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15-12-2006, 19:44
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Re: Stanley turn down Freedom of the Borough
Originally Posted by Tin Monkey
Looks like yet another attempt at party politics to me. Very poor in my opinion.
And not a question of right and wrong? So should it be swept under the carpet?? In the last month or so, Peter has been 100% right, and he has been advised by the borough's solicitors.
Have you just skimmed through the thread?
15-12-2006, 19:45
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Re: Stanley turn down Freedom of the Borough
Whats that a quote feom the S*n. Owners do not come and go players do. Eric has worked bloody hard for Stanley and without him the Town won't have a football club, you know the one all you polticians hang to the coat tails of. You maybe don't like what he is doing behind the scenes but I would like to bet its for the good of Accrington Stanley and not Hyndburn council. That would be the same council that pulled out of sponsorship for the club, that would be the same council that held up planning permission when the club was trying to expand, that would be the same council that no one would know about without Stanley. Why not stick to what you get your nice little council earning for and leave Eric to do what he does best which is what is best for Stanley. Its not called Hyndburn Stanley its called Accrington Stanley.

15-12-2006, 19:46
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Re: Stanley turn down Freedom of the Borough
Originally Posted by Tealeaf
Exactly. We would have assumed that whatever differences the local Labour & Tories have, they would have a concensus on the value to the town of Stanley. Instead of agreeing on how Accy/Hyndburn can best benefit from utilising to the upmost this great asset, we see them playing their own pathetic game of party political football.
I really do despair.
What an idiot Tealeaf. If your smart enough you'll work out whose in the wrong and as I said, Peter in the last month has ben 100% right & innocent.
15-12-2006, 19:48
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Re: Stanley turn down Freedom of the Borough
Originally Posted by g jones
Kippax, I have had it virtually from the horses mouth.
you said you heard it from a journolist who said it was a rumor they heard..
now your changing it to virtually (but not) from the horses mouth..
15-12-2006, 19:51
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Re: Stanley turn down Freedom of the Borough
Originally Posted by g jones
What an idiot Tealeaf. If your smart enough you'll work out whose in the wrong and as I said, Peter in the last month has ben 100% right & innocent.
so you slag off the club.. get nowehere so turn on the chairman.
you post saying you heard from one source then when your laughed at you change it to the horses mouth
then to top it all when someone disagrees with you.. you call them an idiot..
whats the point.... why are you using accrington stanley like this.... will you be at macclesfield tommorow?
15-12-2006, 19:53
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Re: Stanley turn down Freedom of the Borough
Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
as far as the politicians are concerned they all can shove off. I'm not getting involved in politics as I told Mr Jones last time what I thought of his idea and using the club as a pawn.
That was to have sensible discussions about the future of a ground back in March. Something Eric himself has now put on the table recently.
I hear what your trying to suggest but unfrtunately the Council can't stay out of Stanley's affairs. It owns the ground, it licenses the alcohol and it licences the entertainment. The County Council has to give a safety certicficate sofans like yourself are safe. And this particular argument is Eric acusing the Council of not doing enough for club.
It' s hard to see what point your trying to make?
15-12-2006, 19:53
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Re: Stanley turn down Freedom of the Borough
Isnt there a politics section mister jones and all the rest can go bore each other to death in ? 
15-12-2006, 20:04
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Re: Stanley turn down Freedom of the Borough
Originally Posted by KIPAX
so you slag off the club.. get nowehere so turn on the chairman.
you post saying you heard from one source then when your laughed at you change it to the horses mouth
then to top it all when someone disagrees with you.. you call them an idiot..
whats the point.... why are you using accrington stanley like this.... will you be at macclesfield tommorow?
It would appear what ever is said, you'll defend Stanley. I worked out who might have told the journalist and asked.
No, it was an insult based on no evidence by Tealeaf and he has a dogmatic political issue he can't get over. I have said many times that I grew up listening to people in power talk rubbish and take advantage of others. Too many people just sit on the fence for their own benefit. I am not one of them. I am not bothered about votes. I am only interested in the truth and I won't be put off by people who want to see it a particular way.
