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Old 30-11-2011, 18:41   #1

Stanley elite

Hello all,

This is my first post on here but I hope it won't be my last!

I am a local Primary School teacher but also a keen writer. I have been fortunate in that a lot of my work has been published and is proving to be quite successful.

I have a strong passion for local community and I decided to use my 'talents' to write a new innovative game that will hopefully unite the general public and help local businesses prosper at the same time. As a keen football fan, I am very aware of how much standing each club holds in the local community and, with that in mind, I contacted Accrington Stanley to see if they would be the 'focal point' of the game. They loved the idea and agreed to take it on board so much so that STANLEY ELITE is about to be born - due to go on sale on 10th December 2011.
Before this, I have arranged an open night (this Friday 2nd Dec 7pm until 9pm at the club Sports Bar) to invite local businesses so that I can explain the benefits to them in advance of general sale.
This forum (as well as the invitation drop I have embarked on this week) will give attendees the chance to see how the game will benefit them if they choose to take part.

I hope it will be a great success. I would welcome anyone who would like to attend and I hope I can answer any questions you may have.

Hopefully, between us, we can prosper even during a recession.

I hope to see you there.

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Old 01-12-2011, 19:41   #2
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Re: Stanley elite

Please forgive my ignorance, what is it?
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Old 01-12-2011, 20:49   #3
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Re: Stanley elite

shaker was thinking exactly the same got to say a tad confused
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Old 01-12-2011, 20:54   #4
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Re: Stanley elite

Is it a board game?

It isn't very clear.
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Last edited by garinda; 01-12-2011 at 20:56.
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Old 01-12-2011, 21:06   #5
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Re: Stanley elite

Originally Posted by Pete Scholes View Post
I have arranged an open night (this Friday 2nd Dec 7pm until 9pm at the club Sports Bar) to invite local businesses so that I can explain the benefits to them in advance of general sale.
I too would like to know what it is and what it involves but I'm guessing the open night is to explain what it is.

Sounds intriguing whatever it is!
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Old 01-12-2011, 21:33   #6
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Re: Stanley elite

I spoke to Peter in the shop yesterday but not much wiser as to what it is, then again if he had told us it would have not made us curious enough to go up tomorrow night

He did mention he was hoping to form a better link between the business community and the football club. We wished him luck
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Old 01-12-2011, 21:52   #7
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Re: Stanley elite

Elite Family Games

Try the website for more information.
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Old 01-12-2011, 23:10   #8

Re: Stanley elite

hello folks,

sorry for the secrecy so far - I am hoping to explain more tomorrow night and then more before it goes on sale. Tomorrow night is mainly for the local businesses to see how it will be of benefit to them but anyone is welcome to attend.

In short, I am a teacher and a writer and a massive football fan - Carlisle United for my sins - and I was a little dismayed to say the least with the standard of customer service the club offered. I have been a fan for over 30 years and still they know little more than my email address. I emailed the club offering to help and they didnt even reply!
So I set to work. I believe that few clubs really maximise their potential across the community and I wanted to find a way to do this to benefit, not only the club, but the general public and the whole business community too.
I started writing and came up with the idea of Elite Family Games. The game involves teams of families and friends working together and competing against each other for prizes and benefits with the local club at the hub of the game. The game encourages people to take advantage of their skills and talents to compete against other teams - like a massive quiz night! The tasks and challenges will/should be great fun to work on with your friends and loved ones. This is only the start. Players/Members can interact online with each other (imagine fantasy football meets Facebook Meets Groupon) and receive lots of publicity and help (if needed) along the way. Imagine Robinson Rovers inviting Smith Town over for Sunday lunch or a game with the kids down the park.
Each team (up to ten in a team) will get a membership card and should be able to take advantage of any deals/offers local businesses put on the site for Elite members - e.g 10% a meal in their favourite restaurant, free can of coke with every £2.50 spent in their local Newsagent, extra 2% of the price of a new car from local dealership etc etc)
Not only that but the site allows me to contact teams direct if there is a new offer that might interest them - e.g Robinson Rovers little son has a birthday and their favourite restaurant is ****** then I will contact said restaurant to see if they can offer the family/team a deal on the night.

The whole community, working as one for the benefit of each other through a fun interactive game/competition.

For the last few years I have lived and worked in and around Accrington and I wanted to prove that it was possible to bring a community together and regenerate that community if the spirit was there. I hope Hyndburn is as enthusiastic as me! (God knows I am nervous enough but extremely hopeful too).

I look forward to chatting to anyone who cares to come up tomorrow and hopefully, together, we can make this a success.

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Old 01-12-2011, 23:38   #9
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Re: Stanley elite

Whats your target number of teams Pete ?
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Old 01-12-2011, 23:49   #10

Re: Stanley elite

Dave, that is the exciting thing - because it is new I have no idea how it will take off. I know I have sold at least 10 to 15 through families at work which equates to 100 to 150 people to get me started. Obviously the more than join the more people we have and the more/better prizes on offer each month but the prizes and the member benefits together should keep people interested everyday as the offers and incentives will change daily.

Also, people can add their own articles and blogs for other teams to read which is great for people who like to write or merely want to talk about current or local affairs like this forum.

To answer, the more teams we get the better it is for everyone. Every business that joins us gets to enter a team too so hopefully you and your family can enjoy it and benefit from local establishments too Dave.
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Old 01-12-2011, 23:55   #11

Re: Stanley elite

There is also a section for schools, community centres and collages so they can all keen us informed of what is going on locally through the site.
If, for examples, it is a younger members birthday or if he/she is in hospital, we can try to arrange for a player to visit them at school or in hospital - the personal touch. We can do this because of the micro community we will develop.

Hopefully, once it takes off and we get more and more clubs including other sports (we don't really need the big clubs as the game is more about the town than status) members can access the offers/deals in other 'Elite' areas. For example, if we have say Barnet or Dagenham Elite, Accy Stanley fans could use the site to find offers in other areas if they are playing there such as cheap B&B's, pub offers, transport/taxi's etc.

Nobody is treading on anyone else's toes or stealing business from each other. We are all helping each other to improve.
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Old 02-12-2011, 00:10   #12
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Re: Stanley elite

Oh dear. A teacher who can't spell 'colleges'!
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Old 02-12-2011, 00:17   #13

Re: Stanley elite

Mike, I let myself down there. Shame on me. I could blame drink or a hard day but I have no excuse.
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Old 02-12-2011, 00:25   #14
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Re: Stanley elite

Originally Posted by Pete Scholes View Post
Mike, I let myself down there. Shame on me. I could blame drink or a hard day but I have no excuse.
Ah but yeh can always use the excuse of being a yokel Pete.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 02-12-2011, 00:39   #15

Re: Stanley elite

I can't read and I can't write but I can drive a tractor...
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