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Old 09-04-2008, 22:45   #1
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today while i was dossing at work i heard a familiar tune outside,i took a look and there was some youngsters singing theres only one accy stanley.see things are moving maybe slowly but they are moving not so long ago you wouldnt have seen or heard that ...things are moving in the right direction...
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Old 10-04-2008, 00:35   #2
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maccawozzagod's Avatar

Re: today

When I was a lad (not that long ago) I was the only Stanley supporter in my school, now it fills me with pride when I see kids playing footy in PE, kicking about in the park or just walking around ASDA with their Stanley shirts on. That is the best advert for Stanley and we need more of it
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Old 10-04-2008, 06:24   #3
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Re: today

we're doing our bit over here,my lads play out in their stanley shirts,
ACCRINGTON STANLEY FC We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
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Old 10-04-2008, 07:30   #4
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Re: today

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
When I was a lad (not that long ago) I was the only Stanley supporter in my school, now it fills me with pride when I see kids playing footy in PE, kicking about in the park or just walking around ASDA with their Stanley shirts on. That is the best advert for Stanley and we need more of it
I have never seen Juvenal quoted on the Forum before Macca, but here's one of his gems!...'maxima debetur puero reverentia'....which, in it's broadest translation says 'the greatest respect should be paid to the child'.

Your posting puts this in a nutshell, for it's only from the young people of the District that the next generation of Stanley supporters can evolve !.

Perhaps, where discussions relating to future Supporter's Club initiatives are concerned (as discussed in a thread elsewhere!) the place of the young supporters might take some importance, so that all kids playing footy in
the area will be wearing a Stanley Shirt... know why they're wearing it!!...
and have pride in it's shield !...perhaps too they'll become better citizens with pride and respect for the Community as a whole? can hope!

RESPECT to the child......RESPECT to the STANLEY !!!

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Old 10-04-2008, 07:47   #5
Full Member

Re: today

yes mab i see your lads a lot in shirts , mine too also . any way mab how the hell do u get that scarf to stay on you cay window . mine wouldnt stick , blooy naff
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Old 10-04-2008, 08:58   #6
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Re: today

Originally Posted by depechemode View Post
yes mab i see your lads a lot in shirts , mine too also . any way mab how the hell do u get that scarf to stay on you cay window . mine wouldnt stick , blooy naff
..And I thought it was just mine that dosen't stay stuck,,,keep meaniing to glue the suckers to the window...

Also , this year, my junior team has been renamed HAVELOCK NTH STANLEY. Tonight at training it was explained to them why and a copy of a letter from Rob Hayes was given to each player.Their eyes lit up cause they 'think' that Accrington Stanley F C are really interested in there progress.Though they haven't heard of Accy (one kid has though!!) they already seem interested.Hopefully I won't 'overkill' the club to them,but they are REALLY exited at the apparent interest in them from Accrington...Hope they can use that confidence for their opening competition game on Saturday.
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Old 10-04-2008, 09:41   #7
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Re: today

Originally Posted by Kiwi John View Post
..And I thought it was just mine that dosen't stay stuck,,,keep meaniing to glue the suckers to the window...

Also , this year, my junior team has been renamed HAVELOCK NTH STANLEY. Tonight at training it was explained to them why and a copy of a letter from Rob Hayes was given to each player.Their eyes lit up cause they 'think' that Accrington Stanley F C are really interested in there progress.Though they haven't heard of Accy (one kid has though!!) they already seem interested.Hopefully I won't 'overkill' the club to them,but they are REALLY exited at the apparent interest in them from Accrington...Hope they can use that confidence for their opening competition game on Saturday.
Just FAN-tastic news John!!....Hope that their confidence leads them to success!!...give them all my best wishes !!

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Old 10-04-2008, 22:06   #8
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Re: today

Originally Posted by depechemode View Post
yes mab i see your lads a lot in shirts , mine too also . any way mab how the hell do u get that scarf to stay on you cay window . mine wouldnt stick , blooy naff
Mmmmm with great difficulty pal, it needs jurning round the reds starting to fade
ACCRINGTON STANLEY FC We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
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Old 11-04-2008, 22:22   #9
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Re: today

Originally Posted by Kiwi John View Post
..And I thought it was just mine that dosen't stay stuck,,,keep meaniing to glue the suckers to the window...

Also , this year, my junior team has been renamed HAVELOCK NTH STANLEY. Tonight at training it was explained to them why and a copy of a letter from Rob Hayes was given to each player.Their eyes lit up cause they 'think' that Accrington Stanley F C are really interested in there progress.Though they haven't heard of Accy (one kid has though!!) they already seem interested.Hopefully I won't 'overkill' the club to them,but they are REALLY exited at the apparent interest in them from Accrington...Hope they can use that confidence for their opening competition game on Saturday.
Hi, KJ,
Tell 'em that it's not only the club that's interested, but most of us on this forum!
Please post their results, any team with 'Stanley' in their name should be welcome here!
Any budding defenders, Eric will probably pay their passage over here, we need them!!!
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