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Old 15-12-2011, 19:06   #1

STANLEY ELITE - on sale on Saturday

Hello again all,

There is a previous thread about this game further down the forum but I thought it would be better to start a new one to say that the game STANLEY ELITE is now on sale at the club shop in time for Christmas. The game officially starts on the 1st January throughout 2012 (and hopefully beyond) but you can now buy and register your team.

In short, the game gives you a chance to enter a team of friends or family (or both) to compete against other teams to complete a monthly challenge for big prizes. There will be lots of extra prizes throughout the months as the ELITE community begins to grow. Each team will have their own homepage and access to a host of other pages designed to help and benefit the people in Hyndburn and East Lancashire.
Anyone who is part of a team becomes an ELITE member and they will start to benefit from offers and deals from local shops and businesses.

Businesses will be encouraged to become ELITE members too and they can promote their services online providing they put up an offer that the members can benefit from (e.g 10% off, something free is you spend over £5, two months half price etc etc). These offers can be changed regularly to suit the members and the businesses themselves.

Schools, local schemes, colleges, community centres etc will have pages to talk about what they are doing in the town and what they offer the wider community.

We will even target local shops, restaurants, pubs etc for our members to try to ensure they get all the best deals locally.

Through the game, we want to encourage the whole area to work for each other for the benefit of each other - especially in these hard times!

The game is priced at £15 which is a whole team membership (up to ten) for a whole year!

The more members we get, the more clout we will have to negotiate on your behalf with local traders.

Working alongside the club, I hope to get 3,000 active members by the end of February and double this by the end of the season.

I will be at the club shop and in the ground this Saturday and would be happy to talk to anyone who is interested.
Also, if anyone has any questions they would like to raise on here I will do my best to answer.

By working together, we can make this a success for the club and the whole area.

If STANLEY ELITE takes off, other clubs will take it on too and Stanley will benefit from this earning income from their sales.
Accrington Stanley are the first. I hope I can prove that my invention is a worthy one and they were right to take a chance.

Pete Scholes is offline   Reply With Quote
Accrington Web
Old 15-12-2011, 20:13   #2
Senior Member+

Re: STANLEY ELITE - on sale on Saturday

Paul I hope that t'Stanley's commercial and Google Page Ranking staff are working withyou to pubnlicise this. I am looking forward to seeing it on TV and in the national papers. Assure me that you have made David Lloyd aware of it and that you have taken steps to protect your interests. I shall now PM you to be the first to order one.
Bob Dobson is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 15-12-2011, 20:15   #3
Senior Member+

Re: STANLEY ELITE - on sale on Saturday

Originally Posted by Bob Dobson View Post
Paul I hope that t'Stanley's commercial and Google Page Ranking staff are working withyou to pubnlicise this. I am looking forward to seeing it on TV and in the national papers. Assure me that you have made David Lloyd aware of it and that you have taken steps to protect your interests. I shall now PM you to be the first to order one.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

For Paul, read Pete. Also publicise
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Old 15-12-2011, 20:33   #4

Re: STANLEY ELITE - on sale on Saturday

Bob, the wheels are in motion for all you have mentioned. It is all protected too don't worry. The Stanley folk have been very good and hopefully we will see lots of promotion in the next few days and weeks.

I have messaged you back - I will get one in the post for you tomorrow my friend!

Pete Scholes is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 16-12-2011, 16:35   #5

Re: STANLEY ELITE - on sale on Saturday

It is in the post Bob!
Pete Scholes is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 17-12-2011, 20:30   #6
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Re: STANLEY ELITE - on sale on Saturday

How did the launch go Peter ?
__________________ - T-shirt printing & more
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Old 18-12-2011, 11:39   #7

Re: STANLEY ELITE - on sale on Saturday

Went quite well and hopefully this week we should start to see some press coverage and more info on the website etc. once it starts for real on the 1st jan we will start to see much progress. Its hard to gauge how many members I will have at this stage but I'm hoping for approx two thousand by the end of feb. I'd guess we have over 500 set to start now.
I will come and see you tomorrow if you are around. Have a think about any offers you would consider doing for members and I will give your shop a big editorial and advert.
Pete Scholes is offline   Reply With Quote

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