The Coxy Memorial Charity Cup
Sunday 8th May
The Crown Ground
Stanley Legends V Stanley Ultras
On the 30th August 2010 The Stanley Family lost a great Brother,Mr Antony Cox,more fondly known as Coxy.
To celebrate Coxys love for the Mighty Reds John Coleman will field a team of ASFC Legends who will face Stanley Ultras FC.
All money raised from the event will be donated to a local charity choosen by the Cox family.
Please come along and support this event it will a event to remember with :
The Clayton End,Cow Sheds and Away Terraces will be open for flag/banner displays anyone is welcome to make a flag/banner to be displayed during the game,all flags and banners are to be handed in by 5PM to enable helpers to tie all flags/banners up before KO,lets have a display like never before

Halftime: A balloon release in memory of Coxy,Balloons and message tags will be sold in the clubhouse
Fulltime: The Stanley Ultras will unveil a plaque in memory of Coxy
8:30PM Charity Auction of The Legend Players Shirts by our very own Loweiy
Followed by a Buffet and Disco/Karakoe
A raffle will be held during the evening along with presentations
At just £1 (min donation) on gate this is an event not to missed
Anyone wishing to help with the planning,raffle prizes,buffet or on match day please PM me