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Old 03-11-2004, 10:33   #16
Resting In Peace
JEFF's Avatar

Re: Terrible

Glad to see Craney had his shooting boots on again (was this because there was a certain Mr. Cook missing). Let's hope we play like this against Exeter on Saturday - or is the tinkerman going to mess things up again by changing the team, formation, and performance.
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Old 03-11-2004, 13:12   #17
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Re: Terrible

OK im sorry for that it was a moment of madness after the game as accystankev will back me up i diserved to lose karma but i just wish the people who took it would be man enough to leave ther names as jase did and so i have give him good karma

Once again sorry it just really upset me that we lost again but from the reports i have now relised the players played with heart and played really well!!!

I now hope we can play the same an saturday against exeter

But to the comment on why did u not go i had commitments at home so i couldnt and also i didnt know the details till to late to organise it

Well done lads but why did we bring on cooky does he get a appearence bonus because smithy should have come on instead of him
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Old 03-11-2004, 14:20   #18
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Re: Terrible

steven, i must admit we are rubbish, but steady on lad. i must admit we are lacking just about everything right now, but saying we lost to a second division side?? how much difference do u really think there is between second, third and the full time conference sides? there's not much between them, conference and division two sides are as distant as arsenal and southampton in terms of quality. p.s. stanley havent improved at all since last season, and to be fair last season we didnt improve on 02/03!
362 games? GRIMMY IS A LEGEND!!
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Old 03-11-2004, 15:58   #19
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Re: Terrible

A more positive Accy side turned out last night and they played with heart, passion
and comittment and we were unlucky to lose.
Well Done Lads

Stanley fans backed the team 200% and out sang the Oldham fans all the way

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Old 03-11-2004, 17:11   #20
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Re: Terrible

it makes me wonder how steven can say we were rubbish last night has he didnt go
but maybe if he did go he wouldnt have started this thread

well done stanley just keep it up agaist exeter
If You Think Footballs Just A Game ... Your In The Wrong Dressing Room
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Old 03-11-2004, 19:01   #21
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Re: Terrible

Brilliant performance tonight by the boys in red.

As others have said ow can you judge the team's performance if you are a part time supporter??

I could argue many points off many posts on this topic but I'm not going to waste my time........
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Old 03-11-2004, 22:15   #22
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Re: Terrible

Well, it looks like I might lose some Karma as well. How can any team leading against 10 men contrive to lose. Bring on Cooky apparently. O.K. I couldn't go due to work commitments, but it seemed to me that at this moment in time we are great at snatching defeats from the jaws of Victory. Yes I am a part time fan again mostly due to work commitments, but even I am losing the faith with the tactics served up by the management. You only have to read this and other threads to realise the team is not good enough in the 4-5-1 formation and it is about time it was changed for the better. It is no good saying it can be adapted to 4-4-2 because we are too busy defending and doing that badly. Great news to hear Hacker's back. Lets hope it strengthens a leaky ship. Please feel free to have a go at me, but all the above is my honest opinion, maybe Dave Jones can give Coley some lessons.

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 03-11-2004, 22:28   #23
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Re: Terrible

Originally Posted by knowsthescore
steven, i must admit we are rubbish, but steady on lad. i must admit we are lacking just about everything right now, but saying we lost to a second division side?? how much difference do u really think there is between second, third and the full time conference sides? there's not much between them, conference and division two sides are as distant as arsenal and southampton in terms of quality. p.s. stanley havent improved at all since last season, and to be fair last season we didnt improve on 02/03!
And you call yourself a fan?

Are you on the right forum here????
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Old 03-11-2004, 22:54   #24
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Re: Terrible

Originally Posted by Outback Ozzy
Well, it looks like I might lose some Karma as well. How can any team leading against 10 men contrive to lose. Bring on Cooky apparently. O.K. I couldn't go due to work commitments, but it seemed to me that at this moment in time we are great at snatching defeats from the jaws of Victory. Yes I am a part time fan again mostly due to work commitments, but even I am losing the faith with the tactics served up by the management. You only have to read this and other threads to realise the team is not good enough in the 4-5-1 formation and it is about time it was changed for the better. It is no good saying it can be adapted to 4-4-2 because we are too busy defending and doing that badly. Great news to hear Hacker's back. Lets hope it strengthens a leaky ship. Please feel free to have a go at me, but all the above is my honest opinion, maybe Dave Jones can give Coley some lessons.
to be honest we were brilliant most of last night, the team seemed to tire against a fitter LEAGUE 1 side.

we were playing a good team and matched them most of the game but in the last 15 theyre professionalism showed. and we couldnt match it.

cant blame the ref too much he had an ok game, and to be honest anyone doubting why smithy came on musnt of been there cause when he was upfront as a target man he won all the headers and got them to mullin who was unlucky not to convert in the dieing minutes.
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Old 04-11-2004, 08:30   #25
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Re: Terrible

Despite the result, I had to laugh at the beginning of this thread - Steven and AccyStanKev getting themselves worked up into a lather of indignation about a match neither of them had seen! Pure Monty Python! Perhaps they can go one better now and start voicing their disgust about the Exeter match before it's played!

The spirit of Jon Tickle lives on!
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Old 04-11-2004, 09:12   #26
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Re: Terrible

At oldham was the best stanley have played for a while but in the last 15 minutes or so the difference in the sides showed. It is just a pity that they can rise their game against the better sides but not against teams like leigh, tamworth etc
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Old 04-11-2004, 12:57   #27
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Re: Terrible

I suggest all you folks voicing indignation about what the lead opinion is about check out the report in the Evening Telegraph on Wednesday night, because everything that Steve and I have said, even though we weren't there is in full but voiced by none other than John Coleman!. I reiterate, how can any team contrive to lose when they are playing a team (regardless of which division they are in) when they are down to 10 men. O.K. so the performance improved, but and this is a big but, it has to be over 90 minutes not 65 or 70. We are now a professional team, so tiredness cannot surely be brought up as an excuse.

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 04-11-2004, 13:00   #28
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Re: Terrible

Originally Posted by Smiffy16
And you call yourself a fan?

Are you on the right forum here????
so to be a fan, i cant criticse, anything remotley stanley now? i don't know about you smiffy but i've been in the situation when we've been relegated before, it happens, there's a difference between being a fan, loving the club and wanting it to do well and just proclaiming that we are the best and that we can beat everyone else, get back to your maths lesson smiffy cos i dont want to listen to your piontless, childish schoolboy drivel.
362 games? GRIMMY IS A LEGEND!!
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Old 04-11-2004, 13:02   #29
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Re: Terrible

Originally Posted by Outback Ozzy
We are now a professional team, so tiredness cannot surely be brought up as an excuse.
great point ozzy, down to ten men we should have looked at beating them
362 games? GRIMMY IS A LEGEND!!
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Old 04-11-2004, 13:29   #30
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Re: Terrible

knowthescore you didnt go did you because thats the best football i have
seen in a while
If You Think Footballs Just A Game ... Your In The Wrong Dressing Room
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