Josh !..
From a musical Dinosaur who misses much of the point in most current chart music ( apart from that young lady Gaga I think she's called, whose talents shine through her music, and I listen to Valerian now and again !) I appreciate the difficulties you must face when it comes to ..
1. Finding appropriate music to play in the first place, which won't cost a penny.
2. Then deciding which to play from the songs/tunes available.
3. Finally, pleasing those who are going to, or listening to that which you play.
Gosh !.. what a thankless job a Stadium Announcer has !.
Whichever ground I visit I know that whatever music I hear being blasted out at varying decibel levels is not going to match my own musical tastes and so I endure it. So neither can I expect to find some musical joy emanating from the Tannoys at The Crown and I just switch off. ( fortunately the volume control on my hearing aids do assist me in this !)
With all this in mind, which must have made you consider some changes to your music and its volume levels, your contribution to the Stanley experience is I'm sure appreciated...
