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Old 06-10-2009, 00:50   #1
God Member
maccawozzagod's Avatar

to clarify the winding up ...

exact date might be slightly wrong - its late now and I had a drink!

june 5th - winding up order petitioned, judge adjourned until september to give us time to get our s h i t in order

september 2nd - HMRC pushed for winding up but we were given an 11th hour stay of execution for eight weeks. At this point Stanley had not produced any payment from the june adjournment "didn't know we had to"
and the only thing they could produce was documentation from ASSF to the value of "we will provide the funds on production of recapitilisation - or share issue" The judge then granted a further eight weeks for us to further get our s h i t together.

October 26th - we have already gone beyond the Hyde United example. Hyde were wound up at the equivalent of our September meeting because they had no ASSF assurances to offer the judge. At this point they were allowed a 7 day right of appeal. We wont be. Our seven day right of appeal was an eight week period with which to conclude a share issue that would raise the necessary finance. We owe £308k. We need to produce £308k. Nothing less will suffice. Half the money will see us wound up and closed. 99% of the money will see us wound up and closed. There will be no option of administration and 10 point deduction. The Rochdale away game will be our last.

If anybody knows any different please post. This is not my understanding of it but the understanding of somebody who knows far more about company law than I do. Haggis, could you shed any light on this?
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Old 06-10-2009, 13:58   #2
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yonmon's Avatar

Re: to clarify the winding up ...

More than True Macca!!...and only goes to confirm even more forcefully everyone's worst fears and nightmares !.....Also I think it is fair to say that even Mr o'Neil's debating skills(?) will, I am afraid be not be eloquent enough to convince the representatives of HMRC that a gesture of leniency is due to the Club....not with the Management's recent history of alleged prevarication anyway!!...

I'm half afraid to say it again but .'WHERE TO NOW ???'
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