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Old 14-08-2006, 16:53   #16
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maccawozzagod's Avatar

Re: Supporters Club Meeting

I too would love to get invovlved more if I thought that the OSC had all our interests at heart. Alas, comments like snotty nosed kids, all coming out of the woodwork, and only members can view the minutes, are all indicative of an organisation that I wish to have no part of. All at the club are of the opinion that the OSC is on its arse and beyond redemption.

It could have been so good as well..........
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Old 14-08-2006, 16:58   #17
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

I'd personally like to get involved, but the idea of being frozen out just doesn't grab me, funnily enough

Best Drummer in the land
The Day The Ultras Formed The Cowshed Choir
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Old 14-08-2006, 17:07   #18
I am Banned


Re: Supporters Club Meeting

Im with you on that Willie & Macca, im not reapplying for membership waste of £8 in my opinion & totally inconvienent for their meeting time means i cant go therefore dont find out nowt nor feel to get involved - plus the attitude by them on the boards & their responses to members & other possible members is a disgrace - which isnt what the club is supposed to be about!! Seems to be a theme going on with higher lot at stanley managers & chair having disrespectful pops & so it the OSC.

Credit where credit is due that the ultra's have worked tirelessly for the clubs behalf & make people feel welcome & valued for taking part, as i discovered doing the march, maybe the supporters club could learn something if it wishes to go about things proper, i think fans should be privvy to what is discussed at meets - why keep it behind closed doors for £8 or so?? ok we cant decide on things fair do's but its the hiding like its a secret club subject for the chosen ones is my opinion - not that it was heard last time i made my comments as a member!!
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Old 14-08-2006, 17:16   #19
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

The privilege of attending a meet should entite you to propose and second motions, and vote on what is right or wrong for the future of the OSC and its committment to ASFC, being a member of the club should entitle you to know what is going, what was said and by whom, being a Stanley fan should entitle you to know what is happening next week or the week after, how can you contribute, what the OSC does, what was its last noteworthy contribution to ASFC, what direction it thinks it is following........need I go on.

One question, do you have to be a paid up member in order to put funds in the coffers, attend do's, go t'jumble sales?
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Old 14-08-2006, 17:16   #20
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

why dont you make a jesture and offer to print the minutes etc in the ultras fanzine ,then nobody can complain. united we stand divided we fall
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Old 14-08-2006, 17:19   #21
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

they are more than welcome to as many column inches as they want. Rumour has it there is a page going in anyway
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Old 14-08-2006, 17:20   #22
I am Banned


Re: Supporters Club Meeting

Godknows Macca, apparently you have to be there to know whats going on otherwise you get told nowt even as a member - i got nowt other than a membership card & pin badge, most membership clubs i belong to have updates & newletters also postage voting & opinion forms so that even though you can be there you still feel a part of it all & put your 2 penneths worth in too. Not the case with the supporters club unfortunately.
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Old 14-08-2006, 17:23   #23
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

its a shame that as the Ultras we are unable to do fundraising due to the intentional no membership, no committee, no holding us back format.

something will have to be done methinks
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Old 14-08-2006, 17:32   #24
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

[quote=maccawozzagod]I too would love to get invovlved more if I thought that the OSC had all our interests at heart. Alas, comments like snotty nosed kids, all coming out of the woodwork, and only members can view the minutes, are all indicative of an organisation that I wish to have no part of. All at the club are of the opinion that the OSC is on its arse and beyond redemption.

It could have been so good as well..........[/quote]

Yes it could. Pity you and your mates didn't get involved enough.
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Old 14-08-2006, 17:34   #25
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

and I've just partially explained why. Was it not clear enough for you?
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Old 14-08-2006, 20:28   #26
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

The fact is Ossyclogger, you earlier dismissed another persons comments merely because he was younger than yourself. We have had an OSC member on here complaining that if they don't turn up to the meetings, they are left out of the loop. Why all the secrecy involving the OSC? And don't say there is none, because it is blindingly obvious. What about Supporter of the Year? I didn't get the chance to vote, purely because I hadn't handed some money over to the OSC. The Ultras organised a few trophies for, admittedly silly things, but at least anybody could vote. If I felt my voice would be heard, and could make a difference, then maybe I'd bother, but I am not convinced.

