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Old 05-03-2007, 20:13   #76
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Re: Stanley steward today

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
Finito Benito!!
Errm Benito....Mussolini ? OK got it

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 06-03-2007, 09:41   #77
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Re: Stanley steward today

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
Everyone was asked to sit some did some didn't. I've had enough on this one 27 were unlucky and got ejected, 100 got lucky and stayed. Take your chance in future, but if you want to make sure you watch the full 90 minutes listen to the advice you are given.
Finito Benito!!
You are a complete prat aren't ya

I was the second steward there on Saturday blah blah blah,
Your boring me.. YOU my friend are why people call stewards JOBSWORTHS
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Old 06-03-2007, 14:43   #78
Resting in Peace

Re: Stanley steward today

The Ultras are not the only ones under fire. Loads of trouble at the new all-seater Donny Rovers Keepmoat Stadium. Some hardcore supporters deliberately bought season tickets on the back row in order to continue the 100 year tradition of standing during the games, but - you've guessed it, they are being ejected. A kind of daft compromise has emerged in that when the ball is out of play it is deemed by the stewards to be OK to stand up. At this juncture everybody stands up and chant "It's out of play - we're standing up".
Truly, the lunatics have taken over the asylum in our modern game!
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Old 06-03-2007, 15:51   #79
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Re: Stanley steward today

It crossed my mind as to how the stewards would react to a Mexican wave. I can see a sort of perplexed look sweeping across their faces as they phoned for advice.

But just remember, they're only obeying orders. Sorry, doing their job.

" It's out of play, we're standing up ", quite witty for Yorkshiremen.

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 06-03-2007, 17:04   #80
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Re: Stanley steward today

Go on guys,do a Mexican wave. Great idea OGGY.
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Old 06-03-2007, 17:13   #81
Resting in Peace

Re: Stanley steward today

No, Oggy was talking about the Doncaster fans - we are never that bored.
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Old 06-03-2007, 17:16   #82
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Re: Stanley steward today

Question; Would a Mexican wave cease to function once it hit the main stand(sit)?
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Old 06-03-2007, 17:33   #83
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Re: Stanley steward today

To Will, Get a life! You living in the dark ages, take next exit to Barrow!

Last edited by [email protected]; 06-03-2007 at 17:36. Reason: ensure it is received to originator
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Old 06-03-2007, 17:47   #84
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Re: Stanley steward today

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
To Will, Get a life! You living in the dark ages, take next exit to Barrow!
Wait, he says you bore him and that constitutes the Dark ages?!

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Old 06-03-2007, 18:52   #85
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Re: Stanley steward today

Originally Posted by WILL View Post
You are a complete prat aren't ya
He's only been on here 2 minutes and already he's been called a prat, a jobsworth and a knob. Says it all really.
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Old 06-03-2007, 23:58   #86
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Re: Stanley steward today

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
He's only been on here 2 minutes and already he's been called a prat, a jobsworth and a knob.
That's just not on TM, you've missed out my linking him to Benito's blackshirts, or was that too tenuous?

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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Old 07-03-2007, 01:09   #87
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Re: Stanley steward today

Originally Posted by Redraine View Post
The Ultras are not the only ones under fire. Loads of trouble at the new all-seater Donny Rovers Keepmoat Stadium. Some hardcore supporters deliberately bought season tickets on the back row in order to continue the 100 year tradition of standing during the games, but - you've guessed it, they are being ejected. A kind of daft compromise has emerged in that when the ball is out of play it is deemed by the stewards to be OK to stand up. At this juncture everybody stands up and chant "It's out of play - we're standing up".
Truly, the lunatics have taken over the asylum in our modern game!
This is another perfect example of New Stadia (The plural of which should be Stadiums in the Lancs. Dictionary) not catering for traditional fans. Whats wrong with these people, I was taken as a child to naerby Turf Moor with 30, 000 + people watching 1st division football and not a seat in sight. Nobody Died !

One good thing, it`s got Donny fans shouting, when we went there in the paintpot the cheering came from the tannoy.
Panjenix -> Nuff Sed!

No-One is completely useless........
They can always serve as a bad example.
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Old 07-03-2007, 08:04   #88
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Re: Stanley steward today


just to put another point to the issue regarding standing-up and a bit of back-up for the stewards really, being a steward down here in Ipswich we have the same situation with the North stand supporters who want to stand during matches, unfortunately the issue is out of the stewards hands and are only enforcing the law from the clubs head of safety who in turn has been instructed by the League to curb persistent standing on the grounds of safety. As a football supporter I love standing to watch and stand on the terraces whenever possible (especially on Clayton End), but there has to be some understanding from the supporters on this issue. I have highlighted the word ENFORCING for a very good reason this being the attitude of the stewards who have to relay this advice to the supporter, if someone talked to me in a civilised manner and explained I would be more inclined to heed their advice, but if I had a jumped up power crazy steward (every club has them) talking to me disrespectfully then my attitude would change severely.

I hope I have shed a bit more light on this for you all.

Right i'm off for a lie down after that!!!

Tractorboy Red
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Old 07-03-2007, 08:51   #89
Resting in Peace

Re: Stanley steward today

Please explain what you mean by "on the grounds of safety", as nobody seems to be able to justify it, other than "It's yer 'elf and safety, innit?".
Nobody has answered my question earlier in the thread!
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Old 07-03-2007, 09:24   #90
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Re: Stanley steward today

Originally Posted by Redraine View Post
Please explain what you mean by "on the grounds of safety", as nobody seems to be able to justify it, other than "It's yer 'elf and safety, innit?".
Nobody has answered my question earlier in the thread!

Redraine, I will try and find out from our Head of Safety and get the answer you need... Will be a few days tho' as in Devon at mo!!.

Rightly or wrongly whatever the reason they are the rules at the moment so we'll have to abide by them or face the risk of getting kicked-out...The other risk is that if clubs continue to allow supporters to stand then they can be fined which in Stanley's case for example could have a huge impact on the playin squad if players were to be sold as a consequence, or in worst case scenario's have matches played behind closed doors again with financial repercussions. Clubs have Safety crirteria which has to be met before matches can be played and have to be seen to adhere to the rules.

I'm not saying whether this is right or wrong but trying to give my understanding of it and give an alternative slant on the subject.

It's similar to most Referees dilema, if a last defender brings down a player in the 1st minute of a match is it right or wrong to send the defender off?? MOST refs would prefer to keep 11 v's 11 but the rules are they have to go..

Tractorboy Red
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