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Old 17-10-2013, 19:07   #16
Resting in Peace

Re: Stanley in post war FA cup

Came across this in David Kynaston's " Smoke in the Valley", the second great book in his series about post war austerity:_
"...the long-suffering supporters of Accrington Stanley, who in March 1951 took their scarves, mufflers and rattles to Valley Parade and watched their team go down to a 0-7 defeat to Bradford City. Two injuries reduced the visitors, in what were still pre-substitute days, to 9 men. The suffering was not yet over, and the Accrington Observer described the match's aftermath:-
The driver pulled his vehicle up, dashed round to the luggage compartment and dragged out the first aid kit. Swabs were needed to staunch the flow of blood. A few minutes later, he did the same thing, this time because there was an inert passenger in need of revival to consciousness. From a nearby house a kindly soul produced a cup of hot tea. An ambulance on its way from a battlefront? No, just Accrington Stanley on a routine journey home from yet another heartbreak match in this, the blackest season in the club's history."

In the page notes their is a credit to "PHIL WALLEY (sic) Stroud 2001" . Is that you, Phil?
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