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Old 04-07-2011, 20:30   #16
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Re: Terry Gornell - Joined Shrewsbury

Originally Posted by Oldgobbin View Post
A bit like prostitution to me. Tout yourself around to whoever's interested, then sell your body to the highest bidder. I say good riddance - and don't wish him well. Compare his attitude to that of Danny Coid - I know who I'd rather have!
Probably not the best of comparisons. Danny Coid has said all the right things, but so do most players that have just signed for a club. If Mr Coid is having a fabulous season and his offered a better money deal in January by another English club, that will be the time to access his attitude.

I'm watching with interest the comings and goings at Stanley and can't help feeling so dissapointed for the fans. I also watched Coley's interview with Dan and was quite alarmed at his "lack of pre-season optimism" He looked an sounded completely drained.
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Old 04-07-2011, 20:44   #17
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Re: Terry Gornell - Joined Shrewsbury

Originally Posted by DAV007 View Post
he is a good player by league 2 standards.
IMO, he needs a partner to play off and we didnt play that formation for him.
He has potential to develop and go up another level or two.

A good signings by the Shrews, ignore most of the idiots on here, they always have ago at players when they leave.

The Shrews are making some good young signings this summer.
DAV as much as I respect your opinion, I too am disappointed with the number of first teamers leaving the club for pastures new, but to refer to others on this board as idiots is too strong IMHO. I do believe that everybody is entitled to an opinion and whether they publish it on here or elsewhere, that is their entitlement. Lets face it, a lot of posters on this thread don't exactly see your point of view, do they? My personal opinion is the lot of them are looking for extra money, and who can blame them. I am hoping that Oldham do not get Cisak, but if he is to go then I would rather it Oldham than an Australian side. I just think he is making a big mistake as he would be number one at Stanley and only number 2 or 3 at Oldham. Therefore he could showcase his skills better at our club than probably elsewhere.

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 04-07-2011, 21:07   #18

Re: Terry Gornell - Joined Shrewsbury

Good luck to Gornell. who has done a good job, playing a lone role. He will never be a major goal scorer, but his work rate and attitude have been first class. We are now in real need of a "goal scorer", as we should never be considering a contract for the likes of Lindfield, no matter how little we will have to pay for his services

John and JB, will have to unearth another gem.
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Old 04-07-2011, 21:14   #19
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Re: Terry Gornell - Joined Shrewsbury

if you find the term idiot to strong then i apologise.
But the same people criticise Craney despite him being our best player
Gornell did well for us, and suffered (tired) towards the end of the season due to Coleys refusal to rotate the squad.
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Old 04-07-2011, 21:22   #20
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Re: Terry Gornell - Joined Shrewsbury

Originally Posted by tonyalveston View Post
Good luck to Gornell. who has done a good job, playing a lone role. He will never be a major goal scorer, but his work rate and attitude have been first class. We are now in real need of a "goal scorer", as we should never be considering a contract for the likes of Lindfield, no matter how little we will have to pay for his services

John and JB, will have to unearth another gem.
agree with that. Linfield and Boulding will never become great players for us as long as I have a hole in my ....

My opinion for what its worth is that Terry brought a lot to the team in general rather than just goals. He played a very similar game to that of Craney and/or Putterill, Ryan, Barnett, McConville and was a fulcrum to our much vaunted (and dangerous?) interpassing style that destroyed many teams last year. He was quick and strong to the ball and fast to lay it off for players moving into the gaps he had created. His scoring record wasn't fantastic but if you consider that they were all scored from open play then it wasn't bad. 13 I think, if he was a penalty taker like Donaldson or Lowe then he would have had opportunity to add another 13 goals to that tally.

