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Old 02-10-2006, 05:47   #31
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Re: Stanley Online Store

Polo shirts, T-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, hats, badges, coffee mugs, mouse mats...oh, and one other little item that you do see the odd football fan wearing every now and again...scarves.

Is that enough to be going on with?
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Old 02-10-2006, 10:38   #32
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Re: Stanley Online Store

Accrington Stanley printed cheap disposable crap.

1/ things like them horns for kids. Cost about £1.50 direct from manufacturers. Get em printed in red and white only, sell em for next to nowt. Not in the shop as no more than about five people at a time can fit in there. Lets have folk on the corner of Livingstone Road/away end and also at the bottom of the steps from The Crown. £3 a pop, double bubble made and every kid would want one.

2/ Ultras are well known for their flaggeryness. Little wavy Ultra flags for all the kids. Again, they cost about 50p on tinternet for them England Car flags so would cost summat same for red Ultra flags.

3/ One-off t-shirts related to the game that day. 'Moonie is an arse on show' could have been one for Wycombe.

End result? A pound or two profit on cheap tacky items would put money in the coffers and the Clayton End would be resplendent in noise, colour and cheap sarcastic wit. Rather like Blackpool.
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Old 02-10-2006, 10:58   #33
I am Banned


Re: Stanley Online Store

lmfao Macca!!!! now i like tat its fun, i'd have the tshirt hehehehehe Nice to see the fun element to footy like we do When world cup's on for England LOL!!
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Old 02-10-2006, 11:10   #34
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Re: Stanley Online Store

Originally Posted by Zero
Maybe everyone should post what kind of things they would like to see for sale then have a poll to see which would prove most popular.
How about head to toe RED CAGOULES for the Clayton end?

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.

Last edited by Oggy; 02-10-2006 at 11:20.
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Old 02-10-2006, 11:33   #35
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Re: Stanley Online Store

I mentioned that somewhere a couple of weeks ago. When its raining at Blackpool pleasure beach you can buy them macs for a quid. If somebody can tell me where I can buy a stack of em I'll get em printed and sell em for two quid! All profit split between OSC and local charity.
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Old 02-10-2006, 11:57   #36
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Re: Stanley Online Store

Heres a couple.

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Old 02-10-2006, 13:07   #37
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Re: Stanley Online Store

cheers Bazf. On it now (don't tell me boss!)
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Old 02-10-2006, 14:38   #38
Accy Red

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Re: Stanley Online Store

Would you believe it I went into the shop at Accrington Town Hall and asked if they had any beanie hats hidden away in a drawer and surprise surprise they did, bought two black ones.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 02-10-2006, 15:19   #39
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Re: Stanley Online Store

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
3/ One-off t-shirts related to the game that day. 'Moonie is an arse on show' could have been one for Wycombe.
Not sure about that as it could be a way to lose money just as easily. If they don`t all sell on the day who`d want one for the Swindon game.

I`ve checked some prices with our T-shirt producer and it`d cost around £455 for a run of 100 Ts, 2 colours i.e. Red and white onto Gildan ultra cotton Ts. Maybe a bit cheaper for single colour i.e. white onto a red shirt. But with all T shirt runs there is a set up cost so the greater the longevity of the T the more you will save on re-prints. These are good quality Ts and a print that doesn`t come off the first time you wash it, and lasts even better if you turn them inside out. (just while washing you moron, not like getting the extra wear out of your skiddies)
Seatshirts would be £900 for a similar job, again on good quality garments.
These are provisional prices for official club runs, he may knock a bit off for unoffishal Ultras stuff. A lot depends on the design.
Embroidery costs for the Burnley FC Crest runs at £1.30 per garment (garment provided) with around £100 set up cost. The more stitches involved the more they cost.

Anyway that`s a few ideas for you so open your paint program and get designing.

Panjenix -> Nuff Sed!

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Old 02-10-2006, 15:23   #40
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Re: Stanley Online Store

Originally Posted by Zero
Seatshirts would be £900 for a similar job, again on good quality garments.
Whoops I meant Sweatshirts, Seatshirts are only available to people in the main stand. (Why is it called a stand when they`re all sat down?)

Panjenix -> Nuff Sed!

No-One is completely useless........
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