fee starting at $99! (no matter how many games you play or how many listeners you have)
  • Sell additional sponsorships/advertising either within your Internet broadcast or on your stations player window
  • Offer your Internet broadcast with one click access directly from your team's website
  • Offer archives of your past games for an additional cost
In addition, Live365 supplies you with detailed statistics and printable graphs in order to better track your broadcast and listeners. Click here.

We capture statistics for:
  • Number of current listeners
  • Number of station launches
  • Geographic details on your listeners (what city, state or country)
  • Number of listening hours
  • Average time spent listening
  • Ranking within the Live365 Network
All statistics above measured daily, monthly and year-to-date.
Create your own look and feel to your broadcast by:
  • Customizing our standard player window
  • Creating your own player window
  • Insert your own audio advertisements, marketing messages, promotions
  • Making your station linkable to your partners websites
Example of setting up with your radio station partner:
  • Equipment needed:
    • Computer with at least 400 MHz, a soundcard and running at least Windows 98 or Mac OSX
    • Wiring to connect the line-in on the computer to an output plug on the stations soundboard/mixing board/automation system
    • Internet connection, broadband recommended (DSL, Cable, T1 etc.)
    • Connect the computer to soundboard/mixing board and to your Internet connection
Example of setting up at a stadium:
  • Equipment needed:
    • Computer with at least 400 MHz, a soundcard and running at least Windows 98 or Mac OSX (laptop recommended for transport to away games)
    • Microphone which would be connected to the line-in on the computer.
    • Internet connection, broadband recommended (DSL, Cable, T1 etc.) although dial-up connection can be used in most cases if necessary.
    • Connect the computer to your Internet connection and broadcast via the microphone

Standard - Special rates available starting at a flat $99 per month!
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Old 03-04-2011, 09:12   #13
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Re: Stanley Audio

Thought it may be a good idea to revive this thread since the BBC iplayer is now using server locations to block programming and preventing us ex-pats from following our beloved Stanley on the internet radio.
I for one would be willing to pay a reasonable subscription for the joy of following the fortunes of the worlds greatest club.
Accrington Stanley
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