Supporters' Club Annual General Meeting - Monday 4th
Ladies and Gentlemen !
The Annual General Meeting takes place this evening (Monday 4th October) at 7:30 pm in the Sports Bar/Clubhouse.
We really would like to see as many Members as possible ; just as Accrington Stanley Football Club is moving upward, the Supporters' Club also has ambitions which can only be achieved with maximum participation by Members.
What can you do to help ?
Well, the first thing you can do is to pay your b****y subs ! Otherwise you won't be allowed to vote on anything - and there will be important matters to vote on.
So Malcolm Isherwood (Chairman) and I (Secretary) will turn up early at 6:30 because we know how much you want to settle up and get your posh new 2004 -2005 laminated Membership Card which the Vice-Chairman (Budmak) and Treasurer (Bottletop) have put a lot a of time and effort into producing.
No excuses then ! We hope to see you and your money (it's only the price of a pint and a half of bitter, for goodness' sake) . . . and any new Members can also join at the AGM.
Last edited by Henry Morton; 04-10-2004 at 14:55.
Reason: update