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Old 21-11-2010, 14:33   #1
Junior Member

The FA Cup

Hi, my name is Callum. I have been doing a little bit of work with the media department at Stanley recently, however I am also a student journalist at the University of Central Lancashire. I am currently writing a piece on what the FA Cup means to lower league clubs ahead of the second round ties and I was just wondering if I could get some views from the fans.

What does it mean as a club?
What does it mean as a fan?
Do you believe in going as far as possible or is it just nice to get a Premier League team?
Do you believe in the magic of the cup?

I will appreciate any comments,

Thanks in advance.

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Accrington Web
Old 21-11-2010, 15:02   #2
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Re: The FA Cup

Originally Posted by Callum View Post
Hi, my name is Callum. I have been doing a little bit of work with the media department at Stanley recently, however I am also a student journalist at the University of Central Lancashire. I am currently writing a piece on what the FA Cup means to lower league clubs ahead of the second round ties and I was just wondering if I could get some views from the fans.

What does it mean as a club?

In Stanley's case a whole lot in terms of potential Cup Runs, extra revenue, chance for players & fans to pit their wits against bigger teams

What does it mean as a fan?

Same as above answer but the fantasy of the Cup meaning it is always possible for a cup upst of which we have had a few down the years.

Do you believe in going as far as possible or is it just nice to get a Premier League team?

A little bit of both realistically fourth round like last season and drawing a plum tie against Premiership opposition.

Do you believe in the magic of the cup?
Most definately at League One/League Two level it is something to aspire to but I think it is given a low priority by teams higher up the echolon due to the the Premier League or European Cups being higher proirity for them.

I will appreciate any comments,

Thanks in advance.

Hope that helps and good luck with your studies
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Old 22-11-2010, 11:30   #3
Junior Member

Re: The FA Cup

Thanks Google Page Ranking. Help is much appreciated.
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