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Old 29-05-2009, 18:03   #1
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Take over off

Been on radio lancs ,Eric said he will sill be incharge next season and the club will not go under,the money will be found to pay the tax man..
ACCRINGTON STANLEY FC We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
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Old 29-05-2009, 18:10   #2
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Smile Re: Take over off

Originally Posted by mab View Post
Been on radio lancs ,Eric said he will sill be incharge next season and the club will not go under,the money will be found to pay the tax man..
The club being around next season is good news Just not too sure about Eric still being in charge Just hope it all works out

19 Years in the Football League

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Old 29-05-2009, 18:11   #3
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Re: Take over off

I think the fact that Eric Whalley is sticking around is a good thing. Give the bloke some credit.
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Old 29-05-2009, 18:23   #4
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Re: Take over off

We ought to kiss Eric's posterior, I don't fancy it much myself, but it had to be said!
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Old 29-05-2009, 18:26   #5
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Re: Take over off

Shows just what the chap thinks about Stanley, fare play Eric
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Old 29-05-2009, 18:35   #6
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Re: Take over off

read between the lines folks
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Old 29-05-2009, 18:40   #7
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Re: Take over off

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
read between the lines folks
I'm fed up of doing that. Everything is so cryptic. If you are implying that there never was going to a 'take-over', then it doesn't surprise me.
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Old 29-05-2009, 18:47   #8
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Re: Take over off

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
I'm fed up of doing that. Everything is so cryptic. If you are implying that there never was going to a 'take-over', then it doesn't surprise me.
You get nothing cryptic from me, there was never a take over from O'Neill, it was all just a sham.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 29-05-2009, 18:50   #9
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Re: Take over off

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
I think the fact that Eric Whalley is sticking around is a good thing. Give the bloke some credit.
It's not a good thing it's the worse news we could get, give him some credit, ok, for getting us into the FL, after that no chance.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 29-05-2009, 18:53   #10
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Re: Take over off

I know what you mean Bagpuss, mistakes have been made and ignorance shown. But all I can think about is Stephen Vaughn at Chester and thank the stars that we don't have someone like him.

What I meant by 'credit', was that at least Eric is going to be there to guide us through this and not walk away like some jonny-come-lately. Eric alienates people, me included, but his heart pumps Stanley blood.
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Old 29-05-2009, 18:55   #11
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Question Re: Take over off

So if there was not going to be a takeover What was it all about then, "Pra(e)y Tell"

Answers on a messageboard to :- "What The Hell Is Going On?"

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Old 29-05-2009, 18:58   #12
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Re: Take over off

Originally Posted by VALAIRIAN View Post
So if there was not going to be a takeover What was it all about then, "Pra(e)y Tell"

Answers on a messageboard to :- "What The Hell Is Going On?"
This from the Ilyas speaks thread......

Re: Ilyas speaks ..... What an unmitigated disaster. I am embarrassed and sick to the pit of my stomach after reading the statement. Bagpuss, you are absolutely correct in your surmise (about Mr W concocting a story about there being interested "parties" for his shares only in trying to generate money into his pocket. How sickening). That sham, and more has now come to light, as has the fact that the club has been negligent (putting it mildly) with its obligations. I am also really quite shocked at the tone of the statement. Someone somewhere has to wake up and smell the coffee. Sorry guys, but I just dont know how to react other than to share the deep regret of all true fans.

One thing, however, is for sure. This club will not go down. Not whilst we are around. The club is bigger than any one individual, and its time for the board to act in the interests of the club, and not the interests of a Chairman who has been found out like the emperor with no clothes on. How on earth can we owe the taxman £300,000 and be taken to court. What other debts are there ? Lets have a full disclosure and lets then get people to subscribe to a new share issue and save the situation. I am ready to lead the way with at least £250,000. And you can quote me on that.

A very sad and sorry Ilyas Khan

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 29-05-2009, 19:06   #13
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Re: Take over off

As I say, it doesn't surprise me. We said the very same thing in the car on the way to Rotherham (or Sheffield if you want). We were actually hoping that wasn't the case.
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Old 29-05-2009, 19:25   #14
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Re: Take over off

So has Eric explained how Ilyas with his offer to buy £250,000 worth of shares and his business acumen, is going to be involved in all this?
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Old 29-05-2009, 19:43   #15
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Smile Re: Take over off

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
This from the Ilyas speaks thread......

Re: Ilyas speaks ..... What an unmitigated disaster. I am embarrassed and sick to the pit of my stomach after reading the statement. Bagpuss, you are absolutely correct in your surmise (about Mr W concocting a story about there being interested "parties" for his shares only in trying to generate money into his pocket. How sickening). That sham, and more has now come to light, as has the fact that the club has been negligent (putting it mildly) with its obligations. I am also really quite shocked at the tone of the statement. Someone somewhere has to wake up and smell the coffee. Sorry guys, but I just dont know how to react other than to share the deep regret of all true fans.

One thing, however, is for sure. This club will not go down. Not whilst we are around. The club is bigger than any one individual, and its time for the board to act in the interests of the club, and not the interests of a Chairman who has been found out like the emperor with no clothes on. How on earth can we owe the taxman £300,000 and be taken to court. What other debts are there ? Lets have a full disclosure and lets then get people to subscribe to a new share issue and save the situation. I am ready to lead the way with at least £250,000. And you can quote me on that.

A very sad and sorry Ilyas Khan
So he was wanting to sell, but did not have any buyers. So make up a pretend buyer and hope someone else comes in with a better offer???? Hence when Gordon Burns asked Eric, "Who has just sent you the text" saying '' Do not sell until you have spoken to me" It was all just an elaborate charade...

If I am not wrong Baggy, please do not reply to this message - well at least not yet.....

19 Years in the Football League


Last edited by VALAIRIAN; 29-05-2009 at 19:47.
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