Hello everyone!
The prediction league is back and is better than ever this year! It is now officially the Accrington Stanley FC Prediction League

There will be a link from the official site to the prediction league on here and there will be regular predicting newsy type updates (perhaps once or twice a week) by myself on the Official Site to let everyone know how people are getting on as well as the usual information on here
The table and the competition will still be run on Accyweb so dont panic!
As the club have yet again this season kindly donated the prizes for the competition, it is only right they should get their name on the competition so to speak. The winner will receive a £20 Stanley Store Voucher and the runner-up will receive a £10 Stanley Store Voucher.
So here we go again people!
For anyone new or for anyone who wants to have a refresher on the rules, heres how the competition works :
All you need to do is predict the score of the nextleague game in the relevant thread that I will post up before each game (usually a week before but can be less than that if I am busy) and all I ask from you when you post your prediction is that it must be before kick-off and it must be a clear prediction -
just putting 2-1 for example will mean your prediction will become void. I need you to post who you want to win 2-1 or loose 2-1 whichever the case may be (obviously doesnt matter if you want to predict a draw

Points Awarding :
5 for a correct spot on prediction for the right final score and to the right team.
3 for predicting the right final outcome but not the right score - for example, Stanley win 1-0 and you predicted 2-1 to Stanley.
1 bonus point if all you manage to predict correctly come the final whistle is the amount of goals scored. For example - you predict 5-1 to Stanley and the opposition win 1-0 - you get a point for predicting that 1 opposition goal.
Hope thats clear and no you dont get 10 points for a correct prediction because you got 5 for getting it completely right, 3 for the right outcome and 2 bonus points for predicting the amount of goals correctly for both sides
Formalities over with so lets get crackin with the nitty gritty.
Our fourth consecutive league football campaign sees the frivolites of the 2009/10 season kick off with Stanley heading straight over those Pennines and deep into White Rose country to take on Rotherham United at the Don Valley Stadium this coming Saturday. The Millers made a sterling effort last season after starting on -17 to stay up, ending up finishing 2 places above us on +58 points. The past fixtures between us have seen 2 home defeats for Stanley and a win and a draw for Stanley at the Don Valley. How do you think things will go this time around??
Deadline for all predictions is this Saturday 8th August, 15:00BST.
So - get predicting and all the very best of luck to everyone this season (except Bagpuss

) and of course to Stanley
Jimbo T
