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Old 29-05-2009, 22:58   #1
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Supporters Trusts

in response to some questions on the other thread regarding Supporters Trusts. My understanding of Supporters Trust WAS that they were set up primarily by fans who no longer had faith in their club to run it in a fit and proper manner or by fans of clubs who were facing extreme financial difficulties.

I have since read a little more on the subject and this does not necessarily need to be the case.

Have a read at Supporters Direct » Mission & history but be warned it's quite heavy stuff!

My concerns as to whether this can be used in our case are that in its most basic form it is no more than a Supporters Club but with far more legal bindings. If you have read through the website you will see that it is reasonably comlex and includes far more corporate involvement with the club (a good thing). Now bearing in mind that the existing Supporters Club has only around 6 'active' members at any one time, I am sur eyou can see where I'm going with this.

IF the fans of Accrington Stanley were prepared to get off their arses on a far more regular basis than they do then it could be a winner. Run right, and run by people of various professional expertise, then it would be the call to arms that we all want.

If there is less than 50 people at the next OSC meet then this idea is a pointless waste of many hours of work setting up.

over to you all ...
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Old 29-05-2009, 23:13   #2
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Re: Supporters Trusts

You are right that a supporters trust requires a lot of input from its members and a lot of people to come forward but given the size and make up of the Stanley support it does not bode well. I was a member of the Rangers supporters trust and that probably numbers no more than a few thousand out of a season ticket base of over 40000 and a support of many more. In a lot of cases Stanley are peoples second team, I know they are with me, but I am sure we would all like to see the best for the club. However this limits the time and effort that can be put in by some but what is the alternative? The way the club is being run at the moment is a concern to us all and something has to change. Unfortunatley I don't have a solution but at least I haven't given up yet.
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Old 29-05-2009, 23:15   #3
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Re: Supporters Trusts

Mate, don't wanna get into the why's & where for's but tag in it along with OSC business is futile....

It needs to be a joint mission with only the supporters trust as the objective.


The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 29-05-2009, 23:21   #4
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Re: Supporters Trusts

sorry Jase I dont get what you mean with your first line?
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Old 29-05-2009, 23:24   #5
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Re: Supporters Trusts

You are saying support the OSC or why bother with a trust? no?

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 29-05-2009, 23:38   #6
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Re: Supporters Trusts

well not really no.

The point is that we do currently have a vehicle in place, that is subject to voted decisions, to raise money and distribute it where its members see fit.

A Supporters Trust would exist to do this (amongst other things that the OSC have/could strive to do.

But when there aren't enough people willing to actually do anything it all gets a bit too difficult to actually get anywhere with it. The comment about attendees to the next meeting was only to point this out.

A succesful trust would have many hundreds subscribed to it (as would a succesful OSC) and would have tens of 'active' members. You say that the Ultras are behind a move for an ST but how many would have any active participation?
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Old 29-05-2009, 23:43   #7
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Re: Supporters Trusts

You say that the Ultras are behind a move for an ST but how many would have any active participation?
How many ya need?

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 29-05-2009, 23:53   #8
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Re: Supporters Trusts

well thats fair do's then if that ends up being the case. You got a job on the board already!
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Old 30-05-2009, 07:34   #9
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Re: Supporters Trusts

see post 10

hindsight is a great thing
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Old 30-05-2009, 08:47   #10


Re: Supporters Trusts

Originally Posted by Pendle Red View Post

see post 10

hindsight is a great thing
And there in lies the Answer…….if any of you want this to work, then work together, let the Ultras and the OSC become individual member sub groups within a greater being, the Supporters Trust you talk about.

There’s been so much good honest effort over the years from individuals and groups and it all fades out because of lack of will, commitment or personal objectives of the individuals or leaderships concerned, work together, Mr Khan said he would back others peoples efforts, there will be others that will come forward in time, even now if you look for them.

If you people can come together then it can be a vehicle for victory, if you don’t then we’re ****ed. And I mean that.

Look around us, we have solicitors, accountants, photographers, printers, and a multitude of individuals and other small businesses that attended that ground week in week out, reach out to them, and touch them.

But for now your biggest problem is leadership…….

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 30-05-2009, 13:48   #11
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Re: Supporters Trusts

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
If you people can come together then it can be a vehicle for victory, if you don’t then we’re ****ed. And I mean that.
Good post IMO, Doug.

I know little of Supporter's trusts, but this is the latest from Stockport;
Stockport's Supporters' Trust has withdrawn from negotiations to buy the club. They had assembled a consortium with £1million in guaranteed funds, but baulked at the demand for a £200,000 non-returnable deposit to continue talks with a large number of unanswered questions about the club's financial predicament. (Bulls News)

Find the above a bit daunting, but maybe there would be a contact at Stockport to give someone the lowdown on the process?

Now it’s out in the open, there are no secrets at the club.
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