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05-10-2009, 12:07
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Stanley deserve to die
All this save our Stanley mumbo jumbo is rubbish.The club should go back to playing in non league were it belongs.Before you start I was watching Stanley back in the Cheshire League in the days of Parr,Finn etc and have had enough season tickets to qualify for a pension.
Lets put some facts on the table.
1] The town has not got the support needed to sustain a league club..sad but true
2] Hence the club like the old Stanley at Peel Park will always be on the edge of a financial crisis pleading for people to dip in there pockets and pull them out of the mire.
So the above two points you cannot really argue with they are facts whether you like it or not and history supports them 100%.
So why are Stanley in the mess they are in ?
Here are some more facts
1] Stanley have not paid the tax man for years .Work it out £308,000 owed. By my estimates I cannot see them having paid any tax since they joined the league...maybe even before that. Any other business would have been wound up long ago for non payment.
Why have they not paid and whose at fault.
This is the man who continually preached via TV etc that Stanley operated within there budget and owed no one a penny. LIES AND DAMNED LIES.
As the day of destiny approached he bailed out. Oh he liked the adulation of taking Stanley back into the big time and his ego was massaged and he loved that.He even became a bit of a celebrity.But all along to keep Stanley in the League he was running the club into the ground.
Believe you me it was not just the tax man he would not pay.
He alienated most of the businesses in the area.He took there sponsorship money and goodwill and gave them little in return. Fraser Eagle are one of many to say hey we are not getting what we paid for.
I have dealt with numerous businesses in East Lancs that have all been treated shoddily by Stanley. All have sworn never to get involved again as a result of that experience.
The reality is Eric Whalley lived for the day and his policies were short sighted and selfish.They damaged and tarnished the club amongst the business community.A community that the club alienated.
People who dealt with Eric through his business EW Cartons will tell you the same story.
Eric always wanted someone else to pick up the bill and now he has passed that legacy to the people of Accrington.
Under Eric Accrington was a proffesional club in name only !
He employed unexperienced kids behind the scenes in key roles. Anyone he appointed with any experience usually had a very short stay.Eric liked to rule by fear and the more mature experienced employee was not likely to put up with his bullying.
Th reality is if you employ monkeys.....well you get mistakes.Mistakes like forms not filled in that nearly cost Stanley a points deduction and there precios league status.
IF YOU TRY TO RUN THINGS ON THE CHEAP......IF YOU DONT PAY THE TAXMAN ...what do you think will happen.
If they ever try to erect an Eric Whalley statue in Accy god forgive me.I would buy a bulldozer honestly.
So whats the answer. Well sadly the club should may survive this time round but unless someone with big pockets comes along the time will come again rest assured. The population of Accrington in the late 50/60s got so used to the rallying cry that the club was on the brink that they became immune to it.
Maybe sometimes you just have to accept your part in life. For STANLEY maybe thats competing with the likes of Lancaster City and Guiseley.
05-10-2009, 12:37
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Re: Stanley deserve to die
count down to non league . not we will come out of this . lost of clubs are in a mess right now
05-10-2009, 14:30
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Re: Stanley deserve to die
quite possibly the best first post I have ever read
05-10-2009, 14:46
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Re: Stanley deserve to die
Sounds like an insider to me,nontheless a very good post, there is a lot of truth in it.
05-10-2009, 14:53
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Re: Stanley deserve to die
Originally Posted by caretaker
Sounds like an insider to me,nontheless a very good post, there is a lot of truth in it.
yes a very good post
ppl may also be calling you an insider as you believe oneill will pull it off but refused to say why
btw i do hope your right because tbh im pass caring who or why the taxman gets paid as long as it happens in time!
05-10-2009, 15:04
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Re: Stanley deserve to die
Trust me having watched and "worked" with Stanley since the 70's and then "defected" for League Football at Bury, I know what I'm "fighting for"
League staus it's financial and other benefits are much, much better IMHO.
I do believe that with a team that does OK and entertains at home the crowds will reach a level were we can survive and prosper.
Another important thing is our "low cost and overhead base". We don't waste money, unlikely most professional clubs. We have wonderful supporters who also help the club run. THEY ARE SUPERB!!
If you look at our fan base; the youngsters are getting "hooked", we just somehow need to hang in at this level.
Could go on more, but devoting efforts to survival!! 
05-10-2009, 15:11
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Re: Stanley deserve to die
So whats going on mr T really going on as u say superb fan base we need to know the full score please pretty please? Begging please
05-10-2009, 15:24
Accy Red
Re: Stanley deserve to die
Excellent, Eric Whalley conned the fans for years, please don't ever sing that song again Ultras.
