21-04-2006, 00:32
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Re: Stanley Directors.
Originally Posted by Diesel
Get in!!! The old bowl hairdo!!
LOL! That's exactly how I remember Mark Turner! I see the 'current' Mark Turner at games virtually every time, but never guessed who it was.
It was Mark who first started me coming to Stanley games back in the early 80s. He was the secretary at the time and I remember him bringing his Stanley books on the QEGS bus in the morning and talking about the Club. It was pretty impressive that he was the youngest Secretary in football. I'd always known about Stanley having been at Peel Park and playing our school football team matches on the ground - I was in the same team as Shurm, but he was mainly a goalie at the time - but I'd never thought to go and watch them.
So thanks Mark, it's been one hell of an adventure following the Stanley!