25-05-2008, 07:13
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'STUCK'....for words!
Alfred.E. pointed out to me an interesting little insert in the 'My Life' section of the 'Life in Accrington' section of this week's Accrington Observer.
He'd noted that a young man, 16 year-old Niall Gibson of Queens Road West,( Whose outstanding record of never missing a day at School must be applauded !), had been asked by the Columnist ...'Who would you most like to be stuck in a lift with ?'.
Now, it doesn't report as to whether this young man gave an instant answer to the query, or whether he had been given some to make a more considered response..BUT.. his choice of an ideal person to share such an alarming emergency with was, none other than, wait for it !.. 'JOHN COLEMAN the Stanley Manager!.
This fascinating, and somewhat surprising selection , coming fron one of such tender years, quite naturally stimulated some argument betwixt Alfred.E. and yours truly. He finally decided , that he couldn't quite decide between Paul Ince and Harwood Red, so chose them both as his traveling companions. Now the thought of that threesome stuck in a lift for while has interesting ramifications !..
As for myself, well the jury is still out as they say,,,but I don't think it would be JC !.....not that I have anything against our esteemed leader but !.......as for Depechemode? well that must be worth some consideration !....
So..... I'm open to opinions and guidance....
ALFRED.E. and I await your reply..and well done again young Niall Gibson !..