"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
05-10-2009, 15:29
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Re: Stanley deserve to die
Originally Posted by Stanleymad
So whats going on mr T really going on as u say superb fan base we need to know the full score please pretty please? Begging please
I suspect that there is a lot going on behind the scenes and it's probably unfair to expect Mr T to comment at the moment. Let's not ask or expect him to jeopardise his own position at the moment. We must remember that he has been our one link to the club in recent times. I have every confidence that he will tell us when the time is right.
It is for others, notably our two chairpersons, to say what is going on.
05-10-2009, 15:32
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Re: Stanley deserve to die
With no disrespect to MrT, I doubt very much that He will be at liberty to divulge what is going on at Fortress Crown now or at any time in the near future.
I have no doubt that MrT IS fighting like hell to make sure we survive, however I do question whether his collegues in the Boardroom are fighting quite as hard? I am absolutley at a loss to describe my loathing for the people responsible for this mess, and by that I mean, EW,DON, and the other 'old School' idiots masquerading as 'concerned board members'.
We have LOST the support of the two largest players at Stanley in the shape of Ilyas and Peter Marsden, which appears to have left us with a board with no teeth...........IMHO if O Neil had an ounce of decency in Him, He would sack the bloody lot of them, get on the phone to both Mr Khan and Mr Marsden, APOLOGISE PROFUSELY and get it sorted.
Oh and btw Stanleyarecrap................if you need someone to drive that bulldozer, please feel free to ask as I do have the appropriate license, would be delighted to help 
05-10-2009, 16:59
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Re: Stanley deserve to die
An excellent post fella, & sums up, in hindsight, the mess we are in.
However, Stanley don't deserve to die. Its supporters are some of the best in the League & we have one if not the best young manager in the country.
Yes, our gates are low & our ground needs improving but its our town team & it has a proud history & FL status. However, the difference between 1100 at home & say 1600 at home from a Macc or a Barnet is not that much in terms of turnover. Say what £2k a week?
With prudence there should be no prob. With positive marketing gates will increase if we stay here. Long term we can be ok.
Stanley certainly doesn't deserve to die because of board room mismanagement!!!!!
05-10-2009, 17:02
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Re: Stanley deserve to die
True i did expect too much from mr t as explained it was desperate to keep club going mentality, have opologised and here too.
05-10-2009, 17:10
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Re: Stanley deserve to die
Originally Posted by Mr T
If you look at our fan base; the youngsters are getting "hooked", we just somehow need to hang in at this level.
I would say that this is more down the the atmosphere behind the goals & the FITC lads, nothing to do with the club Mr T....
Positivity is great, I am all for it! But we really are in the poo.
The board of directors have mismanaged a relationship with our biggest benefactor & a loyal fan! The kids being hooked will mean nothing if we don't survive
05-10-2009, 17:29
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Re: Stanley deserve to die
too true Willie.
survival is imperative, the hangings can wait
05-10-2009, 19:29
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Re: Stanley deserve to die
Thankyou to those who appreciated my most.
The fact is the truth only really comes out when the event has passed usually.That was certainly the case in 1962 but that was a different era.
The internet has changed that significantly and even allows me to say what I think anonymously.That therefore allows me to say more and that can only be a good thing.
Yes I do have first hand knowledge of the inner workings of the club and under the Eric Whalley regime I saw the writing on the wall before a ball was kicked in the football league. I told him so to his face and told him that under his leadership the club would be back in non-league within 3 years.
OK I was wrong.How wrong time will tell.
Despite having followed the club since the 70s and right up to the league days I turned my back on it and waited for the inevitable.You just cannot run a football club like Eric tried to.A business maybe but not a football club.Not a football club that relies on goodwill and is lets face small clubs rely on that more than anything.
When Eric bailed out it could only mean one thing.He was deserting a sinking ship.Now most honourable captains go down with the ship.But we all know by now Eric and the word honourable do not figure in the same sentence.
This was the man who repeatedly spoke about his sons being handed the club when he hung up his axe.The picture is one of what Eric says really has little credibility. Ask his staff ask his sponsors ask his creditors ask his business associates.
He turned down numerous offers for a part of the club.Offers that would have injected much needed capital into a struggling club.
He wanted total control and to be his own dictator and dictator is the best description. I saw the term Mr Accrington Stanley once applied to Eric and I nearly wept.
Eric was one of those who would have bought any club he could on the cheap.Stanley was not the first club he tried to buy.
Like your Peter Ridsdale Ken Bates even Micheal Knighton he wanted any club who would put him in the limelight.
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