I am not frightened of the truth. No, I won't be at Macclesfield. I have always been a Rovers fan/season ticket holder like my dad, grandad, great grandad.
15-12-2006, 20:08
Accy Red
Re: Stanley turn down Freedom of the Borough
Originally Posted by KIPAX
Isnt there a politics section mister jones and all the rest can go bore each other to death in ? 
I for one Kipax am interested in this thread and don't find it boring, it's just missing a few more details Mr Jones. I don't like Mr Britcliffe and I also think Eric Whalley can do little else for Stanley's future other than find someone to invest in the club. As my signature says "The Chairman" is not the club.
"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
15-12-2006, 20:11
Accy Red
Re: Stanley turn down Freedom of the Borough
IMHO Britcliffe and Eric Whalley are past their sell by date.
"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
15-12-2006, 20:34
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Re: Stanley turn down Freedom of the Borough
I personally think moving to bloody whitebirk would be as good as tightning the hangman's noose on this great club. It's not or never will be Accrington.
I stand by accy centre as a feasable relocation site due to the amount of plus factors.
15-12-2006, 20:42
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Re: Stanley turn down Freedom of the Borough
Originally Posted by g jones
I wish we were in control, all the stupidity would be brought to a swift end.
Sounds like wishful thinking.
Big egos?
This is not the place for you to make such comments for your own political means.
You will find no support here.
Eric has done more for this town than any councillor, and, as you will no doubt find if horns do become locked, has more respect around here than britcliffe or any of his sycophants.
15-12-2006, 20:44
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Re: Stanley turn down Freedom of the Borough
I personally stand by beleif that the desire to be a politition should stop you from ever becoming one!!
Even a lying one Mr Jones. What person who takes part in election based politics isn't interested in votes. I can't stand the lot of you.
Leave or club out of your petty, but well paid arguments, find something else to do!!!
15-12-2006, 20:54
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Re: Stanley turn down Freedom of the Borough
Originally Posted by g jones
That was to have sensible discussions about the future of a ground back in March. Something Eric himself has now put on the table recently.
I hear what your trying to suggest but unfrtunately the Council can't stay out of Stanley's affairs. It owns the ground, it licenses the alcohol and it licences the entertainment. The County Council has to give a safety certicficate sofans like yourself are safe. And this particular argument is Eric acusing the Council of not doing enough for club.
It' s hard to see what point your trying to make?
The council owns the ground and surrounding land. Then why are we doing all the work improving it?
From what I can see the Council do nothing, apart from having a civil ceremony to honour the clubs promotion. They should be up here all year round - weedkilling, tree trimming, maintaining the roads and footpaths - don't forget there are 200 - 1200 visiting fans coming every other week.
The council has made a big deal of tarmacing the car park. They should tarmac the car park, all the way around the ground and the aproach road. They own the bloody thing don't they.
In my opinion the council should be falling over themselves to help the club, Accrington Stanley, is the towns biggest asset - it brings awareness, to the borough and income to the town, I also think it can also attract business's to the borough of Hyndburn as a whole. (that's if the council don't scare them off).
The council should be using the name Accrington Stanley, football league club, to sell the borough of Hyndburn to potential investors, and in return help promote the club to the general Hyndburn public.
If you go anywhere in the world, where there are British people, after hearing where you are from they always say Accrington Stanley.
15-12-2006, 20:59
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Re: Stanley turn down Freedom of the Borough
As a fan I want to see Stanley progress.
I have always been a Rovers fan/season ticket holder
Stanley fan or Rovers fan, political double speak, says a lot really one breath your a Stanley fan next your a rovers fan.
Let me see....
I go to Stanley because they are my home town team and I have always been a supporter.......
I go to Rovers because I have always been a Rovers Fan......
I go to Stanley because I need to be seen as a local supporter for my constituants.
I go to Rovers because I am a Rovers fan....
see it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work it out, your a rovers fan using Stanley for your own gains. It has been on the national news so a possability of getting noticed? Only intrested in the truth, lol, they all say that even George W.

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