Best Drummer in the land
The Day The Ultras Formed The Cowshed Choir
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Old 14-08-2006, 21:06   #27
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

Originally Posted by Diesel
The fact is Ossyclogger, you earlier dismissed another persons comments merely because he was younger than yourself. We have had an OSC member on here complaining that if they don't turn up to the meetings, they are left out of the loop. Why all the secrecy involving the OSC? And don't say there is none, because it is blindingly obvious. What about Supporter of the Year? I didn't get the chance to vote, purely because I hadn't handed some money over to the OSC. The Ultras organised a few trophies for, admittedly silly things, but at least anybody could vote. If I felt my voice would be heard, and could make a difference, then maybe I'd bother, but I am not convinced.
On your 1st point. I never dismissed anyone's comments because of their age.
2nd point. I will say nothing. I will just bite my tongue on that one.
3rd point. Minutes will be published as and when the facilities on the site are updated. There is no secrecy, despite what you think.
4th point. Tell me any club that you can go to as non member, where you can have a vote on their decisions.
5th point. As the ultras are not a club, and don't require membership, of course you can vote.
Lastly. If you don't join, your voice will never be heard and you will never make a difference.
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Old 14-08-2006, 21:25   #28
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

Originally Posted by ossyclogger
Lastly. If you don't join, your voice will never be heard and you will never make a difference.
How wrong you are on that point if you become an Ultra your voice will be heard and you can make a difference, so why join the OSC?

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 14-08-2006, 21:26   #29
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

Originally Posted by ossyclogger
On your 1st point. I never dismissed anyone's comments because of their age.

2nd point. I will say nothing. I will just bite my tongue on that one.

3rd point. Minutes will be published as and when the facilities on the site are updated. There is no secrecy, despite what you think.

4th point. Tell me any club that you can go to as non member, where you can have a vote on their decisions.

5th point. As the ultras are not a club, and don't require membership, of course you can vote.

Lastly. If you don't join, your voice will never be heard and you will never make a difference.
Originally Posted by Kipax
eeerm yes it does and henry changes it whenever he wants.. takes 2 minutes to add/edit any single page on that website... so please stop telling everyone it doesnt have the facilities when i went to all the trouble to make those facilities for the supporters club... ta
Kipax, our resident Internet Expert, clearly states the facilities are there, just the OSC choose not to use them.

Originally Posted by ossyclogger
No I am not, and I resent being spoken to like that by snotty nosed youngsters
If thats not dismissing an opinion based on age, then clearly, I must've missed something.

On your 4th point, there was no problem with non-members voting for some of the awards before, but sudddenly, without warning, only OSC members were allowed to vote. The fan of the year was voted for without most people even knowing the voting had taken place. And that is not a dig at whoever won it (sorry to whoever did win it, I have completely forgotten who won the award, Mr.Morton if memory serves me right), as I am sure they have done more than their bit for the Club, but limiting the voting to just the people that have paid a membership is, quite frankly, not on. After all, it's Accrington Stanley Football CLUB. therefore, in my opinion, anybody that donates time, money or effort to the Club is entitled to their say.

Best Drummer in the land
The Day The Ultras Formed The Cowshed Choir
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Old 14-08-2006, 21:30   #30
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

it wouldn't do any harm to mention on here what has gone on tonight. 1st item on the agenda was the christmas bash. Should we or shouldn't we? pie and peas? Anybody got any ideas for a fundraiser at this event?

Whether we are members or not, we are able to make suggestions on what can be done to aid the event. If you as a paid up member think this or that was a good idea then you can take it to your next meet and have your vote. We have then a) contributed, b) had a say, c) you have publicised your event before a date has even been set.

If people can see that work is being done then they may be persuaded to join in next month.

On a further point I haven't been a paid up member for two years as I can't see the direction the club is taking. Watching and listening to fans who I think are important people within the fan infrastructure walking away and not re-subscribing makes me realise that things are wrong. I would be a silent member of the OSC, as would my wife and two kids who have no interest in football, if the membership was a realistic price. Eight quid is ridiculous in all honesty. I would sooner have the membership at £2.50 and all you get is a piece of card with your name and number on it. It is a fundraiser only, folk aren't interested in what you get for your money. I personally dont want the badge, I wear a badge on my forty quid pink shirt.

£2.50 silver membership (members card only)
£5.00 Gold membership (updates and newsletter published bi-monthly and posted to your house at a cost of six ssecond class stamps and envelopes) or silver overseas membership
£10.00 Gold membership overseas

I'll have you 25 new members inside a fortnight at the silver rate
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