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28-07-2010, 19:18
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Re: the season ahead
hello Jeff. You ask a very good question.
I will send a message to the auditors, but as far as I am aware the 2008-2009 accounts have been adopted and signed by the board. There are a number of open issues which I believe will be considered and then finalised when the 2009-2010 accounts are completed but that in itself does not prevent the 2008/09 accounts being sent across to the Football League. I will come back to this board with confirmation once I have found out. I am sorry I cant be more specific, and in fact I am also unsure if the embargo is due solely to the accounts not yet being filed, or if there is something else outstanding. Again I promise to find out.
28-07-2010, 20:35
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Re: the season ahead
As always THANK YOU
( I am Accringtonian)
28-07-2010, 21:51
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Re: the season ahead
thanks for the update.
You point out JC nd JB need our support more than ever, and while we may not like the way Dave and Rob operate, their lies and failings, they are not the custodians of the club - it is the fans.
After reading your comments last night I have thought long and hard about my standpoint about not going to games, and while it will pain me to hand my entrance money over to a regime who are acting out of self interest, i will not follow through my plan to boycott home games but turn up and get behind he team.
Once again thank you for your generosity, you will always be known as the man who saved Accrington.
28-07-2010, 21:54
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Re: the season ahead
One queston Iylas
can you provide a copy of the 09/10 accounts or the 08/09 acounts?
Also, when do you expect O'neill and Whalley to agree on what figure Eric's unwritten loans totalled?
Is this the only outstanding issue preventing the club from submitting the accounts? What other issues are there?
28-07-2010, 21:57
Coffin Dodger.
Re: the season ahead
Good on yer Davo, only reason i go is fer J.C. n the team.  those 2 no longer exist to me.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
28-07-2010, 21:59
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Re: the season ahead
Originally Posted by DAV007
thanks for the update.
You point out JC nd JB need our support more than ever, and while we may not like the way Dave and Rob operate, their lies and failings, they are not the custodians of the club - it is the fans.
After reading your comments last night I have thought long and hard about my standpoint about not going to games, and while it will pain me to hand my entrance money over to a regime who are acting out of self interest, i will not follow through my plan to boycott home games but turn up and get behind he team.
Once again thank you for your generosity, you will always be known as the man who saved Accrington.
Good lad!
28-07-2010, 22:06
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Re: the season ahead
Originally Posted by DAV007
One queston Iylas
can you provide a copy of the 09/10 accounts or the 08/09 acounts?
Also, when do you expect O'neill and Whalley to agree on what figure Eric's unwritten loans totalled?
Is this the only outstanding issue preventing the club from submitting the accounts? What other issues are there?
so which one of the four is your one question Davo? 
28-07-2010, 22:08
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Re: the season ahead
Maybe it would be a good idea for the club to put the 08/09 accounts on the 'fishy site. I suspect we've a while to go yet before we see 09/10.
28-07-2010, 22:16
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Re: the season ahead
Accounts once lodged at Companies house can be accessed by going onto the Companies House website-Available to anyone who wants to view there, hope this helps.
28-07-2010, 22:27
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Re: the season ahead
Originally Posted by big al
Accounts once lodged at Companies house can be accessed by going onto the Companies House website-Available to anyone who wants to view there, hope this helps.
Very true...but at a cost, albeit only a few quid. I would have thought that in the interests of good corporate governance, transparency and simple Google Page Ranking on the part of the club they would make this information - which is in the public domain - readily and easily available. Whether O'Neil has the simple common sense to do that or not is another matter.
29-07-2010, 06:14
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Re: the season ahead
Tealeaf, Dave and others,
Firstly i have been told that the accounts have now been formally submitted. I have not checked on line with company's house (I am currently in Bali, and back on Aug 20th), but i will get someone to do so in the coming days.
Secondly, the accounts are a matter of public record. there is absolutely no reason for them not to be accessed and scrutinised. However, you must remember they are 18months or so out of date, and its only when the 2009-10 accounts are filed that an accurate and more upto date picture will emerge.
with respect to the other questions that Dave has asked - as of right now I am not able to tell you (because i actually do not know what the truth is) if David O Neil and Eric Whalley have agreed on what amount is owed by whom and to whom. I think this is a question best addressed to them. On the question of the amounts owed to Mr Whalley, i can confirm that there is no agreement as yet, but I can confirm that some amount will be owed. I am of the view that the finalisation of the scrutiny that Pierce (our accountants) will have undertaken will allow all parties to agree on a figure. that is not the case right now.
Finally, you ask about other issues. Again, the 2008/09 accounts are, frankly, in my view, not relevant. the 2009/2010 accounts will be the place to be able to answer the question about open issues. As of the finalisation of the 2008-09 accounts there were a number of questions that the accounts have raised, and which have to be addressed in the coming few weeks or months. I do not, however, believe that any of these issues will affect the current situation since they are dated. One thing you can be sure of though is that the capitalisation of the club will change very dramatically due to the debts that Mr Whalley piled into the club during his tenure. those debts had to be repaid, and the consequences (including the unpaid tax) meant that the club had to raise fresh capital. that all happened in 2009-10 which is why I would suggest that you should not take too much time on the 2008-09 accounts. I have certainly not taken much time and i view the exercise as the platform from which pierce can construct a true and accurate picture as of march 2010.
In many respects the delay in the 2008/09 accounts was a positive thing, and whilst it might have affected the embargo, it also provides us all with an ability to ask the right questions. You will agree, i hope, that getting the question right is as important as anything else.
Finally for now I do not know if the delay in the accounts is the only reason for the current embargo, but I will ask David O Neil and Rob. again, there is absolutely no reason for any obfuscation on this point - it is after all a matter of public record.
As always, i will be happy to answer any questions that i am able to address with 100% certainty. I wont mislead or use avoiding tactics, however please note i am out in Bali and the access i have had in the past few days is really not the norm !
29-07-2010, 06:16
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Re: the season ahead
oh yes, i forgot. someone asked about getting accounts on line. I dont know that the current management team will put the accounts on the official website, but when i am back, i will promise to make accounts available to anyone who wishes to see them. As i say, they are a matter of public record. Also, at that time, if anyone has any questions that arise from the accounts, I would be delighted to give you my take (if i can !)
29-07-2010, 09:59
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Re: the season ahead
You know who we are.
29-07-2010, 10:21
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Re: the season ahead
Originally Posted by AsFc62
Here Here couldnt agree more !!!   
29-07-2010, 10:27
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Re: the season ahead
Companies house charge 6.95 for an individual directors report & 7.50 for accounts report plus VAT. As Illyas says above the acounts just submitted will not provide much in the way of answers, probably more questions at this stage. The club can also make accounts available for viewing too as they are of public interest. Having run a business for many years there can sometimes be intersting reading in accounts but you do need a degree of judgment in reading between the lines. What really matters now is that the club progresses on the field which will bring its own rewards, what happens beneath the surface we will have to wait & see.
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