As we can't post the minutes on the OSC site at the moment, I will take it upon myself to give you a brief resume of last night's proceedings.
We discussed the new seasons badges and decided to order them. They will contain a reference to us being back in the league.
It was finally unanimously decided that we would sponsor the Accrington Stanley Ladies team shorts.
Two ammendments were made to the constitution in line with a request from
the lottery board to further our application for the Stanley Exhibition grant.
We also discussed a target for our next fundraising project,and it was decided to ask the club if they had any sugestions with the proviso that it must be for the benefit of the supporters.
It was good to have 3 old allies back at the meeting. A few more and we can certainly start to get some changes made.
It was also suggested that Maccawozagod should be forced to join the club and be voted in as chairman at the AGM in October. This was very well received, especially by the incumbent chairman.