I think he'll be missed and I personally think that Shrewsbury is a good club for him. He's just come from League 1 where he didn't set the world on fire and it would have been a mistake to go straight back there. But I think the League will be between Brizzle and Shrewsbury this year so he might get the opportunity in league 1 within a familiar set-up. Good luck to him. He only came to us to get back in the shop window and I think we all knew that really, and it would have been Coley's big selling point to him when he came here.
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Old 04-07-2011, 21:35   #21
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Re: Terry Gornell - Joined Shrewsbury

Davo may class me amongst the idiots, and good luck to him if he does. However, I consider myself something of a Craney supporter and have no objection to Jimmy Ryan or anyone else bettering themselves, if that turns out to be the case. However...... Let's see now, will Inverness have me? No! Oh dear! Will someone else, then? ..... Maybe, Oh yes, Shrewsbury will! Not the same ball game at all, I feel, and I repeat, Good Riddance!
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Old 04-07-2011, 22:44   #22
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Re: Terry Gornell - Joined Shrewsbury

Originally Posted by DAV007 View Post

A good signings by the Shrews, ignore most of the idiots on here, they always have ago at players when they leave
Ridiculous statement. Find me even one "idiot on here" who has had a go at Jimmy, Phil, Joe, Chris or Jon.
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Old 04-07-2011, 23:05   #23
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Re: Terry Gornell - Joined Shrewsbury

Originally Posted by Redraine View Post
Ridiculous statement. Find me even one "idiot on here" who has had a go at Jimmy, Phil, Joe, Chris or Jon.
hardly a surprise,
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 04-07-2011, 23:12   #24
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Re: Terry Gornell - Joined Shrewsbury

Davo,you are entitled to your own opinion,but to blame Coleys lack of rotation of players for Gornells dip in form makes me smile.
Do you for one second think Coley doesnt know his players inside out ?,watching them train etc..,He always picks what he thinks are the right players to get him three points.
Regarding Gornell,his strength was leading the line,which he did well,which created space for Craney etc,who had a decent season.
If you played him off someone he wouldnt be half as effective as Craney,I am sure Tranmere played him on the rightside of a front three and he didnt break any pots.
Someone mentioned lack of assists,which is a fair point.
As the season progressed,teams got wise to him and got tighter and more physical , no more so than the stevenage centre backs,who did a job on him,and never allowed him in the game.
Coleys selection policy cant be that bad,they finished 5th,and broke the clean sheet record !!!!
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Old 04-07-2011, 23:19   #25
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Re: Terry Gornell - Joined Shrewsbury

Disappointed more than anything with Terry leaving the club,Disappointed for all stanley fans,Disappointed and gutted most for jc who resurrected Terry from footballs scrapheap and turned him in to a good player another year under coley and he'd have been a great player,having said that good luck Terry and thanks for the one season as part of a fantastic team...
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Old 05-07-2011, 08:26   #26
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Re: Terry Gornell - Joined Shrewsbury

On this message board is a section that says 7 released, these guys had served there purpose for the club and in reality they where sacked. So why are we now having a go at Gornall who because we did not keep him tied to the club is free to move and wishes to do so. More money I expect, certainly a ground that looks the part, and bigger crowds. The list could go on. A footballers life is a short one,these players are not and never will be financially secure so we cant blame them.
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Old 05-07-2011, 08:34   #27
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Re: Terry Gornell - Joined Shrewsbury

whos having a go at terry gornell? just people giving honest opinions, which as usual some dont like.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 05-07-2011, 08:59   #28
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Re: Terry Gornell - Joined Shrewsbury

Originally Posted by Oldgobbin View Post
A bit like prostitution to me. Tout yourself around to whoever's interested, then sell your body to the highest bidder. I say good riddance - and don't wish him well. Compare his attitude to that of Danny Coid - I know who I'd rather have!
Cashy The above quote is not very nice to say the least.
" Lets interview Danny Coid." Hi Danny glad to have you here at Accrington.
"Danny", Yeh thanks but I can't wait for my contract to run out so I can join Shrewsbury.
I dont think so the guy as just joined us he is going to toe the line, lets hope he always gets paid on time, if not he may change his mind.
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Old 05-07-2011, 09:14   #29
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Re: Terry Gornell - Joined Shrewsbury

i always understood the word "We" as plural? n whilst oldgobbins quote aint palatable to some, its his opinion.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 05-07-2011, 09:21   #30
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Re: Terry Gornell - Joined Shrewsbury

To be fair,Danny Coid is a good experienced pro,who will do a job for Acci.
The only thing i found strange is signing a right back when you had a much younger player in Jon Bateson,who was let go.
Over the last 5 seasons,his appearences seem to suggest he may be injury prone,where as Jon was just a bit hot headed !!.
Does it mean Deano will once again be played out of position at left back ?,If so,Jons departure doesnt make sense.
I presume Mr Coelman has is reasons,and is once again formulating another master plan
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