I don't often get the chance to do this (first since Newcastle) so indulge me .... I was there with a bunch of my ex-Acci cousins who now live close to Stevenage.
Have to say I thought we were a bit lucky overall
. Their first goal was something of a stunner (he won't get many better than that) and after that we did well to get to halftime only one down against the wind. Gornell battled hard but got no change out of the very effective gorilla making him and our main threat, to my mind, came from Craney. But we never really looked like scoring
Substituting Ryan was a strange move and I thought the game went to pieces after that - schoolboy stuff for twenty minutes or so. Then when their second goal arrived out of the blue that was obviously that - and it would have been if Dunbavin hadn't pulled off an odds-against double save when they cut us open a minute later.
I still can't believe what happened after that - and don't really care! The goals as seen on TV look less of a scramble than I originally thought they were, but I can imagine their manager wasn't greatly pleased. But I was ...
Great respect to a small but perfectly-formed bunch of Ultras who kept the noise going and my family amused throughout. Unfortunately I can't sing all the words when I'm with my big sister (71 years young
next week) but I did my best to help otherwise.
On Stanley On ......