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Old 14-08-2006, 21:31   #31
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

Originally Posted by ossyclogger
4th point. Tell me any club that you can go to as non member, where you can have a vote on their decisions.
The Stanley fans just want to be involved, ossyclogger. Not pushed aside.
We just want to know what is being decided & discussed within the OSC, afterall the OSC is a commitee acting on behalf of all the Stanley fans, right? Then hopefully if this is acheived the OSC will have new members who will attend meetings - granted that more is done to involve members.
NOTE ossyclogger - I am not being snotty nosed or slagging anyone off. I am merely putting forward some helpful criticism.
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Old 14-08-2006, 21:34   #32
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

Originally Posted by Bagpuss
How wrong you are on that point if you become an Ultra your voice will be heard and you can make a difference, so why join the OSC?
Sorry Bagpuss, not a pop here, but the Stanley Ultras are not attempting to 'compete' with the OSC, as we are a completely different type of Supporters Club. In fact, we would like to co-exist with the OSC, and would like more people to help with the Club, be it helping the OSC or the SU. I was merely offering some constuctive critisism. I am seriously contemplating joining the OSC, if only to get my say. I'm not really convinced anybody would take much, if any, notice...but it's better than just taking a beack seat really.

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Old 14-08-2006, 21:39   #33
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

Originally Posted by ossyclogger
No I am not, and I resent being spoken to like that by snotty nosed youngsters

If thats not dismissing an opinion based on age, then clearly, I must've missed something.

If he wants to call me a liar, he deserves what he gets.

After all, it's Accrington Stanley Football CLUB

It is not Accrington Stanley Football CLUB. It is the SUPPORTERS club.
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Old 14-08-2006, 21:41   #34
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

Get a grip ossyclogger.

Macca, Diesel, myself and others have put forward positive suggestions for progress, and you as a representative for the OSC on this forum has dismissed them in favour of name-calling and childish behaviour.

Last edited by shakermaker; 14-08-2006 at 21:44.
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Old 14-08-2006, 21:46   #35
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

afterall the OSC is a commitee acting on behalf of all the Stanley fans, right?

Wrong. The OSC is not a commitee. It is a fan club which does have a commitee, but all members can come and have their say. In fact, if we could get more members to attend we could change more things.
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Old 14-08-2006, 21:46   #36
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

It now represents a mere what 5%......

It is so far removed from what ASFC supporters want its laughable. Sad but unfortunately true.

Me thinks Macca has a point & will be brain storming very soon

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Old 14-08-2006, 21:49   #37
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

Originally Posted by Diesel
the Stanley Ultras are not attempting to 'compete' with the OSC, as we are a completely different type of Supporters Club.
I never said the Ultras where competing my point was that as an Ultra nobody feels if they have a point to make it will not be heard.

I'm a member of the OSC, only joined for the badge and to put some money back into the club, I knew I should have gone tonight if only to let people know what was talked about.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 14-08-2006, 21:52   #38
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

Originally Posted by ossyclogger
afterall the OSC is a commitee acting on behalf of all the Stanley fans, right?

Wrong. The OSC is not a commitee. It is a fan club which does have a commitee, but all members can come and have their say. In fact, if we could get more members to attend we could change more things.
Methinks the OSC has a very basic ethic wrong IMO.
Tell me if this is just my twisted logic but as people who pay on ASFC week in week out; we are all ASFC supporters.
Now to me, having the status of an Accy supporter should grant you a say in what goes on, whether you be present for the meetings or otherwise.
Donations can be made in form of memberships yes; but these are not necessary.
Last I checked the OSC are not a consortium funding the day to day running of Accrington Stanley (if it was it'd be a bloody poor state) and thus being a paid up member is NOT the be-all and end-all of all things, ossyclogger.
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Old 14-08-2006, 21:54   #39
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

Originally Posted by shakermaker
Get a grip ossyclogger.

Macca, Diesel, myself and others have put forward positive suggestions for progress, and you as a representative for the OSC on this forum has dismissed them in favour of name-calling and childish behaviour.
I am not and never have been a representative of the OSC. I am just an ordinary member who wants to try and make changes. This is why I try to get more people to come to the meetings.
As for name calling, it was youwho called me a liar.
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Old 14-08-2006, 21:57   #40
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

antagonism is not the way.....
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Old 14-08-2006, 21:58   #41
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

One of the whole points of having an Unofficial Supporters Group was just the very idea of getting youngsters around a table to read minutes & have treasurers reports is "old hat"

Last time we had an Ultras meeting, twas in the Stag before training & most of the suggestions just got done. No voting, no -one shot down in flames, no hierarchy, etc etc

From that meeting came 2 games nights, Clayton End painted, 3 shop windows decorated, red & white fortnight & subsequently a march, unofficial away travel, fans football, a recruitment drive in town, edition 1 of the fanzine....

Its appears that Len is the only voice of the OSC online but both groups could do a hell of a lot. However, we don't seem to be asked or our ventures don't seem to be supported by the old brigade

Its definately NOT a case of us against them although it seems a long way off a merger. I believe there is room for both Go easy on Ossyclogger mind, we all ASFC after all

Ale Ale Accy

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Old 14-08-2006, 21:59   #42
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

serious question, serious answer please Ossyclogger.

What was the total number of members last year please (approx)?

How many so far this year?
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Old 14-08-2006, 22:02   #43
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

and furthermore I echo that abusing or insulting Ossyclogger is not necessary or constructive (goes both ways though). As, apparently, the oly member of the OSC who contributes to this board it can appear that we are ganging up and too many voices spoil the broth..............
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Old 14-08-2006, 22:02   #44
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

Originally Posted by ossyclogger
I am not and never have been a representative of the OSC. I am just an ordinary member who wants to try and make changes.
You announce dates of meetings & defend the OSC to the end. I would say you're a representative.

Originally Posted by ossyclogger
As for name calling, it was youwho called me a liar.
My comment was made in jest because the ideology behind your "Site ain't secure enough" comment is farcical in my opinion.
The "snotty-nosed youngsters" comments you made were nasty & uncalled for.
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Old 14-08-2006, 22:03   #45
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Re: Supporters Club Meeting

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
antagonism is not the way.....
I am not being antagonistic. I constantly invite you to come along. I would still vote you in as chairman, but you won't come , you just continue to slag us off.
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