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Old 22-10-2007, 18:15   #1
Junior Member+
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Steve Moore – A Tribute To A True Fan

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When I mentioned how I became a Stanley supporter on my thread ‘Things To be Grateful For’ I did not realise that some fellow followers were not aware of Steve’s untimely death in the late 1990s. Steve, an Accrington lad through and through followed Stanley throughout his life. At a requiem mass at Stand Church in Whitefield, Bury [close to where he taught at Philips High School] the eulogy consisted of the reading of a report that he had written that described Stanley’s first goal on re-forming. Since this must have been an important event [perhaps more so than Romuald Boco’s goal against Barnet – Stanley’s first League goal after promotion] I would like to share the end of his report with you. Please indulge me in the memory of a true Accrington man.
‘A roar of approval came from the throats of the 640 spectating souls as the god-like Illingworth and the ball met at the precise intended spot. The control shown by the near deity as he brought the ball to his feet was surpassed only by the skill he exhibited in moving immediately towards the Formby goal. Riding a lunging tackle from a hapless yellow shirted defender the god-like Illingworth entered the very heart, the very sanctum of the sea-side defence, the goal area. Bravely the goalkeeper moved out to the on coming forward, it was a text book move designed, as they say, to narrow the angle, but it was to no avail. The god-like Illingworth, his long blond hair flowing in the wind had seen the goalkeeper’s move and with the judgement expected of one so near deification he side footed the ball in the direction of the tiny area the custodian had left unaccounted for. Swiftly, delightfully the ball moved past the outstretched finger tips of the Formby keeper, the god-like Illingworth turned raising his right arm in a triumph certain that he had scored and in doing so he, and he alone was the only person in attendance who did not witness the ball cross over the line. The scorer did not see the first Stanley goal that the newly born Accrington Stanley had ever scored in a competitive match.

As the ball crossed the border of normal play 640 pairs of arms were raised in triumph as 640 souls cheered their delight. It was as if bells of victory were rung in celebration throughout the nation, as if a heavenly choir sang out in celebration as if 100 000 cannons were fired in salute. Accrington Stanley had scored and the world was beautiful.
And so it was that Saturday, August 14<SUP>th</SUP> in the year of our Lord 1970, became know to historians of the round ball game as The Great Day. And so it was that the scorer became the nearest thing to a deity that the town of Accrington has ever produced, except perhaps for David ’Haggis’ Hargreaves, but then again, that is another story. This is a true story. I know because I was one of the 640 souls.
Steve Moore
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Old 22-10-2007, 18:26   #2
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Re: Steve Moore – A Tribute To A True Fan

What a great piece of writing - I can almost hear him saying it.

And to think, when he wrote that, his day job was traipsing round the streets of Accrington with yours truly, chucking rat poison down manholes!
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Old 22-10-2007, 19:48   #3
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Re: Steve Moore – A Tribute To A True Fan

I actually published that, back in the days of The Barber's Pole. A cracking piece of writing.
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Old 25-10-2007, 04:53   #4
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Re: Steve Moore – A Tribute To A True Fan

I enjoyed that....
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Old 27-10-2007, 11:42   #5

Re: Steve Moore – A Tribute To A True Fan

Whatever happened to the Barbers Pole? It was a great fanzine.
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Old 27-10-2007, 17:36   #6
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Re: Steve Moore – A Tribute To A True Fan

Originally Posted by Forever Red View Post
Whatever happened to the Barbers Pole? It was a great fanzine.
It ceased to exist about 10 years ago unfortunately. It used to shift about 300 copies of each issue, which was some feat considering that our gates weren't much more than that at the time.
Nice that it's still remembered though.
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